
作者&投稿:淳咽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The second day early in the morning, we went to the three outside the government, in his house, there are many interesting animals, a dog, a fish. Of course the most interesting is the cock and the hen. The cock and the hen can be fun! When you eat, as long as give...

e egg 鸡蛋 well 井 red 红的 hen 母鸡 pen 钢笔 bed 床 bell 铃i lick 舔 six 六 bib 围嘴儿 pig 猪 pin 别针 kiss 亲吻 ink 墨水 hill ...other 其它的 another 另一个 mother 母亲 brother 兄弟 nothing 没有东西 son 儿子 ton 一吨 won 赢得,韩圆 monk 僧侣 among 在……三者以上之间 ...

septangle 八边形 : octagon 梯形 : echelon trapezia trapezium trapezoid 椭圆形 : ellipse oblong oval 菱形 : diamond lozenge rhombus 2010-08-09 15:56:01 补充: Other : 平行四边形 : parallelogram 九边形 : enneagon nonagon 十边形 : decagon 十一边形 : hendecagon 十二边形 : ...

other其他的;另外的over there 在那边over在……上面own自己的PP.E. class 体育课pants 长裤party聚会;晚会pen pal笔友pet shop宠物店play chess 下棋play with 玩……playground 操场police警方;警察部门pork 猪肉potato 土豆pot锅;碗;瓢;盆prepare准备pretty 漂亮的;可爱的principal 校长put away the clothes 收拾...

9 would expect that only a few hybrid genotypes would dominate, as when hybrids reproduce parthenogeni...10 It is the resulting harm (death) which still dominates, as is evident from the fact that man...11 In other positions, one or two specific amino acids dominate, but not...

    "Well, you go ! " Hen said.    So the duckling left. His moment in the water upstream , while drilling into the water ; however , because he looks ugly, the    Some animals do not see the other . Fall has arrived. Woods leaves turn yellow and ...

One chick keeps a hen busy. 一只小鸡已够母鸡辛忙. One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. 一叶可障目. One crowded hour of glorious ...One half of the world does not know how the other half lives. 贫富不相知. One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls. 深知...

Americans speak very loud, it sounds Henchao.17.他边朝前走着边打电话.He called side-walk forward.18.他们正在苏格兰旅游观光.They are Scottish tourism.19.银行就在那个书店对面的拐角处.That the banks in the opposite corner bookstore.20.从冬宫到圣彼得大教堂有多远?From the Hermitage ...

是的,我有。 78. He has that book, doesn’t he? 他有那本书,是吗? 79. No, he doesn’t. 不,他没有。 80. Do you have any brothers or sisters? 你有兄弟或姐妹吗? 81. No, I’m a single son. 没有,我是独生子。 82. Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?

other 其它的 another 另一个 mother 母亲 brother 兄弟 nothing 没有东西 son 儿子 ton 一吨 won 赢得,韩圆 monk 僧侣 among 在……三者以上之间 cover 覆盖 dove 鸽子come 来 become 变成 some 一些 sponge 海绵 类似的单字中,元音字母o要改写成a,所以w后面的a发短元音。watch 观看 swamp ...

亢郑18338862432问: from the time when we are babies 还是from the time we are babies? -
河东区甘风回答: 你好.在 more accepted English 中 我们通常使用 from the time we are babies,因为这个结构被认为已经包含了when这个连接词. 就像by the time he arrived / by the time she arrives一样.

亢郑18338862432问: 关于企鹅的介绍(英语的) -
河东区甘风回答: Penguin is a not-flying birds, penguins are head, penguins Branch. Mainly live in the Earth's southern hemisphere, now known around the world or 17 kinds of penguins there are 18 kinds, including four living in the equatorial tropics, ...

亢郑18338862432问: when+完整的句子+“,”+祈使句+“.” 这个句子结构成立吗? -
河东区甘风回答: 回答如下 成立的.When you begin时间状语一 , and again when you begin each new year or semester时间状语二 , 祈使句做主句:get 谓语a rough sense 宾语中心词(of 介词 【what宾语语从句的宾语 the courses宾语从句主语《 you are taking 定语从句》involve宾语从句谓语. 】宾语从句)介词短语做后置定语

亢郑18338862432问: when+do+ - ------主语+动词短语? -
河东区甘风回答: When+does+第三人称主语+动词短语.

亢郑18338862432问: 英语选择题+一题翻译 答案+理解
河东区甘风回答: 1.B 表强调谓语 2.A 固定句型 3.B take a trip 4.B on 具体某一天或某一刻 5.C baby的复数 babies 6. B everybody 后面谓语动词用单数 并且study复数为 studies 1)When on2)When did

亢郑18338862432问: It is 8:30 a.m. at the Chengdu Research Base.Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are 全文翻译 -
河东区甘风回答: 成都研究基地早上8点半,林伟(不确定名字的汉字是否是这样写)和其他熊猫饲养员正在准备熊猫BB的早餐——牛奶.上午9点,他们发现大部分BB已经醒了、饿了.当BB们看见饲养员时,就兴奋地冲向饲养员,其中一些因向他们的朋友走...

亢郑18338862432问: 求好心人翻译一下这篇英语阅读.急!Passage 3 For some time past it has been widely accepted that babies - and other creatures - learn to do things because ... -
河东区甘风回答:[答案] 【翻译如下】 第三部分 过去的一段时间,它已被广泛接受的婴儿和其他生物学习去做事情是因为某些特定的行为有“回报”;也没有理由怀疑,这是真的.但它也被广泛认为,有效的奖励,至少在初期阶段,必须对这些基本生理直接相关(生理的)...

亢郑18338862432问: 选择正确的单词填空 -
河东区甘风回答: father,name,mother,looks like,both,healthy,all,small,often,a lot

亢郑18338862432问: ...  6   and then left its nest to search the neighborhood for help.      I was about to carry it into my    7   when I found several other babies  ... -
河东区甘风回答:[答案] 1-5: DAABD 6-10: ACDCC 11-15: CCBAD 16-20: BDCAA

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