He never ______ a hat even if it is in winter. A. wears B. be in C. in D. puts on

作者&投稿:才素 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

7A Unit 1 单元测验 班级________ 姓名_________一 单词辨音(5%)( ) 1. A. know B. window C. now D. yellow( ) 2. A. say B. play C. days D. says( ) 3. A. put B. uncle C. mum D. but( ) 4. A. walk B. talk C. always D. small( ) 5. A. why B. where C. what D. whose( ) 6. A. there B. with C. those D. thing( ) 7. A. teach B. school C. watch D. French( ) 8. A. thank B. think C. orange D. English( ) 9. A. houses B. horses C. buses D. classes( )10. A. certainly B. carry C. clean D. excuse二 用所给单词的正确形式填空: (10%)1. Daniel is one of the football _________in our school team. (play)2. It’s Amy’s _____ day at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.(one).3. She’s quite a ______ girl. We like to talk to her. (fun)4. Simon goes _________ on Sunday. ( swim) 5. —My favourite colour is light blue. What about yours?—I don’t like light blue at all. I like _______ blue best. (light) 6. Frank plays the piano very _______. (good)7. This dictionary(字典) is ___________ (help) to us.8. Father loves watching football _______. (match) 9. This pair of _______ shoes is Kitty’s favourite. (sport) 10. Where are the twins? They are at their ______. ( aunt)三 选择填空: (15%) 1. The bike is very old, _______ he likes it very much.A. and B. but C. so D. or2. He goes to work by bus, but he walks________ after work.A. to home B. the home C. his home D. to his home3. —What does ‘It’s time for Millie’s PE lesson.’ mean? —It means ‘It’s time _______ Millie _______ have a PE lesson.’A. to, to B. for, for C. to, for D. for, to4. Kate was born ______ America, _______ October, 1990.A. in, in B. in, on C. in, at D. at, in5. —Who teaches ______ Computer Studies? —Miss Wang does.A. their B. them C. themselves D. they6. If you don’t know how to say something in English, you can say___A. What’s the English for it? B. What do you say it in English?C. I’m sorry. I don’t know. D. How is it in English?7. Do you have a book ________ many famous movie stars?A. about B. of C. in D. to 8. We don’t have _______good news in today’s newspaper.A. some B. many C. a D. much9. ________ is his birthday?A. What B. How C. Where D. When10. Can you _______ to an Englishman? Yes, if he can ________ Chinese.A. tell, speak B. speak, say C. talk, speak D. tell, talk11. We can _________ lots of planes in the sky.A. look B. watch C. see D. look at 12. Yao Ming got sixteen scores _________ his first match __________ his new team.A. in, for B. in, at C. for, in D. for, for13. Look! Sandy looks _______ at the party. She looks at her friends _________.A. happy, happy B. happy, happily C. happily, happy D. happily, happily14. He never ______ a hat even if(即使) it is winter.A. wears B. be in C. in D. puts on15. That man is very old. His son must _______ him well.A. look at B. look like C. look after D. look for四 句型转换: (10%)1. Li Hua does well in sport. (同义句)Li Hua is _______ ________ _______ sport.2. There is a lot of fish on the twins’ plates.(同义句)The twins ________ _______ fish on _______ plates.3. Millie always walks her dog after supper. (同义句)Millie always ________her dog ________a ________ after supper.4. Millie’s hair is black and short. (同义句)Millie has _______ _____hair.5. They go to the meeting in a taxi.They ______ a taxi ______ the meeting.6. Li Hua is 13 years old.(就划线部分提问) What’s Li Hua’s _______?7. Amy with her mother goes shopping twice a month. (就划线部分提问)_______ ________ ________ Amy with her mother ________ shopping?8. Simon often reads English for about half an hour in the morning.(就划线部分提问)_________ __________ ________ Simon often _________ English in the morning?五 动词填空 (10%)1.Would you please teach me how ________ an English letter?(write)2.The children with their teacher often _________ for half an hour in the morning. (run)3.Listen! Someone ________ the piano in the next room. ( play)4.Our maths teacher taught (教) us that three and four _________ seven. (be)5.Who _________ (fly) kites at the weekend? They do.6.Simmon, ________ in the sun. It’s bad for your eyes. (not read)7._____your cousin, Andy _________ to any clubs at school? (go)8.Would you like ______ a new pair of shoes? ( buy)9. When I grow up (成长), I want _________ a football player like Zidane. (be)10.It’s 6.30. The Smith family _______ breakfast. (have)六 中译英 (10%)1. Millie 经常向学校图书馆借书。Millie often ________books __________the school library.2. Kitty希望和同学们交朋友。Kitty hopes to ________ ________ _________her classmates .3. 篮球、羽毛球和跑步都是我喜欢的运动。Basketball、_________ and _______ are ________ my favourite sports.4.你姐姐每天步行上班吗?不,她有时候乘公交车去那儿。Does your sister _________ _________ ________ every day? No, sometimes she _______ a bus there.5. Daniel学英语很努力,他是我们学校英语兴趣小组的最新成员。 