
作者&投稿:初知 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Having received your e-mail and scanned all your photos,I've already a clearer picture of what a colourful life you're leading! But in the meantime,actually,I'm nearly going to lose myself in memories of you all! So,let's keep in touch in this way later on.
Remember us and pay a visit! All of us are looking forwards to your coming!
Take care!

Dear Professor XXX,

My name is XH. I am a student of (try to add the title of the teacher, if is a professor, so put down professor A) A in Beijing XXXXX University. I hope A has chance to mention about me. I would like to apply my master’s degree in the university you are currently teaching after my undergraduate study. Hence, I have few questions regarding the requirement for the admission:
1. What are the questions admission will ask for graduate students who specializing in piano in MXS University?
2. How many piano pieces are required? What are the requirements for the pieces?
3. What is the requirement for listening? Would you please send me the outline for the listening test if it is possible?
4. If I want to apply for the scholarship, what is the requirement?
5. Lastly, what about the requirement for English? Since English is my second language and I wonder would be a disadvantaged for me?
Please let me know if you have any questions and I can be reach by my email (put down your email or your cell # if you want). I appreciate your time in reading my questions.

(your name)

写这些的时候不要把自己的缺点全部给暴露出来, 他有可能是那个看你申请表的那个人。 所以我不说你英文不好, 而说英文是你的第二语言。 ()是叫你填上我要你填的资料, 第1个是要你补上老师的头衔, 比如 教授 professor, 老师 teacher. 通常大学的话你都称教授比较正式相对于老师。 第2 个要你填上你的email, 让他可以联络你。

Iam so glad to receive your E-mail ,my life is peace but excellent.

Please forgive me for my late answer your mail,you know,I am very busy these days crazing on business travels so as to miss the net.As you know,the work Tea-art is always done in the hotel.so our holiday has to be connected with the closed-time of the hotel.It's the reason of my job in which you don't have normal leisure time as others,so when you are free but I also have to work maybe.But if you could make your time to see me,I will be very happy.The nearest subway station is "Window of the world"

Why you want to Thailand?Is it great to enjoy?I havn't left China since I was a child.Maybe,I would go abord to have a look someday.The Chinese people are very warm and friendly.It will be so good if you can stay here for ever.

I wish you can pass the proble on your credit-card soon.

Wish you a happy time everyday!

I am glad to receive your mail. I am fine and having peaceful days.
Sorry for not replying you until now because I was in a business trip and being busy in working.
As you know, the tea ceremonies are conducted in hotels, so our holidays are of the same time as hotels, that is we are working when most people are on holiday. Thus, I might not be on holiday when you are. But if you come to see me I will be very happy. The closest subway to my place is named "Window of the World".
Why do you choose to visit Thailand? Is it a place of fun? I have never been abroad. But I would like to see the world if I have a chance.
Chinese are cordial and friendly. It would be great if you stay here for long.
Hope problems about you credit cards could be solved soon.
Wish you happy every day!

I'm very happy to your e-mail.

Thank you.

Wish you a happy time everyday!

Can you get the letter translated into English?


大木です こんにちは!おまえのメールはとてもうれしくて、期待(きたい)してメールを迎え、は私の生活の中で一番美しいことで、あなたは私が日本で唯一の亲しい友达で、私の唯一の信頼を友达で、だったので、あなたが私のすべてを知りたいと思っています こんにちは、私はいつか...

帮忙把这封信翻译成日文吧 谢谢~
开学したので、ちょっと忙しくなり、返事を遅くなって申し訳ございませんでした。那个秋刀鱼好诱人呢,有机会一定要去尝一下~その秋刀鱼(さんま)は本当に美味しみたいね、チャンスがあったら、ぜひ食べたいです。秋天是大闸蟹上市的季节,阳澄湖的大闸蟹最出名了。据说这个礼拜是吃大闸 ...

my beloved do not be afraid do not speak stay as you are i'm here at your side do you feel me?when i touch you for the first time you will feel the warmth but you will not know where perhaps it will be on your eyes who could ever erase this moment?there is no end...

从上次开始。这件事情发生之前,我当时在护士学校念二年级。我希望了解你的更多。你喜欢的和不喜欢的。你的爱好。你现在做的事情。我的下封信中会告诉你更多关于我自己的。和往常一样,我加入了一些我的照片所以你可以看到我。就写到这。爱你的,Penda 参考资料:一句一句手打的,多给点分吧~...

