
作者&投稿:登旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ould like 中的some要改为 any 吗? My aunt would like some chicken...
准确的说:1.some 用在肯定句中;期望得到肯定回答的疑问句中(would like属于这一类,凡是请求类的句子也属于这一类);条件句中(即具有肯定意味而不是询问信息时)2.any:问话人对回答的期待没有倾向性(指纯粹信息询问)或倾向于否定回答时;条件句中(具有询问信息意味)给你几个例子:Would you ...

did you see how poor people vould be是什么意思
did you see how poor people vould be 你知道穷人是vould did you see how poor people vould be 你知道穷人是vould

I said, You did quite well in the exam yesterday. → I said that you had done quite well in the exam the day before.我说你那天考得不错.②直接引语中主语是第一人称时,在改为间接引语时,其人称与主句中的主语的人称一致.He said to Tom, I'll do my best to catch up with others.→ He...

“all arould the would”的意思谁知道啊?
Who all came to the party?See Regional Note at you-all 有谁要去参加晚会?参见 you-all n.(名词)The whole of one's fortune, resources, or energy; everything one has:全部,一切:某人财产、智慧或精力的全部;一个人拥有的一切:The brave defenders gave their all.勇敢的防卫者奋战...

(1)一般动词,在词尾直接加“-ed ”。(然而要注意的是,过去分词并不是过去式)work---worked---worked,visit---visited---visited (2)以不发音的“e”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“d ”。live---lived---lived (3)以“辅音字母 + y ”结尾的动词,将 "y" 变为 "i" ,再加“-ed”。...

2. We'll draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis.我们将按托收方式向你方开出即期跟单汇票.3. You should make payment against our domentary draft upon presentation.贵公司应凭我们的跟单汇票于见票时付款.4. The Assistant will be directly managed and evaluated...

如:I think it is going to snow.(我想天要下雪了)\/ I really hope you can enjoy your stay here.(我真的希望你愉快地呆在这儿) 一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或状态,这种动作或状态可能是一次性,也可能经常 发生。① 表示过去具体时刻发生的一次性动作时,时间状语有:at (eight) (yesterday morning...

欧亨利的作品《一元伪币的作用》和《一份报纸的经历》原文是什么?_百 ...
and the paper. But he strangely ignored that which he had come to seek. He was holding two little hands as tightly as ever he could and looking into two penitent brown eyes, while joy rioted in his heart."Dear Jack," she said, "I knew you would be here on time."...

Would you like to do it, my princess?你想做它吗,我的公主?

今天你午饭想吃什么?您好,答题不易 如有帮助请采纳,谢谢

包旭18599555538问: 人教版 初一上学期英语语法 如Would you like to do sth ..... like doing sth -
小河区冻干回答: Would you like to do sth是做肯定回答时用的,用询问的句式表达提议,询问对方在特定的情况下是不是愿意做什么,带有邀请、请客的意味.do you like doing sth 询问的是一个人一般性的爱好,所以如果你是主人,想请客人喝点什么,你得这样说:展开全部 Would you like to have ........... Would you like to have ............

包旭18599555538问: would you like to和would you like的区别 -
小河区冻干回答: would like+名词或代词时,表示的是“具体要”某样东西 would like+动词不定式(to do sth.)时,表示“愿望,喜爱”,常用于有礼貌地提出邀请,请求或建议.至于would you like to和would you like的区别,则是前者to后面跟动词,即would like+动词不定式.would you like就是would like+名词.

包旭18599555538问: would you like+动词?的应答语是什么? -
小河区冻干回答: Would you like后动词要用不定式(to do)形式肯定回答:Yes, I'd like to.(to 不可以省略)否定回答:I'd like to,but……

包旭18599555538问: like to do和would like to do的区别是什么?请举例! -
小河区冻干回答: like to do是喜欢做某事.would like to do是想要做某事.并非省略,而是中文含义不同. l like to read books.我喜欢读书. i would like to read books.我想要读书.

包旭18599555538问: Would you like...有什么句型,怎么使用,什么意思? -
小河区冻干回答: "Would you like..?/" 句式大家已经接触很久了,今天,我们就来深入的了解一下它:句中的like后面常接名词、代词和动词不定式,表示/"你想要....吗?/",与/"Do you want...?/" 意思相近,但前者语气比后者委婉,用来礼貌地提出请求、...

包旭18599555538问: Would you like......一些问句的后面动词的形式! -
小河区冻干回答: Would you like to do...(习惯用法) why not do...(前面没有介词,动词直接原形就可以了)可以说why don't you du how about doing...(about是介词) what about doing...(介词接宾语,动词用进行时作宾格 )

包旭18599555538问: 用Would you like to do sth 造句 -
小河区冻干回答: would you like to come to play tonight? would you like to have a try? would you like to join us? would you like to have some tea,please? would you like to have supper?I would like to have some coffee. I would like to do some exercises. He would like to...

包旭18599555538问: Would you like什么意思 -
小河区冻干回答: 意思:你想吗,你希望吗,你愿意吗? 相关短语: Would you you like China 你觉得中国好吗Would you like to 你愿意 ; 想呀想 ; 你要来吗 ; 您想Would you like me 你会喜欢我拓展资料: wouldwould(Britain):[wud] would(US):[wud],在...

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