
作者&投稿:计惠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Reading Outside Class
As we all know, reading has a lot of benefit. It can open up our eyes because books are
full of knowledge, and it makes us wiser and richer in life. I like reading newspapers and
magazines, from which I get lots of fun and learn about what's going on around the world. I also read story books and novels in my spare time which make me relaxed and happy. I seldom read e-books because they're bad for eyes. On weekends, I usually spend a whole afternoon reading in the library. And I also read for about half an hour before going to bed every night.
Summer vacation is coming. I plan to do more reading. I am going to read more classics and more English.
Books to improve my language skills. I’m sure reading can make a difference to my life.

Because were going to have a lot of learning English in the way, so I do not understand in English.
Because learning English when there will be many obstacles, so I do not understand English learning.

History, which brigdges the gap between time, makes reader communicate directly with they ancestors. Thus, reading history will make people intelligent

这单词的中文翻译我知道,基本的英语四六级词汇我没有忘记,就让我来告诉大家吧~~ 简单的说,last 可以翻译为:最后的、最近的、上一次的。 简单的看一个意思可能无法理解透彻,下面我详细介绍一下它的含义和用法~~ 一、last 的具体含义 读音:英\/lɑːst\/ 美\/læst\/ 释义:主要作副词、限定词、动词,名词。

口译和笔译都是需要有一定的英语基础才能考的。口译就是真人当面口头翻译,当场翻译就像平时我们看到的翻译一样 笔译就是指翻译书面资料等,把英文书面的资料翻译成中文的书面资料一、口译概述 口译并非是对单词进行口头翻译,它是用目标语为别人准确地揭示和说明讲话的意思。口译就是交流,即对原话进行分析,并把它译成...

Play with the smarthphone 遇到需要英语在线翻译中文的问题,我推荐你使用翻译软件来帮自己解决问题,比如我一直在使用的 语音翻译器,翻译速度快,翻译准确率高,支持十几种语言间的自由翻译,而且支持语音互译功能。操作步骤:1:在我们的手机上打开 语音翻译器 ,打开后,在语音翻译和文本翻译中...

英语翻译器使用说明 方便快捷的在线中文转英语工具,只需输入你要翻译的内容,并且选择翻译方向(中-英 | 英-中)就可以马上看到翻译结果了,免费久使用最好的翻译引擎致力于为您提供最准确的英语翻译结果,但机器翻译相比人工翻译英语,翻译质量可能会有些差距。但我们完全免费,并且一直在进步中,希望...

英语done is better than perfect怎么翻译?
以上这一句英语之中,我觉得有几个英语词汇比较重要,在此单独放出来做详细解释,方便大家理解: done 英[dʌn] 美[dʌn] adj. 实现的;实行的;结束的;完成的; 双语例句 We all feel like that when we've done something deceitful (欺骗的). 当我们做了欺骗的事情时,我们都会有这种感觉。 The child si...

在学习和工作中,有些人在翻译英语的时候可能会出错,下面我来分享一些英语翻译技巧,一起来看看吧。一、 了解上下文:在进行翻译之前,要先仔细阅读原文,理解其中的上下文和背景信息。只有了解上下文,才能准确地传达原文的含义。如果遇到不确定的地方,可以进行相关领域的背景调研,确保翻译准确无误。

中文翻译英语的技巧:1、省译法 这是与增译法相对应的一种翻译方法,即删去不符合目标语思维习惯、语言习惯和表达方式的词,以避免译文累赘。增译法的例句反之即可。2、转换法 指翻译过程中为了使译文符合目标语的表述方式、方法和习惯而对原句中的词类、句型和 语态等进行转换。具体的说,就是在词性...

1有空 be free 2今天下午 this afternoon 3他没有时间 He has no time.\/He is busy 4让我门去动物园吧 Let's go to the zoo 5这个注意真棒 This idea is great 6你最喜欢的动物是什么 What kind of animal do you like beat?或者what's your favorite animal?7几点了 3点整 What's...