这封信不能详尽地表达我的意思,(只能)简略地说说一些固塞而鄙陋的想法。谨再次致意。 二、原文 太史公牛马走司马迁再拜言。 少卿足下:曩者辱赐书,教以慎于接物,推贤进士为务。意气勤勤恳恳,若望仆不相师,而用流俗人之言。仆非敢如是也。请略陈固陋。阙然久不报,幸勿为过。 仆之先人,非有剖符丹书之功...

你能把这封信译成英文 英文翻译
Could you please translate this letter into English?

拜托各位亲把这封信翻译成韩文~~~!!!跪谢 有一个傻瓜,为了吃到各种各样的美食,小时侯的梦想是要做超市社长;有一个傻瓜,为了保持时刻的美丽,而改不掉时刻照镜子的习惯;有一个傻瓜,为了自己心爱的八个姐姐们,硬生生成了... 有一个傻瓜,为了吃到各种各样的美食,小时侯的梦想是要做超市社长; 有一个傻瓜,...

西林县13627429635: 英语翻译麻烦各位高手帮忙将这封信翻译成英文,我是在中国学习的学生,我从网上得知你想在中国结交一个中国朋友,以便学习中国文化、语言,我很高兴... -
尧应启文:[答案] Dear xxx,This is xxx, who is a Chinese student.I've learned from the Internet that you'd like to make a Chinese friend from whom you can get to know some Chinese culture as well as Chinese. I am a goo...

西林县13627429635: 【急求】帮忙把我的这封信翻译成英文,不要用翻译器不要用翻译器需要翻译的内容如下:现在我只是一个初一学生,还在努力学习英语,我也希望能通过... -
尧应启文:[答案] Now I am just a student, still trying to learn English, I also hope that through communication with you, let our English ability is stronger.

西林县13627429635: 请帮我把这封信翻译成英文~谢谢 -
尧应启文: Hello Mr. President,I'm a middle school student from China, it really takes my whole courage to write this letter to you, and it's a great honor to me if you could read it in the midst of pressing affairs, thank you.I've been attracted to you since you ...

西林县13627429635: 急!帮忙翻译一封信件翻译成英文的.不是很难就几句话.谢啦.内容如下: -
尧应启文: 考虑以下内容:“Dear XXX,I have duly invigilated the examination of XXX (a person) on X(date: ?st, ?nd, ?rd, ?th) of December, the duration was (the exam took) 180 minutes. The exam paper was sent by EMS to you on the X (day) of (month), ...

西林县13627429635: 帮忙把这封信翻译成英语
尧应启文: I am very contradictory, I do not know how to do that, perhaps, that I should not quarrel with you, but what is with regret, I am sorry, can you forgive me? I really do not want to break up, you know, this to me is how cruel blow it? Perhaps you do not ...

西林县13627429635: 帮忙把这封信翻译成英语 -
尧应启文: i'm very contradict, i don't know what to do, maybe i shouldn't have quarrelled with you that day, but regretting can't do anything. I'm sorry, i beg for you forgiving, i really don't want to break up with you! Do you know how cruel this means to me ? ...

西林县13627429635: 请英语高手帮我把这封求职信翻译成英文,谢谢啊!尊敬的招聘方领导: 您好! 首先衷心感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间来阅读我的自荐信!为一个满腔热情的... -
尧应启文:[答案] Respect to the recruitment of leadership: Hello! Thank you for your first in his busy schedule of taking the time to read my Zi Jianxin! Enthusiastically for a Chengqi I hope the fan! I Changzhou E...

西林县13627429635: 帮忙把一封信函翻译成英语
尧应启文: I am the company * * * * *.Over the years the company has been committed to the packaging of export products, products are exported to Europe and the United States and other countries and regions, the annual output value of 120000000.For the ...

西林县13627429635: 请高手帮忙把这份中文信译为英文.很急.谢谢.
尧应启文: Dear grandma: How are you recently?Everything in the home is good? I thank God, let me have your help, I could finish my studies.I especially thank you.I have received you to give my 500 euro.I will study hard, will not live up to your expectations of me...

西林县13627429635: 求高手帮助翻译一封中文信成英文,可加分 谢谢
尧应启文: From thousands miles away , in such a huge crowd of people ,I met you and married you,I feel lucky.Soon we wil live together and maybe I and Lin will make some mistakes because of our differet living habits as well as cuture background and ...

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