
作者&投稿:靳从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

15、本来、我的英语水平只停在认识26个英文字母的阶段 The level of my English was in the stage of just knowing the 26 letters 16、现在说的,都是我这几天学会的 What I say now is learned these days 17、这是为个对上帝的感谢 This is the thanks to the God 18、还有就是为了证明...

In recent years, tremendous changes in Sichuan, Sichuan is still a beautiful place. You come to this, I will take you to visit the beauty of Sichuan. To my house, you must notify me so that I can pick you, when you live in my house, you can help me to practice English...

英语作文和翻译 高分。急~~
卡什被誉为肖像大师,受到前辈画家的影响,常以黑白两色做画。到了足够的年龄,我们会感觉缺乏精神粮食。一旦你决定学习一门新的语言,你必须全身心地专注在目标上。Some people think the reason for success is luck, they said they found that some people aroung them did not do anything hardly...

英语直译翻译 谢谢the world owes no man a living
直译为:这个世界不亏欠任何人的生活(或译作:这个世界不亏欠你的生活)..这句说是马克.土温说的..整句是“Don't go aroung saying the world owes you a living.The world owes you nothing.It was here first.”(译作:不用到处宣扬世界亏欠你的生活。这世界不欠你任何东西。它是最初的...

英语:By around eight o'clock 是否等于at about eight o'clock...
同意【蓝★雪】说法 By around eight o'clock,中“by”表示“在时间点之前一点儿”,“aroung”大约的意思 at about eight o'clock,中“at”表示“在”的意思,“about”表示“前后”,“大约”的意思 综上所述:By around eight o'clock,表示“大约在八点”,比八点稍早一点;at about ...

就按照学校的名字来起啊,我当初在校电台当播音员时,电台的名字叫做:安幼音协校园音乐天地广播电台(安阳幼儿师范学校音乐爱好者协会)。节目可以是“爱上ABC”英文的“Say follw me”or“In English”,这是我自己起的,没在电台用过。“音乐茶餐厅”“新闻早知道”“早间轻松操”之类的。

用英语写一则参观茂名森林公园的书面通知。 (1)通知对象:九年级全体学 ...
Notice All of the ninth grade students should pay attention to this notice. All of you will visit the Maoming Forest Park on friday,march 21.The Maoming Forest Park is located in the southwest of Maoming city,where full of all kinds of interesting plants and animals.All of you...

oung monks went there, and all day long he sat crosslegged, with his hands cla sped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured“Amita-Buddha! Amita-Bu ddha! Amita-Buddha!”He murmured and chanted day after day, because he hoped that he would acquire grace. The Father Prior of...

Li Yang is famous as an English teacher. 李阳作为一名英语教师而著名。3. I want you to remember the rules for school parties.我想让你记住参加学校聚会的规则。want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事 4. travel around the world 周游世界Her dream is to travel around China. 她的梦想是周游全中国...

英语翻译 语言翻译
对于人家这么重要的信,楼上那位居然用翻译机来糊弄,无语。帮人也是帮自己,我正好在练英文打字,于是顺带就帮你翻译一下吧~~ ^_^ Dear (人名)I'm feeling extremely ashamed for not doing the things I promised well. I feel so sorry to let you down. Communicating with you in English...

酉唯13471128889问: 用young造一个英文句子 -
久治县口服回答:[答案] He is too young to go to school. She is my younger sister. The boy is the youngest in our class.

酉唯13471128889问: young的英文怎样造句 -
久治县口服回答: My brother is too young to say some words.这句话的意思是:我的表弟太小了还不能说话.

酉唯13471128889问: 用:young 造句(两个) -
久治县口服回答: 你好,解析如下: He had learned that lesson young. 他在年青时就有了这方面的教训. 2. Young children lack the maturity to cope with social networks. 年幼的孩子们缺乏处理社交网络的成熟. 希望对你有帮助!给个好评或者采纳吧,谢谢你了!

酉唯13471128889问: 用young造句 -
久治县口服回答: he is a young man

酉唯13471128889问: 请英语学霸帮我用YOUNG这五个字母分别为每个单词的开头造个句子!急求!谢谢! -
久治县口服回答: you are my destiny only you in my eye use my effort to make you happy noting better than you get the energy of me if youwant

酉唯13471128889问: 按照例句造句young - younger -
久治县口服回答: The young woman looks younger than her real age.长宁天山英语组

酉唯13471128889问: 用 young 的比较级造句
久治县口服回答: The boy is younger than your brother. 这个男孩子比你的弟弟小.

酉唯13471128889问: 我的英语老师很年轻用英语怎么说 -
久治县口服回答: 我的英语老师很年轻 英文:My English teacher is very young. 一、词汇解析: 1、English teacher 英 [ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈti:tʃə] 美 [ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈtitʃɚ] 英语老师 例句:My English teacher and I are in the classroom. 我和我的英语老师坐在教室里...

酉唯13471128889问: 用younger 造一个简单的英文句子怎么造? -
久治县口服回答: younger 英[ˈjʌŋgə(r)] 美['jʌŋɡər] n. 年纪较小者; adj. 较年轻的; 年幼的( young的比较级 ); 有朝气的; 年轻人的; 青年的; [例句]I have a younger brother. 我有一个弟弟. [其他] 原型: young

酉唯13471128889问: 年轻的,岁数不大的,用英语来怎么写? -
久治县口服回答: young 英 [jʌŋ] 美 [jʌŋ]n. 年轻人;(动物的)崽,仔 adj. 年轻的;初期的;没有经验的

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