
作者&投稿:攸友 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

with+名词+分词 表示什么。分词是什么分词,过去还是现在
(自己的经历) with +宾语+过去分词"的结构 此结构中,过去分词用作介词 with的宾语补足语.这一结构通常在句中作时间,方式,条件,原因等状语. (1) The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. 凶手被带进来了,他的双手被绑在背后.(表方式) (2) With water heated, we can see t...

wild wild 英[waɪld] 美[waɪld]adj. 野生的; 野蛮的; 狂热的; 荒凉的;n. 荒野; 未开化的地方; 偏远地区; 人烟稀少的地区;adv. 疯狂地; 胡乱地;[例句]They want the males to mate with wild females.他们希望这些雄性动物可以和野生的雌性动物交配。---如有...

Woild you like ___ (swim) with us?
动词不定式:to swim

Confidence is the key to success! I was having a word with one of my friend today and during whole conversation, I felt that he lacked on one point and that was self confidence. All the way, he was comparing himself from those people who were successful in his field of work...

ild (mild, wild, child),igh (high, night, light),ire, oi (oil, boil), oy (boy, toy),old (old, cold), ost (most, host),olt, oo (book),oo (tool, school),or (or, for, horn),ow (读音一:cow, now, how, bow;读音二bow, low, blow, snow),ou (shout, out, ...

A passenger told an air hostess(空姐)that he needed a cup of...
A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine.翻译:乘客告诉空姐他需要一杯水来吃药。重点词汇解释 medicine 英 ['medsn] 美 ['medsn]n. 药;医学 例句:The best medicine for you now would be a good holiday.翻译:目前对你来说,一个愉快的...

很多资料都有这些指令格式的介绍,浮点指令均以F开头,LD表示Load,ILD表示整数的Load,BLD是二十进制数的Load,这样记起来就很容易了,很多指令功能都可以根据指令一眼看出来. 2)算术运算类 加法: FADD\/FADDP Add\/add and pop FIADD Integer add 减法: FSUB\/FSUBP Subtract\/subtract and pop FSUBR\/FSUBRP...

Unit Springs
Using the simple model of a spring draining an aquifer,shown in Figure 10. 3,with Q = a1h, a1is a constant,we obtain during the recession period w here Q is the spring discharge at the time t after the start of recession; S is the storativity of the medium; A is ...

5.特殊读法(1)– 带元音的特殊读法(Irregular Vowels) igh, ing, ind, ild, ar, or, oi, oy, alt, alk, ost, old, er, ir, ur, ew, sion, tion, eigh, all, ow, ow, ou, ay, ous, ed, ed (t), ed (d), aw, au, oo, oo 以上字母组合作为整体音节发音。需记住它们所...

潘茂13669835292问: “她暴跳如雷”用英语怎么说?
屯昌县吗丁回答: she was fuming with anger 她气的冒烟了,应该比较贴近你要的吧.

潘茂13669835292问: be angry with和be angry at的区别以及各自的用法 -
屯昌县吗丁回答: 解答:be angry at+名词(对...气愤); be angry with+某人(生...某人的气); be angry about+名词或名词化的动名词(对...感到气愤). angry at sth.与angry about sth.的区别: angry at指在事情发生时很气愤;而angry about则指在事情发生后...

潘茂13669835292问: 急求两篇篇一百字英语作文,题目“how to deal with anger ”和"hamfuiness of fake commodities"能够有很多得分点的! -
屯昌县吗丁回答:[答案] How to deal with anger Anger is a very common emotion to us. But different people have different ways to deal with it. In my opinion, anger should be well controled otherwise she would ruin us. T...

潘茂13669835292问: angered+和angry的区别
屯昌县吗丁回答: 您好,英语的形容词很多时候从一个字根可以延伸出来多个形容词,较为容易浑谣.不过一个要诀在于只要知道这个形容词是从哪个词性延伸拓展出来的,会较为容易区分开来.1)angry 这个形容词是从名词 anger 延伸出来的,所以使用 angry ...

潘茂13669835292问: mad 和angry的区别 -
屯昌县吗丁回答: mad和angry的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不同 1.mad意思:疯的;神经错乱的;有精神病的;极愚蠢的 2.angry意思:发怒的;愤怒的;生气的;红肿的 二、用法不同 1.mad用法:作表语.在表示人对工作等的态...

潘茂13669835292问: Filled with anger, he didn't shout or swear, but just - ------ - silently at
屯昌县吗丁回答: Filled with anger, he didn't shout or swear, but just ________ silently at me 中间可填单词glared/stared glare|stare at :瞪 应该还有别的单词,因为没有上下文以及释义,暂时给出两种答案.仅供参考.

潘茂13669835292问: be anger with和be anger at (about)有什么不同 -
屯昌县吗丁回答: be anger with 表示对某人生气,所以with后加人 be anger about表对某物或某事生气,后加事物

潘茂13669835292问: Filled with anger, he didn't shout or swear, but just - ------ - silently at me.
屯昌县吗丁回答: 答案C 动词辨析. A. 不及物动词看,不能直接接宾语 B.不及物动词,凝视 C.瞪视 D. 扫视.根据题意,虽然满腔怒火,他没有喊叫诅咒,只是沉默的瞪着我.选C.

潘茂13669835292问: in anger和with anger之间有什么区别,英语介词中in和with加一个名词意思是相同的,但用法一样吗 -
屯昌县吗丁回答:[答案] in比较倾向于描述某人所处的状态,with的一般都是用来描述某人在做某事时的状态,比如stare at sb with anger

潘茂13669835292问: be angry with与be angry at 的区别! -
屯昌县吗丁回答:[答案] be angry with+sb be angry at +sth

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