
作者&投稿:倚慧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

...50% againse Profoma Invoice 2. rates to be FOB or C&F
1.50% order with advance and 50% againse Profoma Invoice3 总金额的1.5% 在下订单时支付,另有50%则在收到形式发票后支付。2. rates to be FOB or C&F (上述的)金额的计算是以 FOB值,或C&F值来做为基数计算的。rate 原意是指:机率,率。在这里,是指第1点提到的金额计算的基率。...

素人故事TO BE SEEN (SE01 EP01)
欢迎来到TO BE SEEN的世界,探索平凡人的非凡故事——第01期,遇见老朱的不凡之旅。在创业部落的大家庭中,老朱以其独特的个性脱颖而出——他的善良和接纳力无人能敌,仿佛天生擅长打开每个人的心扉。我挑选他作为首个嘉宾,不是因为他是第一个冒险者,而是因为在这个普遍谨慎的社会,他那少见的真诚...

过去式:saved 英 [seɪvd]释义:adj 获救的;已保存的 v 救助;储蓄;节约;保留 (备用); 免去;存盘;扑救;收集;抢救;避免(save 的过去式和过去分词)短语:saved layouts 保存布局

1. I consider it a great honor to be invited to dinner.我认为能被邀请参加晚宴是很大的荣幸。2. Your suggestion shall be carefully considered.你的建议会得到仔细考虑的。3. If you consider that she has only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well.你如果考虑...

10. [主英国英语]赶上…的时间:例句: to save the flight at 8:00 am.赶上早八点的班机 11. 【体育】救出(射入门或可能得分)的球;救起(触地得分等)的球:例句: to save a scoring ball 救起可能使对手得分之球 12. 【宗教】拯救(生命等);赦免…的原罪:例句: to be a Christian to...

[유천]But I will be waiting for you To say you want me to be with youI'll live in your love and your dream forever and ever[재중]Whenever you look in my eyes There I so many smiles and tearsI was born to love Feel so deep insideIf you need meI’ll be your man [...

【英语】be opinionated; be self-righteous; believe sth. to be correct opinionately; bumptious; claim infallibility presumptuously; consider oneself always in the right; have a firm belief in one's own opinions; opinionatedly believe sth. to be correct; regard ones.【日语】ひとりよ...

...writers are expencted to be clear and accurase, the form in w...
news writers are expencted to be clear and accurate,the form in which they write or speak is second 你打字有错误 新闻作家的表达要清晰准确,他们写作或说话的方式(体裁)则是次要的。

be on the safe side是什么意思
safe 英[seɪf] 美[sef]adj. 安全的; 保险的,肯定的; 无损的; 提供保护的;n. 保险箱,保险柜; 冷藏箱; 〈俚〉避孕套;[例句]Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city 官员们赶来评估向该市调拨紧急救援食品是否安全...

谁能给我关于Toni Morrison的《beloved》的英文简介
A woman presumed to be her daughter, called Beloved, returns years later to haunt Sethe's home at 124 Bluestone Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. The story opens with an introduction to the ghost: "124 was spiteful. Full of a baby's venom."[1]The novel won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in ...

朝急18850967806问: used to 与 used to be 的区别用法 -
富民县复方回答:[答案] 1.used to do sth.过去常常做某事,(意思现在不做了)例:I used to get up early and take an hour's walk before breakfast.我过去常常起床很早并且在早餐前散步一小时 used to doing sth / be used to sth .是...

朝急18850967806问: use to be和 used to be 有什么区别 都怎么分别用啊? -
富民县复方回答:[答案] 应该是use to do和used to do的区别吧?use sth to do sth意思是用前者(某工具或者方法)做什么(后者,是某件事).used to do是说过去经常做某事,现在也可能经常做.还有一个相似的词是Be used to doing,意思是说过去经常做某事但是现在不再...

朝急18850967806问: use to be,used to be,are used to being,were used being四个词各有什么意思 -
富民县复方回答: 没有 use to be 用法,也没有 were used being用法. used to be:曾经是...... are used to being:对......已经习惯了 例句 London used to be Britain's largest port. 伦敦过去是英国最大的港口城市. Many gifted students are used to being at the top of their junior high and high school classes. 拓展: used to do 过去常常做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 be used to do sth 被用来做某事

朝急18850967806问: used to 和be used to的区别请详述其区别,并且后面接的是动词不定式还是动词ing形式?thanks -
富民县复方回答:[答案] 一、在英国英语中传统上把used to看作是情态动词,因此,它的疑问式应当是:Used +主语+to sth.?否定式应当是used not to或use(d)n't to.但是,在美国英语中,人们把used to看作是实义动词,因此,它的疑问式是:Did +主语+use to do sth.?否定...

朝急18850967806问: 请问为什么是用use to be 还有use to be是什么意思?谢谢 -
富民县复方回答: 你是断章取义了 本来只有used to do ,就是以前怎么样,如果跟名词,形容词,就是used to be 你这个文章,第二句就有she used to do..然后,如果是used to do 的疑问句或者否定句,就认为是过去式,加助动词,然后used 还原成use 就得到你文中的i didn't use to be popular in school...

朝急18850967806问: use to,be used to do,be used to doing和be used for的区别 -
富民县复方回答: use to,be used to do,be used to doing和be used for的区别: 1、基本释义不同.use to 用...来做某事;be used to do 被用作做某事;be used to doing 习惯做某事;be used for 用来做某事;...的作用是. 2、后跟动词形式不同.use to后跟动词原...

朝急18850967806问: use后什么时候接不定式,什么时候接to be ,简单解释什么是不定式 -
富民县复方回答: use to do sth 过去常常做某事 use to be done 过去常常被做某事 要用被动时就用到be done动词不定式是一种非限定性动词,由to+动词原形构成. 其形式如下:主动形式 被动形式一般式 (not) to do (not) to be done进行式 (not) to be doing 无被动完成式 (not) to have done ( not) to have been done

朝急18850967806问: use to be和use to -
富民县复方回答: 你所说的be动词用在有动词的句子,那时候的be是表示被动的! 这里的be是当系动词用的,和A选项的用法一样 ,但是之所以要用在这里是由于used to 这一特殊搭配而来的.表明Jorden以前是怎么样的! 明白? 别死记!~!求你了~!~!~!英语不是你想象的那样的! 多读课文和文章(written by English)有了语感就哦了!~~

朝急18850967806问: 英语中use to/ be used to (doing)sth/ get use(d) to什么什么之类的解释以及用法 -
富民县复方回答: get used to(doing)sth习惯于做某事,可用于过去时,现在时,将来时的多种时态中.get可用 be/become等来代替.如He will be(has been)used to getting up early.used to do sth过去常常做某事,只用于过去时. 如He used to be a quiet used to do sth被用于做某事.如Wood is used to make paper

朝急18850967806问: used to be used to都是什么意思,后面加什么 -
富民县复方回答: 过去常常+doing

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