
作者&投稿:乘凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in love!4.Confucius said:istening to Evil Evil Evil Evil words how moving.5.Communicate with the people isn't compromise,it's look for our can together,look for the balance.6.In here,we can drive the jalor for ourself,we can look sea,fill away is romantic and ardour....

然而,在许多情况下,需要对英语原文句子的顺序作必要的调整,使译文符合汉语习惯。插入结构的成分可以是副词、形容词短语、介词短语、不定式短语、分词短语或者主谓结构,现在分别论述这些插入结构的翻译。 一、副词插入语 英语中,副词用作插入语的位置通常可以在句首、句中或者句尾。翻译的时候,可以把这个插入结构放在其...

初二的完成句子 我会给分 谢谢!!
1.你可以乘船或者坐火车去那里。You can go there by train or by sea .2.在我看来,打扫我的房间是很简单的事。In my opinion,tiding up my room is very easy.3.我父亲总是忙于他的生意。My father is always busy with his business .4.我们甚至不知道该如何照顾自己。We even don't ...

1、昨天晚上我听见那个男孩哭了。1, yesterday evening I heard the boy crying.2、到目前为止我们已经学了五个模块了。2, so far we have learned five modules.3、我已经把所有的好消息告诉你了。3 and I have put all the good news to tell you.4、我们刚刚到家。4, we just got home....

( herself, itself ) 例1 I am teaching myself computer. We are teaching ourself computer.例2 The child himself draws this picture. The children themselves draw these pictures.4 物主代词由单数变复数: 1 名词性物主代词:mine ours ,yours yours , his\/hers\/its theirs 2 形容词性物...

and thoughts in spare time,although we may be argue because of some misunderstanging,there is no doubt that we are supposed to let ourself calm down,with sloving the problem face to face.once he had said,"i will try my best to protect our friengship from being hurt,...

1.去掉with 我能独立完成这项工作 2.have改为had 我昨晚不得不打一辆出租车 3.去掉to 你不需要把它写下来 4.去掉to 她旁边是谁 5.years改为year 她那时是一个十六岁女孩 6.去掉the 他是她的第二任丈夫?7.a改为an 这辆蓝色汽车以每小时其实里的速度行驶 8.这个我无力了 非要改的话 ...

公司拥有自营进出口权 怎样翻译比较好
“自营进出口权”是中国特色的东西,有很多种翻译法,我觉得下面这个是最好的(但我也不确定这个就是对的):Qualification of independent international trading 用rights或者authority 去套那个"权"都是不合适的;用qualification最达意。所以全句子应该是:Our company has the qualification of independent...

We’d better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past. -Karl Marx \/后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。Sometimes, I just need someone to talk to. \/有时候,我只是需要一个可以说话的人。Tears are words the heart can't say. \/眼泪是心里无法诉说的言辞。Do what you love and ...

ourself 与ourselves有什么区别?
一、使用年代不同 1、ourself 2000年之前的初中英语教材里使用。2、ourselves 2000年改版后教材里使用。二、用法不同 1、ourself 可用作直接宾语、间接宾语或介词宾语,偶尔也可用作表语,含意是“我们自己的正常和健康状态”,有时还可用在独立结构中。2、ourselves 可用来强调we,作“我们自己”解。

有红18714609953问: 用yourself造句 -
武都区聚明回答: you can solve the problem by yourself.

有红18714609953问: discover yourself的好句子 -
武都区聚明回答: In order to find a career path that you will find both challenging and satisfying, you must first learn about yourself.

有红18714609953问: yourself单词是什么意思 -
武都区聚明回答: yourself的意思是你自己; (用以加强语气)亲自; 例句:1. De-stress yourself with a relaxing bath. 舒舒服服洗个澡放松一下.2. The materials you need are available from any good do-it-yourself store. 所需材料可以从任何好的自己动手商店买到.3. You'll need time to familiarize yourself with our procedures. 你需要时间熟悉我们的程序.

有红18714609953问: 谁来帮我造几个英语句子啊句子是这样的:------yourself--------------himself---------------herself-------- - ------thmeselves------------itself----------------yesterday-------------... -
武都区聚明回答:[答案] Help yourself to whatever you like.你想吃什么就吃什么.He does not like it himself.他自己都不喜欢它.She does not believe it herself.她本人都不相信这事.The work itself is easy.这工作本身很容易.He left f...

有红18714609953问: yourself怎么造句 -
武都区聚明回答: paui,look after yourself when your paraents aren't at home

有红18714609953问: yourself是什么意思 -
武都区聚明回答: yourself[英][jɔ:ˈself][美][jərˈself] pron.你自己; (用以加强语气)亲自; 你的正常或健康的情况; 复数:yourselves 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. You did not think and act for yourself. 你并不按照自己的本意去思想和行动.

有红18714609953问: wash,yourself可以组成什么句子? -
武都区聚明回答: 比如: Wash your clothes by yourself . 这句话是种命令的语气,意思是你自己洗衣服.

有红18714609953问: 上面有个图是香蕉下面有两个单词分别是yourself,to这些英文句子怎么写? -
武都区聚明回答: Help yourself to the bananas. 自己拿香蕉吃吧.

有红18714609953问: yourself的主格形式 如题 再追问几个问题, 完成句子. 他经常下午5:45到家. He often () home () a quarter () six. 选择. 1、He enjoys () basketball. -
武都区聚明回答:[选项] A. playing B. to play C. to playing D. play 2、Can you hear (),Tom? A、myself B、I C、me D、my

有红18714609953问: 英语中yourself和fish怎么造句?(要求两个词在同一句句子中,yourself可以改变形式 -
武都区聚明回答: Do you always eat fish for dinner when you are eating by yourself? 不是很好但是想不到其他的了

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