
作者&投稿:晁治 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

sed sth to sb造句子
He always sends a present to her on that day.

情态动词 have to. had better. wsed to. ought to. be supposed. be...
6.I have got to go home now.

用be suppsed to do 造句
You are supposed to work hard.你应该学习努力。

be plased to do造句
The boy was pleased to make a snowman with his neighbors.

has access to the restricted area; has access to classified material.有权进入禁区;使用已归类的材料 Increase by addition.增长,增多:因添加而增多 An outburst or onset:爆发,开始:an access of rage.突然发怒及物动词)ac.cessed,, To obtain access...

27In a word, he's useless. 简言之,他毫无用处。28Everyone may make mistakes at times. 每个人不时都会犯错误。29I feel like sleeping\/taking a walk.30I keey my daily.31I am weak in English.32什么东东 33Don't langh at somebody.34All this points to the same conclusion. 所有...

Result in和 lead to后面应该加名词性的吧?
in 与to 是介词,若接从句当然就是宾语从句了。Hard life results in what she looks like now.nervousness leads to what he don't to do when aksed by teacher.

一、pass on:vt. 前进(通过,传递,死亡,审核)例句与用法:1. She caught my cold and passed it on to (ie infected) her husband.我感冒传染了她, 她又传给她丈夫了.2. Pass the book on to me when you've finished with it.那本书你看完给我.3. Let's pass on to the next item...

权威例句 1.But there are some arts of the male female divide that are not just society imposing arbitrary rules.FORBES: How To Increase Business Profits: Go Sexist 2.Within the organization, we have observed a similar imbalance with male-female participants: Many of our events tend...

初三英语疑惑14个 高手进 分就这么多了
1: aren't 因为BE动词是are,所以不算是否定。2: 你的第一句造句没什么问题,就是拼写错了,不是"i an",应该是"I am"。第二句不对,应该是He stressed me out.stress out不接宾语意思是“压力大”。 如:Don't stress out. 压力不要太大。 stress somebody out意思是“使某人...

凤王18985011558问: 用英语单词used to 造句 -
萍乡市斯娜回答: I used to be short hair.我过去是短头发.

凤王18985011558问: 用used to造句 -
萍乡市斯娜回答: I used to play football.我以前常踢足球 Used to do表示过去常常做现在一不做,再给你个用法 数学大队为您解答~ ' 留了一个吧的答案有点问题

凤王18985011558问: 用used to造句 -
萍乡市斯娜回答:[答案] used to do 表示过去常常做某事,而现在往往不做了 i used to get up early in the morning when i was still a hight school student. 当我还是一个高中生时,曾经起得很早.

凤王18985011558问: used…to求英语造句啊 -
萍乡市斯娜回答:[答案] I used to get up early in the morning 我过去常常早起 used to 过去经常.

凤王18985011558问: 造句 -
萍乡市斯娜回答:[答案] used to do 表示过去常常做某事,而现在往往不做了 i used to get up early in the morning. be used to doing 表示习惯于做某事 i am used to eating rice now.

凤王18985011558问: 请用used to 的句式造句 -
萍乡市斯娜回答: I used to go to school on foot everyday. 我过去每天走路去学校.

凤王18985011558问: 谁那里有英语带 Used to 这个短语的句子?我要15个 -
萍乡市斯娜回答: 1.We used to go there every year. 我每年都去那儿.2.He is not what he used to be. 他已不是旧日的他了.3.It used to be believed that sugar could decay the teeth. 过去人们认为糖会腐蚀牙齿.4.Our company used to do business with theirs. 我们...

凤王18985011558问: used to造句 -
萍乡市斯娜回答:[答案] I used to be a solider. 我曾经是位军人.

凤王18985011558问: 用Used to造句 并做肯否回答 -
萍乡市斯娜回答:[答案] They used to play football on the playground . Used they to play footaball on the playground Yes ,they used to .No ,they usedn't to .

凤王18985011558问: 用used to do造句带汉译 -
萍乡市斯娜回答: used to do sth. 表示过去常常做某事 I used to do shopping when I was a student 当我还是学生的时候常常去购物

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