Daniel works _______ at English. He’s the _______ member in our school English _________.6.贝克汉姆效力于皇马队,擅长进球。Beckham _________ ________ Real Madrid. He’s good at _________ __________.七 完形填空。(10%) Tea is a kind of __1__. People often talk __2__ it. There __3__ different kinds of tea. It usually grows__4__ hills. Tea is popular in China. It’s also popular in many __5__ countries. In Southern China, people __6___ green tea. But in the North and East of China, people prefer(=like better) jasmine(茉莉) tea with sugar in it. __7__ people drink tea with both milk __8__ sugar. It’s good __9__ drink tea, because it is healthy. Now, let’s have a __10__ tea.( ) 1 A. water B. food C. drink D. fruit( ) 2 A .with B. about C. on D. for( ) 3 A. are B. is C. do D. does( ) 4 A. on B. above C. in D. over( ) 5 A. other B. another C. the other D. others( ) 6 A. likes B. is like C. like D. are like( ) 7 A. England B. English C. China D. Chinese( ) 8 A. or B. and C. but D. without( ) 9 A. to B. for C. of D. at( ) 10 A. cup B. glass C. cup of D. lots of八 首字母填空 (10%)Here is an e-mail from Gregory to his e-friend Tony in Shanghai. Help him to complete it.Hi, TonyT__1__ for telling me about your family. Let me tell you about my family. You know I have a brother and he is 13 y__2__old. He likes hiking and climbing mountains. My brother is very tall and he can climb f__3__ a long time. My father works hard. He is a doctor. He likes watching television, r__4___ books and c__5__ with his friends.My mother a__6__ works hard. She is a teacher. She t__7__ young children. She d__8___ like cooking. She likes listening to music. My family h_9__ a car. We like to go to the mountains. We o__10__ go for a picnic.1.T_______ 2. y_______ 3.f _______ 4. r_______ 5. c_______6.a_______ 7.t_______ 8.d_______ 9.h_______ 10. o_______九 阅读理解 (20%)( A )Whose house is this? It’s the Dawson’s new house in the village. The name of this village is Belmont. It’s a little village near the big city. There are two small lakes in Belmont, and they live near one of them. They like it very much. Mrs Dawson is usually busy because she does her housework, she cooks the meals, she cleans the house, she washes the clothes, and she does the shopping for the family. Her daughter, Ann helps her a little every day. Mr Dawson sometimes helps his wife, too.Many people are now moving from the cities to the village. It is like a little town(城镇),but it’s usually more quiet and people are more friendly.1.Who is the busiest in the Dawsons?A. Mr Dawson. B. Mrs Dawson and her daughter.C. Mrs Dawson. D. Mr Dawson and his daughter.2.Where is Belmont? A. It is near a big city. B. It’s near a big town.C. It’s near another city. D. It’s near the two lakes3.Mr Dawson _________.A. often helps Mrs Dawson B. helps Mrs Dawson every dayB. never helps Mrs Dawson D. sometimes helps Mrs Dawson4.Ann _________. A. doesn’t like their house B. never helps her mother C. helps her mother with the housework every dayD. sometimes helps her mother5. Many people are moving to the village because(因为)_______.A. there are lakes near the villageB. the village looks like the cityC. it is like a little townD. it’s usually more quiet and more friendly( B )How do most students spend(度过) their free time? Do they have time to do things they like? Let’s see what some students do during their free time. Ben is eleven. He has a sister, Kate. Both of them like going to the cinema. Every Sunday morning, they go to the town by train and then they go to the cinema because they live in the country(乡下) and there is no cinema there. They arrive in the town at noon. They usually have a big dinner in their favourite restaurant first, and then buy some food in the supermarket before they go to their favourite cinema called the Star Cinema. They like it because the seats there are the most comfortable and the films shown in the cinema are always the newest. They always have a good time on Sundays but when the weather is bad or they are busy with their homework, they can’t go.6. Ben and Kate always spend their Sundays _________. A. watching TV B. going shopping C. doing homework D. going to the cinema7.They go to see a film______________.A. at home B. by bus C. on foot D. by train8. They go to see a film because _________.A. they like the cinema there B. there is no cinema near their hometown C. they don’t know other cinemas D. they want to go shopping in the town9. When they are in the town, they ________ first.A. go to the cinema B. buy food C. have dinner D. play in the street10.They can’t go to the cinema when _________.A. it is fineB. they want to watch TVC. they have little homeworkD. the weather is bad or they get too much homework


