
作者&投稿:程琪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用于有礼貌的请求:Would you go with me?你愿意和我一起去吗?Used to indicate uncertainty:表示不确定之意:It would seem to be getting warmer.See Usage Note at if 天气似乎变得更暖和了参见 if would [wEd, wJd]v.(略写为'd,否定式的略写为 wouldn't [wJd(E)nt] )(will 的过去...


1. Would you be kind enough to show me the way to the post office.(情态动词 would,表示客气有礼)2. It would be better for you not to stay up too late.(表示委婉)http:\/\/cache.baidu.com\/c?word=would%2Ccould%2Cshould%2Cmight&url=http%3A\/\/flc%2Ezjgsu%2Eedu%2Ecn\/...

能告诉我分别用had+过去分词+should\/would\/could\/might+have+过去分 ...
preferable, proper, decided, ordered, recommended, requested, required等。参考资料:情态动词及虚拟语气 – 个人日记 – 一百易社区 http:\/\/space.100e.com\/myspace\/Diary-45228

这里的should是什么意思?高手进! The printer is of good quality . If it should break down with... “假如”的意思。印表机质量很好。如果第一年坏了,我们免费修理。Do you think Rover should e to the beach with us today? 这句话什么意思 这里的e to 是什么意思 你认为Pover 今天...

should后面加动词的什么时态 急啊

...type Collection<E> should be parameterized为什么
你好 ,这种集合类型 都会提示你 需要明确的定义泛型类 也就是<E>这个内容 。。你可以加上 @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") 注解就可以去掉警告,如果不加也没事的,警告不用管,错误才需要改。。。 纯手打 采纳我的回答吧。。。

1.动词suggest,order,demand,propose,request,command,insist等后的宾语从句中,用虚拟语气(即Should+动词原形或只用动词原形)来表示愿望、建议、命令、请求等。在动词wish \/would rather后的宾语从句中,用过去式表示与现在事实不符,用过去完成式表示与过去事实不符。e.g. I suggest that we(...

哪些情况从句的谓语动词用should do
8.should用在条件句中,代替现在时态,表示该动作虽然有可能发生,但可能性不大。它通常与一个祈使句连用,主要用于书面的说明文字中。例如:If the pain should re turn,take another of the s e pills .如果再痛的话,就再吃一片药。If the s e biscuits should arrive in a damaged condition...

什么情况下要用should do
什么情况下要用should do should do表示应该做某事,一般用在表示建议或要求的句子里,比如说:You should wash your hands. 你应该洗手。 You should do your homework first. 你应该先做你的作业。 You should ask your parents for advice. 你应该向你的父母寻求建议。什么情况下要用to do ...

点星18276588413问: we++should+++keep++甚么++exercise+++用原形还是ing情势
蕲春县科芬回答: ing keep doing

点星18276588413问: what should we keep heathy 写一篇作文
蕲春县科芬回答: Keep healthy is very important for us.For example,if we huve stomachache,we must have rest ,eat western medicine or traditional medicine.And we can not eat anything for three hours.How can we keep healthy?Exercise everyday,that is good for our ...

点星18276588413问: we should keep healthy为什么是healthy,不是health? -
蕲春县科芬回答: 你好:keep 后面接形容词 表示“保持....的(状态)” keep healthy 意思是“保持健康(的状态)” 而 health 是名词,不能这样用来作表语.又如: Keep warm . “保暖”希望对您有帮助!不清楚的请追问!

点星18276588413问: keep有那些常见用法? -
蕲春县科芬回答: 1.keep +形容词 . Keep quiet,please.2.keep+sth/sb +形容词 We should keep the classroom clean.3.keep +doing 一直做某事 Don't give up, Keep trying.4.keep ... from doing ... 阻止做某事...The zoo can keep the animals from going extinct.5.keep a pet 饲养一个宠物 My son keeps a cat .6.keep指借.How long may I keep this book ?

点星18276588413问: we should keep the plans in the shade. 为什么是主谓宾宾补 in the shade 是地点状语呀? -
蕲春县科芬回答: we should keep the plans in the shade.是说 plan 需要 被放在 in the shade.in the shade 是修饰 plan 的.l read book in the library,是在图书馆里读,所以是修饰 read 的

点星18276588413问: We should keep quiet here.改一般疑问句 -
蕲春县科芬回答: we should keep quiet here 改为一般疑问句 Should we keep quiet here? 并做肯否定回答 No, you shouldn't

点星18276588413问: keep的用法 -
蕲春县科芬回答: keep的用法小结 keep是高考常考词汇之一,其含义丰富,与其搭配的短语也很多,其主要用法如下: A、用作及物动词 (1)保留、保存、保持、留下 e.g. We'd better keep a seat for him. 我们最好给他留个座位. He kept all the money in the ...

点星18276588413问: we should keep the house - ------every day clean 还是cleaned,为什么
蕲春县科芬回答: 用clean. 句型:keep+sth+adj(宾补),clean是形容词,译为“清洁的, 干净的,整齐的” 整句意思是:“我们每天都应该保持房屋干净整洁.”

点星18276588413问: we should do - - - to keep us healthy many exercise -
蕲春县科芬回答: 锻炼”讲时: We often do some morning exercises 当“运动应该选much exercise 此处是锻炼的意思,是不可数名词 例如: How do you exercise 还可以做动词用,是“运动,为不可数名词. exercise 做名词用时分可数名词与不可数名词 当“练习,操”讲时,是可数名词 例如

点星18276588413问: "we should keep our word"改为同义句 -
蕲春县科芬回答: 两空填:We should keep ________ _________.We should keep our promises.三空填:We should keep ________ _________ _________.We should keep what we promised.

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