
作者&投稿:武利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

( A)6.They ___ three last night.( c)7.Lool,the boys ___.look提示了进行时,swim也要重读闭音节,m要双写 ( B)8.Su Yang is reading books ___ her friends.这里少一个介词 (B )9.There ___ a pair of shoes under the bed.( B)10.Try ___ your eyes.try to ...

I den store stad, hvor han boede, gik det meget fornøjeligt til, hver dag kom der mange fremmede, en dag kom der to bedragere; de gav sig ud for at være vævere og sagde, at de forstod at væve det dejligste tøj, man kunne tænke sig. Ikke alene farverne...

含有元音音标的单音节单词 最好是每个元音音标附带一个单词
[ei]发音字母 a ay ea ai ey--name cake late gate plane April play say may way great break rain paint plain they grey [ai]发音字母 i y--bike fine find die nine light night high my try fly eye [au]字母组合 ou ow--house out flour ground account count sound loud around ...

whatere take the action是什么意思
whatere take the action 动手;采取行动;采取(快速)措施;提起诉讼 例句 1.It got to be a problem, They decided to take action.这肯定是有什么问题了,他们决定采取行动。2.If you take action against abuse, you want to be able to refer to the clauses interms of use that support...

Of all the comrades that ere I had, they're sorry for my going away,我所有的战友们,都不舍我即将离去 And of all the sweethearts that ere I've had , they wish me one more day to stay,而我所有的情人们,都希望我多留一日 But since it falls unto my lot that I should ...

英语音标发音规则 一,元音字母在重读音节中的读音 元音字母 读 音 例 词 a 在开音节中 [ei] name plane Jane baby cake 在闭音节中 [æ] bag dad hat map black back e 在开音节中 [i:] he these me Chinese 在闭音节中 [e] bed let pen desk yes egg i 在开音节中 [ai] ...

求中古英语的经典句子,例如拿破仑的Able was I ere I saw Elbe,需要翻 ...
求中古英语的经典句子,例如拿破仑的Able was I ere I saw Elbe,需要翻译和介绍,多多益善。  我来答 3个回答 #热议# 已婚女性就应该承担家里大部分...7) Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果...

元音和辅音 英语中音素分为元音音素和辅音音素两大类。其中元音音素20个,辅音音素24个。 元音:发音时声带振动,呼出的气流通过口腔时不受阻碍,这样形成的语音称作元音。元音发音响亮,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20个元音。辅音:不论声带振动与否,发声时呼出的气流通过口腔或...

谁看过《暴风雨》莎士比亚 有两个人搬木头的那一段、求那段的原文和翻译...
PROSPERO. So glad of this as they I cannot be, Who are surpris'd withal; but my rejoicing At nothing can be more. I'll to my book; For yet ere supper time must I perform Much business appertaining. Exit 第三幕 第一场 普洛斯彼罗洞室之前 腓迪南负木上。 腓迪南 有一类游戏是很吃力的...

"They also serve who only stand and wait" 出自John Milton 的哪...
那些只能站着等待的人,他们也是有价值的。Meaning: 不管我们有多少能力,每个人在这世界上都有自己的位置,都有存在的价值。John Milton双目失明后写下诗歌:"On His Blindness". 上句话在这首诗的最后一行,意在鼓舞自己。全诗如下:When I consider how my light is spent Ere half my days in ...

蒯凯13772823238问: 条件句与虚拟语气的区别. -
渭城区醋酸回答: 条件状语从句 连接词主要有 if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that 等.if 引导的条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种.非真实条件句已在虚拟语气中阐述. unless = if not. 例如: Let's go out for a walk unless you are too tired. 如果不太累...

蒯凯13772823238问: 1.请问this morning之前要加on还是in;2.They are( )the puplis.要填什么介词 -
渭城区醋酸回答: 1、this morning 前面不需要冠词. 2、all 都.他们都是小学生.祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*)

蒯凯13772823238问: 用 1.主语+be(was,were)+其它. 2.主语 + 动词(过去式)+其它 这两个结构造句 5句.用五句改写一般疑问句 -
渭城区醋酸回答: 主语+be(was,were)+其它: 1 造句:I was tired. 一般疑问句:Were you tired? 答句:Yes,I Were./No,I weren't. 2造句:I am bored. 一般疑问句:Are you bored? 答句:Yes,I am./No,I am not. 3 造句:I am doing the dishes. 一般疑问句:Are you ...

蒯凯13772823238问: were are your books now怎么回答? -
渭城区醋酸回答: 问题漏了一个字母h,应该是:Where are your books now? 意思是你的书现在在哪里?可以回答:They are on the desk. 或者 They are in the bag. 或者They are on the floor. 等等.

蒯凯13772823238问: 英语中的倒装句该要怎么用呢? -
渭城区醋酸回答: 英语倒装句(Inversion) 主语和谓语是句子的核心,它们之间有两种语序:一是主语在谓语之前称为自然语序(Natural Order);二是主语在谓语之后则称为倒装语序(Inverted Order).而倒装语序中又有完全倒装(Full Inversion)和...

蒯凯13772823238问: 求十个Were的特殊疑问句 -
渭城区醋酸回答: Where is your cat Where is my coat Where shall we meet Where is your home Where should we go Where can I buy it Where is her hometown Where is my pencil Where do you want to go Where is your school

蒯凯13772823238问: these were your pens and pencils.回答 -
渭城区醋酸回答: Were these your pens and pencils Yes, they were.No, they weren't.为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

蒯凯13772823238问: There+were+my+friends改成一般疑问句 -
渭城区醋酸回答: There 想须是你打错了字. 此句的正确写法是:1. They were my friends. 他们是我的朋友.Were they your friends? [一般疑问句]2. Those were my friends. 那些是我的朋友.Were those your friends? [一般疑问句]

蒯凯13772823238问: 1. - ------,we should be glad. a、They arrive tomorrow b、Were they arriving tomorrow c、They were to -
渭城区醋酸回答: 选C吧.你的C项应该为They were to arrive tomorrow .这应该是一个虚拟语句.是对将来的虚拟.对将来的虚拟有以下几种用法 I.f +主语+should do ,主语+would do2.If +主语+were to do ,主语+would do3.If +主语+过去式,主语+would do 此题属于第三种,意思为他们要是明天能来,我们会高兴.

蒯凯13772823238问: where( )your friends?括号怎么填 -
渭城区醋酸回答: 填 are 或者were,取决于是问现在还是以前.缺少be动词, 因为后面是friends(复数)所以用are或者were

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