13世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的talent;最初源自中世纪拉丁语的talenta(talentum)的复数,意为喜欢,偏向,欲望。作名词可表示人的“能力,才能”之意,talent着重指人某方面具有可发展和培养的突出天赋才能,但语意比genius弱。The mother found that her son had a musical talent.母亲发现儿子有...

这个我知道,基本的英语四六级词汇都还在脑子里,让我来告诉大家吧~ island 中文意思是:岛 不过呢,我们还是需要进一步了解这个单词的含义和用法的,请继续往下看吧~~ 先来看看单词的具体含义 1、island 的含义。 (1)读音是:英 [ˈaɪlənd] 美 [ˈaɪlənd] (注意,s不发音哦) (2)作名词、形...

广元市19765611721: 翻译英语"因为读历史的时候会让人感觉是在穿越时空,与古人对话.多读历史会使人明智" -
延凤东岳:[答案] History,which brigdges the gap between time,makes reader communicate directly with they ancestors.Thus,reading history will make people intelligent

广元市19765611721: 翻译英语"因为读历史的时候会让人感觉是在穿越时空,与古人对话.多读历史会使人明智" -
延凤东岳: History, which brigdges the gap between time, makes reader communicate directly with they ancestors. Thus, reading history will make people intelligent

广元市19765611721: 英语翻译我对历史很感兴趣,但我对欧洲和其它国家的历史不太熟悉,如果将来我有时间的话会多了解的,因为读历史的时候会让人感觉是在穿越时空,与古... -
延凤东岳:[答案] I'm interested in history,but I'm not so familiar with the history of Europe or other coutries.If I have the time later,I will try to have a better knowledge of them because reading history makes you feel you're going through space and time in your conversation ...

广元市19765611721: 翻译英语"我对历史很感兴趣,但我对欧洲和其它国家的历史不太熟悉" -
延凤东岳: I'm interested in history, but I'm not so familiar with the history of Europe or other coutries. If I have the time later, I will try to have a better knowledge of them because reading history makes you feel you're going through space and time in your ...

广元市19765611721: 请帮我翻译成英文,急我来自于鼎城区第九中学,我最喜欢的科目是历史,因为历史可以开拓我的视野,读历史可以明智,所以我喜欢它,我最讨厌的科目... -
延凤东岳:[答案] I come from the 9th middle school, in Dingcheng district. Because of history can open my view , and if you know history very much you will be wisely. History is my favourite. I hate Mathematics! Its so tough to me! I have my best friends and the environment...

广元市19765611721: 通过阅读我们可以了解历史. 英语怎么翻译? -
延凤东岳: 1.Through read us and can get to know the history 2.By reading we can learn about history 通过阅读我们可以了解历史.

广元市19765611721: 帮我翻译下,汉译英.我会选择历史这一学科.因为我从小就酷爱历史,我喜欢阅读许多历史史事,了解许多历史方面的知识.我们中国是著名的文明古国,有... -
延凤东岳:[答案] I would choose the history of the discipline.Because I grew up on the lover of history,I like to read the history of many historical things to see many historical aspects of knowledge.We Chinese are w...

广元市19765611721: 英语翻译我喜欢读不同的书,比如报纸,杂志,关于历史方面的书籍,我读书时喜欢思考,在读书时会做一些笔记,读书可以带给我们许多丰富的知识,也可... -
延凤东岳:[答案] 我喜欢读不同的书,比如报纸,杂志,关于历史方面的书籍,我读书时喜欢思考,在读书时会做一些笔记,读书可以带给我们许多丰富的知识,也可以丰富我们的生活使我们快乐起来,我很喜欢读书:I like to read different book,such as newspapers,...

广元市19765611721: 英语翻译2.I looked for the history book because I wanted to find out when America was founded,and at last I found the dusty book in a dim room.我当时在找一... -
延凤东岳:[答案] look for 用的是过去时,并且“look for”是“寻找”的意思,表示寻找的过程,而不是“找到”的意思,所以中文里表示过去的时态就可以用“当时”来翻译呀.当然也可以翻译成“我之前在找一本历史书”.

广元市19765611721: 英语翻译 : 我喜欢读关于中国历史的书. -
延凤东岳: I like reading the books about Chinese history.

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