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be uesd to do sth。
be uesd to do sth 是“被用来做某事”的意思 例句:1、Computers can be used to do many things.电脑可用来做许多事。2、Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs.当然,正如我们所知道的,狗可以被用来看家,大象...

use ……to…造句
I used to smoke a lot, but now I don't smoke.He used to drink a lot, but now he seldom drinks.She used to watch a lot of movies, but now she rarely goes to the cinema.They used to be good friends, but now they don't talk to each other.We used to swim in the...

用used…to but … now 造句
He used to be a pilot but now he has a desk job.他曾是飞行员,但现在做办公室工作。I used to, but now I've got a service flat.过去常常做,但是现在我有公寓服务了。She used to like me but now she doesn't.她过去挺喜欢我,可现在不了。It used to be, but now it's ...

用ustd to do 造句
1.My mother used to go to work by bus .我的妈妈以前常常坐公共汽车去上班 2.I uesd to like playing games.我以前常常喜欢玩游戏 3.I uesd to like playing football.我以前常常喜欢踢足球 4.I uesd to like talking with my mother 我以前常常喜欢和我的妈妈聊天 5.He used to go to ...

请问use to used to .be used to do use fo
used to \/ be used to及use to和use for分析 used to \/ be used to used to + do:"过去常常"表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。Mother used not to be so forgetful.Scarf used to take a walk.  (过去常常散步)be used to + doing: 对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to...

be used to + adj be used to + v原 造句,各五句。。。
used to be +adj 1.You used be quiet.2.You used to be short.3.Amy used to be tall.4.She used to be serious.5.You used to be friendly. used to be +v . 1.I used to like tests.2.She used to have curly hair.3.I used to hate gym class. 4.We used to w...

He used to be short 他过去矮 He used to be thin. 他过去瘦 She used to have short hair. 她过去留长发。He used to wear glasses 他过去戴眼镜。I used to have long hair。 我过去留长发。I used to be shy 我过去害羞。He used to be rude. 他过去很粗鲁。She used...

used to do 怎么造句? keep on doing sith 怎么造句?
She used to get up early, but now she becomes lazy and gets up late.她曾经都很早起床,但现在她变懒了,很晚起床。This finding is certainly not an excuse to keep on smoking but it does bode well for those who may not have those genes as well.这个发现当然不是你继续吸烟的...

晕死 我粘贴一个 used to表示过去常常做某事.例句: I used to play football after school.过去我常常在放学后踢球.be used to do的意思是被用来做某事;be used to doing的意思是习惯于做某事.used to 过去常常做某事 be used to 被用来做 used to \/ be used to (楼上的几位请注意,be ...

用used to do 和 be used to doing 造句, eg:Tom used
He used to do a lot of drinking but has signed off now.他过去常常喝酒,但现在戒掉了。He used to do such work as he could pick up.他惯常能够找到什么活就干什么活。Be used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事。The fact that this boss came in from the outside is significant, ...

蓟程19372425166问: 请用used to 的句式造句 -
城固县阿林回答: I used to go to school on foot everyday. 我过去每天走路去学校.

蓟程19372425166问: 用英语单词used to 造句 -
城固县阿林回答: I used to be short hair.我过去是短头发.

蓟程19372425166问: used to造一句话 -
城固县阿林回答: I used to walk to school,but now I usually ride to school

蓟程19372425166问: 用used to句型造句 -
城固县阿林回答: I used to like the dark, but now I like the light, it warms the bottom of my heart.

蓟程19372425166问: 用used to造句 -
城固县阿林回答: I used to play football.我以前常踢足球 Used to do表示过去常常做现在一不做,再给你个用法http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/197494894.html?an=0&si=2 数学大队为您解答~ ' 留了一个吧的答案有点问题

蓟程19372425166问: 帮我早几个英语句子吧~有几个好像是用used to 造句的 1.你过去常怕蛇吗?2.我怕黑.3.太阳镜是用来保护眼睛的.4.我的祖父习惯于早起.5.字典是被用来帮助你... -
城固县阿林回答:[答案] ①the old man got (angry) what the young man laughed at him. ②the weather is (warm).Let is go to piay soccer in the piayground. ③Disneyland is an (enjoyable) place to have fun. ④How long have yo...

蓟程19372425166问: 请用used to 的句式造句 -
城固县阿林回答:[答案] I used to go to school on foot everyday. 我过去每天走路去学校.

蓟程19372425166问: 用used to造句 -
城固县阿林回答:[答案] used to do 表示过去常常做某事,而现在往往不做了 i used to get up early in the morning when i was still a hight school student. 当我还是一个高中生时,曾经起得很早.

蓟程19372425166问: 用used to 写5句英语句子用used to写5句话! -
城固县阿林回答:[答案] I uesd to play football after class.My mother used to do housework at weekend.My father used to watch TV after supper.My brother used to go shopping in the nearest supermarket.My sister used to go swimming in the afternoon.

蓟程19372425166问: used…to求英语造句啊 -
城固县阿林回答:[答案] I used to get up early in the morning 我过去常常早起 used to 过去经常.

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