
作者&投稿:错常 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he has milk before bedtime.(用never改为否定句)?
He never has milk before bedtime. (将原句中的肯定形式的动词变为否定形式,并在动词前加上never)

选择题he never has mutton,——he? 选项A,does B,doesn't C, has...
即前肯后否,前否后肯。本句话,陈述句部分出现了否定词never,表示“从不”,所以属于否定句,后面的附加疑问句就应该用肯定形式。可以排除B和D. 再看陈述句,He never has mutton. 是说他从来不吃羊肉。has这里面属于实意动词,也叫行为动词,表示“吃”。而不是助动词,所以不能直接用has反问。

He never has lunch at home ,_ he ? A. has B.doesn't C.hasn't_百...
如果只有三个选顶,只能是A never是从没,所以主句是否定句,后面要用肯定.但我觉得用does he才更合适 因为has这里是实义动词 ~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~

He never has had a problem with his boss.
He never has had a problem with his boss.习惯这样写,He has never had a problem with his boss.

He never has had a problem with his boss. 改错后has移到never前为什...

He never He is never哪个语法对
这个句子一看就是表示转折关系,在英语中,虽然although \/though 不能和但是 but 连在一起用,也就是说两者中只能出现一个。所以CD都正确。。。答案不一定完全正确的亲。。。只要语法上面讲的通,答案就不用管它了。。。

He never ___(lend)me anything这句话不是完成时吗,为什么没有have_百 ...
这句话可以用过去时。一个句子的动词采用什么时态,并不由never来决定.它取决于所要表述的动作发生的时间,下面举几个例子,你可以看出,虽然都有never,但时态不同.I have never been there.我从未到过那里.He answered never a word.他一句话也不回答.That will never do.那决不行.所以要选择什么...

He never ___(leave)his village, and he has to cross the river t...
leaves 三单形式 如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

He never ___ a hat even if it is in winter. A. wears B. be in...
选择A,句子缺少谓语动词,排除BC。wear表示穿着的状态,如He wears a T-shirt today.put on则是穿的动作,如Put on your sweater please. It's cold outside.所以选择A。

He never forgives others for their mistakes.分析句子成分
双宾语,others也是宾语,介词后面也是宾语。forgive sb. for sth. 中介词宾语 sth. 除了用名词外,还可以用 what从句或动名词短语,也可以用作被动态的保留宾语。what 从句——I'll never forgive her for what she did. 我绝不会原谅她做的事.I'll never forgive you for what you said to ...

愈珊19337288034问: "Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, alw" -
东市区三七回答: 答案A 本题考查分词作状语用法.say与he存在主谓关系,所以应该选择v-ing形式,同时say与answer是同时发生的两个动作,故A项正确.

愈珊19337288034问: Whenever he went to town,he would have a look at the bookstores -
东市区三七回答: 如果是when那就是“当他去城里,就会去书店看看” 一般是说一次性的 但是如果用whenever就表示每次去城里,都很去书店看看 如果是想要表达这个人的习惯,就要用whenever,比when更有时效性 如果还有不懂问我哦~

愈珊19337288034问: whenever he was asked why he was late for class,he would answer carefully,always( )the same thin -
东市区三七回答: whenever he was asked why he was late for class,he would answer carefully,always(saying )the same thin

愈珊19337288034问: whenever,wherever,whatever,whichever,whoever,however的用法 -
东市区三七回答: whenever无论什么时候I'd like to see you whenever it's convenient.wherever无论在哪里;无论到哪里Wherever one goes, there's alwa...

愈珊19337288034问: Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, always - ------ - the same thing.
东市区三七回答: 答案A 此题考查的是状语的用法.“说”这个动作是由he发出的,因此不能选B项;to say表示目的,此处不合适;D项表示“说”这个动作是在answer前发出,此处也不符合题意;而A项是用动词的-ing形式作为伴随状语.

愈珊19337288034问: 为什么“whenever I met her, which was fairlyoften, shegreeted me with a sweet smile要用WHICH -
东市区三七回答: 哎,上面的同学不要误导楼主了. whenever I met her,是状语从句 which was fairly often,是非限定性定语从句,which指代的不是her,而是前面的那句话,所以用which,不用who she greeted me with a sweet smile. 是主句

愈珊19337288034问: whenever是什么意思,它的同义词有哪些 -
东市区三七回答: whenever [英][wenˈevə(r)][美][hwɛnˈɛvɚ] adv.究竟什么时候; 不论何时; conj.每当; 无论何时; 随时; 无论什么时候; 网络 无论何时,每当; 每逢; 无论如何; 双语例句 He tried to answer back whenever he was criticized.每当他挨批评时他都要为自己辩护.同义词 anytime

愈珊19337288034问: Whenever there was nothing we could do, we always -
东市区三七回答: Whenever there was nothing we could do, we always Whenever there was nothing we could do, we always said let nature take its course.翻译是:无论什么时候我们不能做什么,我们总是在没有什么可以做的时候,总是说顺其自然.

愈珊19337288034问: 英语选择 关于动词形式Whenever he was asked why he was late for class,he would answer carelessly ,always()the same thing.saying\said\to say\having said选... -
东市区三七回答:[答案] 首先always( )the same thing应该是一个短语,而不是句子,如果是句子的话还须一个连词,可见原文没有.那就应该是非谓语动词了,主语是他,他与说是主动,是他说,所以用saying,said是被动不能选,to say是将要说,可见根据原...

愈珊19337288034问: Whenever he had time, he would do some reading. 为什么不是whenever he have time 呢 -
东市区三七回答: 没有whenever he have time这样的说法,he是单数第三人称,要接has.至于would,如果不是虚拟语气的状态,则说明是过去式,所以这句子是whenever he had time

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