wear表示穿着的状态,如He wears a T-shirt today.
put on则是穿的动作,如Put on your sweater please. It's cold outside.

答案选A. wears
hat 一般都用wear的动词,或者用have表示戴上的状态。

wear 表示穿戴着,表示状态
in 是介词,前面要加个 is
put on 是强调动作,一般用过去时态


put on 强调动作,wear强调状态,in一般是形容当时的状态

答案选A. wears
hat 一般都用wear的动词,或者用have表示戴上的状态。

庆云县15531599789: He never ( ) A.show off B.shows off 选什么
势复舒萨:B.shows off

庆云县15531599789: He never - ---- - a hat even if it is in winter. A. wears B. be in C. in D. puts on -
势复舒萨: 选择A,句子缺少谓语动词,排除BC.wear表示穿着的状态,如He wears a T-shirt today.put on则是穿的动作,如Put on your sweater please. It's cold outside.所以选择A.

庆云县15531599789: He never saw a saw saw a saw. 求几个这样的句子. -
势复舒萨: 1. Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦. 第一、四个trouble是动词,第二、三个trouble是名词. 2. I think that that that that that student wrote on the blackboard was wrong. 我认为那个学生写在黑板上的那个...

庆云县15531599789: 他从不看牙医6个空英语翻译开头给出了He never,怎么写 -
势复舒萨: 他从不看牙医 He never ever visit the dentist before.

庆云县15531599789: 英文选择题He never washed them ( )
势复舒萨: 答案是B,意思是他从来都不会它们,never已经含有否定not的存在not...at all是完全不的意思.

庆云县15531599789: 翻译疑问句He never said a bad word about anyone, - -----? -
势复舒萨: did he?这里是一个否定句,主句never是一个否定词,做为否定句的标志,根据前肯后否,前否后肯的原则,前面是否定的,所以反意疑问句就用肯定的.

庆云县15531599789: He never said a word the whole two hours.这里为什么加the -
势复舒萨: 说得是这两个小时 表示特指 所以用the a whole day也是正确表达 但在这里不合适 比如:a whole day's busy work 一整天的忙碌工作 表示泛指

庆云县15531599789: He never - --------on a raind day.选择?原因是? -
势复舒萨: 选Ahe是单数第三人称,所以谓语动词要用单数,go在第三人称单数时变形为goes

庆云县15531599789: He never said a word the whole two hours.这里never换成not怎么样? -
势复舒萨:[答案] 只换not是不可以的 但是,可以用否定形式 He didn't say a word the whole two hours.

庆云县15531599789: He never tells a lie, - --? -
势复舒萨: B .dose he 主语用了Never 表示否定,反义疑问句后面就要用肯定 主语中没有动词Be,就要加助动词do或does,He是三单所以用does

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