
作者&投稿:胡进 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

解放 造句
9. 生活中,久久不能释怀的就是最需谅解的事。推荐使用http:\/\/www.ichacha.net\/hy\/

30、近年来随着国人休闲体育意识的逐步提高,选择瑜伽做为休闲健身方式的人数与日俱增,瑜伽运动方兴未艾。 31、HYCOM模式在国外的研究方兴未艾,而在国内的应用尚处在起步阶段。 32、话虽如此,美国人却又一次的转向中国文化,丰富他们的生活。这个潮流方兴未艾。 33、随着互联网的普及以及信息技术的不断发展,电子商务的...

...much、4.not rnough、5.heualthy、6.good for you 7.unhealthy、8...
It asks us to eat enough food. 它需要我们吃足够的食物 We throw away too much rubbish.我们扔掉的垃圾太多 Still, that was not enough.然而这些也不够条件 Running is a healthy exercise.跑步是一项健康的运动 Too much fat is not good for you.脂肪太多对你的身体不好。Eating too much ...

用将来时be good to造句
be good to 英[bi: ɡud tu:]美[bi ɡʊd tu]对…好,对…很慈善 例句:hy can't she be good to her sister?为什么她不能对她姐姐好点?Do I like working with this partner, and will he\/ she be a good contributor to my board and company?我喜欢与这位合伙人一起工作吗...

birth death造句 birth deathの例文
Other institutions such as the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages no longer accepts an Austrapan Marriage Certificate as a form of ID-this creates an equal situation for both opposite sex and same sex couples as both are not allowed to present their relationship certificates as a form of ...

马蹄(马的蹄部),即马的脚掌。按照该词义造句有:1,静寂的草原,热闹起来:欢呼声,车声,马蹄声,响成一片。车马飞过了小丘,看见了几座蒙古包。2,春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花。3, 仰手接飞猿,府身散马蹄。捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。4,四山旗似晴霞卷,万马蹄如骤雨来。5,寻芳...

我想用not only but also造句 不仅因为它很大而且它对电脑的要求非常高...
not only because it is very huge ,but also it has high requirement of computer.

用there be 句型造句要4句
there be 句型造句:There are many people on the street these days.(这几天街上有好多人)There are so much homework to do that i can not go to bed early.(有如此的多作业要做以至于我不能早睡)I am really hungry, is there some food on your desk?(我真的饿了,你桌子上有可...

字母组合 car horse ball draw bird nurse rain\/day tea\/bee high boat new too book house cow boy hear beer care chair 辅 音 pen ten kite cake fox sock ice hand bye dog go five zoo nose man no sing leg we yes...

事无巨细造句: 1、曾未期月,援溺振渴,事无巨细,悉究本末。 2、做领导的应该放手让下属去做,而不要事无巨细,事必躬亲. 3、现在,他越来越不放心,事无巨细,都要亲自过问。 4、桑格拉斯先生却油嘴滑舌,事无巨细地告诉我们说行李如何被错放了。 5、另一个影响和限制新教时期作品的因素是相信事无巨细都是上...

苦樊19895493933问: 用whynot造句一问一答 -
朝阳市复方回答:[答案] Q:Why not finish it by yourself?It's very easy. A:OK,I will. Q:Why not switch to another animal? A:That's a good idea.

苦樊19895493933问: 用Why not……造句 -
朝阳市复方回答: whykissmeisnotyou?为什么亲我的不是你 可能是病句 能力有限~

苦樊19895493933问: 用why not.....造句 -
朝阳市复方回答: why not eat eggs

苦樊19895493933问: 英语用why not写2句话 -
朝阳市复方回答: Why not stop and have a rest ? Why not go with me ? 1. do 2. because boring3. What comedy program 4. can't stand5. to be 6. What do think of第一张图片 第二张图片1. make up 2. must have done well3. take place of him4. come from5. express his love 祝学习进步,天天快乐!万事如意,心想事成!满意请采纳!谢谢!:)

苦樊19895493933问: why not的句型有哪些? -
朝阳市复方回答:[答案] 楼主,您好why not …是"为什么不的意思",用以提建议时使用,直接在why not 后加动词短语.Why not take a walk?(为什么不去散一下步)提建议的方式还有很多,such as 1) Let's ……2) Shall we……3) Why don...

苦樊19895493933问: why not怎么用啊?后面接什么? -
朝阳市复方回答: why not习惯上不与过去时间状语连用 why not...后接动词,其意为“你为什么不……呢”,它主要用于提出建议,因此通常只能用于现在或将来,而不能用于过去.如:你昨天为什么不打扫房间?误:Why not clean the room yesterday?正:Why didn't you clean the room yesterday?

苦樊19895493933问: why not的用法 -
朝阳市复方回答: 用于提议或对一提议表示赞成,后接动词原形.例如:Why not go now?=Why won't you go now?何不现在就去?很高兴为你解答!老师祝你学习进步!望采纳,多谢你的问题!^_^

苦樊19895493933问: why not……怎样写同义句why not……句式(表建议,为什么不……)怎么改同义句?比如:Why not join the English club -
朝阳市复方回答:[答案] why don't you join the English club~ why not do sth和 why don't sb do sth是一样的

苦樊19895493933问: why not.句型 都是在什么情况下使用? -
朝阳市复方回答:[答案] why not …是"为什么不的意思",用以提建议时使用,直接在why not 后加动词短语. Why not take a walk?(为什么不去散一下步) 提建议的方式还有很多,such as 1) Let's …… 2) Shall we…… 3) Why don't you……

苦樊19895493933问: 用Why not +动词原形造两个句子.它们的同义句也要噢 -
朝阳市复方回答:[答案] Why not play basketball?Why dont you play basketball? why not eat ice-cream?why dont you eat ice-cream

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