
作者&投稿:张阙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Those who are indiscriminate about truth in trivial matters are also untrusorthy in major matters.24、我所要做的只是以我微薄之力来为真理和正义服务,即使不为人所喜欢也在所不惜。All I have to do is to serve truth and justice with my meagre strength, even if it is not liked ...

来源具体如下:意思:蒂姆(Tim是Timnothy的昵称)。来源:Timothy来源于圣经,原意是“上帝荣耀”的意思。名字典故:圣经中的Timothy与Paul(保罗)一起传教,后被击石致死而殉道,之后被尊为圣人。名字寓意:荣耀的。示例:My goodness, Tim, you have changed!译文:我的天,蒂姆,你变了!

Tim 蒂姆(男子名, Timothy的昵称)Timmy 蒂咪(女子名) 没有昵称啊~

McFly的《Hypnotised》 歌词
Thats when I realised you had me hynotized Why am I now living on my own She keeps inviting people home all the time Why am I still paying for her phone When all the luxuries she owns should be mine Now I start to wunder why You shrug me off when I say hi You treat...


sex char(2) check CK_hy sex in ('男','女') not null 这句话SQL提 ...
sex char(2) Constraint CK_hy check (sex in ('男','女')) not null 或者 sex char(2) check (sex in ('男','女')) not null

se》乐曲的旋律不错,但让我对他情有独钟的是它穿插在那段岁月里的痕迹,每当我听到 这首歌曲时就会...he End”等单曲一首首在广播电台大受欢迎,在排行榜高居不下,不仅让专辑(Hy-bird Theory)在全球销售...辑《Still Not Getting Any…》(一无所有)的面市充分见证了这五人组合的健康成长。这 不再是张专辑...

i'm not surprised at all

A:Hello,Simon.Neil is__not_at school.Can I take a message(捎个口信)?B:Yes,please ask him to___call me.My_number__is861055572118.A:OK,I'll__ask_ him to call you when I meet him.Goodbye.B:Thank you.Goodbye.最后一个空用ask最好,从这句话可以推出来的,就用到过ASK。-...

孤星独吟2)葫芦丝蝴蝶泉边3)各种乐器1.春 ふたたび-宫西希2.还魂草 变调二.地址1.ジャスミン...http:\/\/m2.music.hytongda.cn\/mp3\/2\/b\/057.mp349.飘摇周迅http:\/\/m7.music.hytongda.cn\/mp3\/...thats not real lifei know you could reach the topmake sure that you won't stopbe the one ...

挚怜19839243305问: why not 的用法!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
鹤峰县中诺回答: why not do sth 后面加动词原形,表示建议 通常与 hou about doing sth what about doing sth why don't you do sth 进行同一句转换

挚怜19839243305问: why not的句型有哪些? -
鹤峰县中诺回答: why not do sth

挚怜19839243305问: why not的用法 -
鹤峰县中诺回答: why not只能用于疑问句中 why not do sth.

挚怜19839243305问: 有关why not的用法 -
鹤峰县中诺回答: why not 就是为什么不啊·· 所以说 why don't 后面跟you they we 都可以·· 但是一般用why not都是和对方对话·· 所以就是为什么我们不做什么··或者为什么你们不做什么·· 所以why not =why don't we和why don't you (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

挚怜19839243305问: why not do这里的not为什么可以单独使用 -
鹤峰县中诺回答: 恕我直言,二楼有误. Why don't you...? = Why not...?两种说法后面都要接动词原形. 如: Why don't you go with us? = Why not go with us?你为什么不跟我们一起去呢?Why don't you...?是陈述句,Why not...?是祈使句.我们知道,祈使句是省略了主语you的,而且祈使句要用动词原形. 再举几个祈使句的例子: Come in! 进来! Stand up! 起立! Give me the book, please!请把书给我! Go at once! 立刻滚蛋! Hurry up!快点! Do it at once! 立刻做!

挚怜19839243305问: why not的运用 -
鹤峰县中诺回答: why not 在这里的意思是 为什么不...呢?是一种委婉的建议 因其语气过于委婉而一般让人无法拒绝 let's 语气太强硬 不合适 will you 后面不需要 to 不合适 would like to do sth表示想要干某事 不合适 shall we 也是表示一种建议 虽然语气没有 why not 委婉 但在此处可替换使用

挚怜19839243305问: Why don\'t和Why not有何区别???
鹤峰县中诺回答: 这两个句式,在表达"建议"时,是一样的意思.既"(你)为什么不做.....?",或"(你)应该做.....".如: Why don't you turn to the reference book? Why not turn to the reference book? "(你)为什么不看参考书呢?"也就是"你应该看一下参考书". 但是Why don't you do还可以作为一个疑问句使用,提出疑问.如: Why didn't you see the football match? "你为什么没有看这场足球赛?"

挚怜19839243305问: why not后接动词什么形式 -
鹤峰县中诺回答: why not后加动词原型,意思是:为何不.....主要用于提建议. 短语解析: why not 英文发音:[waɪ nɒt] 中文释义:为什么不好[不行] 例句: Why not go out and see if there's some place we can dance? 为什么不出去看看是否有我们可以跳舞...

挚怜19839243305问: Why don\'t和Why not有何区别? -
鹤峰县中诺回答:[答案] 其实why not就是why don't you的省略形式.学英语的人应该都知道,在英语中,省略句要省就是主谓一起省.只不过前者在口语中更为广泛的使用,且可以独立成句.而后者则可以有时态的变化.

挚怜19839243305问: why not do sth造句 -
鹤峰县中诺回答: Who not go for a walk? 为何不出去散步呢? (去散步如何?,即建议) Why not call someone to fix it? 为什么不叫人来修呢? ....

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