
作者&投稿:巨知 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

this program undertaken by the young man 分析句子成分?
This program undertaken by the young man.句子 program 后面添加 be 动词 is 。This program is undertaken by the young man. 这是个被动语态的句子。This program 主语 is undertaken 谓语 by the young man 介词宾语(动作执行者 句子汉语:这个项目是由那个年轻人主持的。

人教版高中英语选修8《Unit 2 Cloning》教案
vt.(undertook;undertaken)着手;从事;承担;保证,答应 常用结构: undertake sth. 着手\/从事\/承担某事 undertake to do sth. 保证\/答应做某事 undertake that ...保证¡­¡­ The scientist undertakes the experiment. 这位科学家从事这项实验。 I can undertake the responsibility for the changes. 我愿意...

the washwoman的文章大意
She had been driven by a strong will to return the property to its owners, to fulfill the task she had undertaken. 洗衣妇 艾萨克.巴什维斯.辛格 她是个小个子的妇女,上了年纪,满脸皱纹。她开始为我们洗衣服时已年过七旬。我们这条街上所有的老妇人都是驼着背,拄着拐杖走路的。然而这个洗衣妇,虽然...

Sport and physical education are activities undertaken in...
运动和体育都是人类在对于奥林匹克运动会精神不断追求的过程中所采取的活动。运动不仅能强健体魄,还教会人们交流、合作、尊重他人、以及接受失败。从根本上来说,它是加强不同文明和价值体系之间的纽带的一个重要手段。要点:physical education 就是“体育”undertake 从事,进行,采取 ceaseless 不断,不...

on behalf of 和 on behalf的区别
on behalf of,一般指代表某些人:英文解释: as the representative of sb or instead of them on behalf,是受谁的委托的意思:On behalf of the A.E.A., the uranium reconnaissance in the U.K. was undertaken. on the behalf ;受原子能管理局的委托,在英国开展了铀矿普查工作。

The 26-episode series revolves around the often violent adventures undertaken by the arguably mismatched crew of the BeBop spaceship. The crew is made up of four unique characters: Jet Black, a former ISSP police officer who retired following a mob hit that cost him his arm, Spike...

在这次翻新期间,大楼的所有者CIS公司咨询了太阳能电池板公司Solar century。These small square stones became a problem for the building and continued to fall off the face for 40 years until a major renovation was undertaken.但这些方形的小石板成了大楼的问题,四十年来不断从外墙脱落,直到...

(undertook, undertaken) 着手;从事;承担pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;偿清breakthrough n. 突破procedure n. 程序;步骤;手续△nucleus n. 原子核;中心△somatic adj. 躯体的;肉体的;细胞体的△embryo n. 胚;胚胎;萌牙时期carrier n. 携带者;搬运工;运输工具cast vt. (cast, cast) 扔;投;掷cast down ...

undertake undertook undertaken underwrite underwrote underwritten undo undid undone undraw undrew undrawn unfreeze unfroze unfrozen ungird ungirded,ungirt ungirded,ungirt unhang unhung unhung unknit unknitted,unknit unknitted,unknit unlade unladed unladed,unladen unlay unlaid unlaid unlearn unlearnt,...

Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. The people of the United States have already formed their opinions and well understand the implications to the very life and safety of our...

称韩19147823882问: undertaken - 搜狗百科
五河县化积回答: 从事;开始进行

称韩19147823882问: undertaken是什么意思啊?
五河县化积回答: 接手,从事的意思.

称韩19147823882问: undertake的意思 -
五河县化积回答: v. 承担;从事;保证;答应 一、读音:英 [ˌʌndə'teɪk];美 [ˌʌndər'teɪk]二、例句: We could undertake the work for the time being. 我们可暂时承担这项工作. 三、词汇用法: undertake的意思是“担任,承揽”,指将某事揽入自己的...

称韩19147823882问: undertaken修饰的是那个单词? -
五河县化积回答: assessment 是一个名词 解释为评定 全句前半部分字面上译为 评定是诸多事情里一个循环的过程 那么接下来的undertaken是被动态 那么什么被从事了呢 显然是assessment 它在开头 是全句的中心词 再说哪有 process 被从事的阿呵呵.

称韩19147823882问: undertake 后面接for 还是about 还是of? -
五河县化积回答: undertake: [ .ʌndə'teik ] v. 从事,保证,接受 不用任何介词阿.词形变化: 动词过去式:undertook 过去分词:undertaken 现在分词:undertaking 第三人称单数:undertakes 例句与用法: 1. We could undertake the work for the time being.我...

称韩19147823882问: 高二单词造句造稍长点的句子,8个单词左右或以上undertake vt.&vi.(undertook, undertaken) 着手做;从事;承担 analysis [E5nAlisis] ([复]analyses) n.分... -
五河县化积回答:[答案] We could undertake the work for the time being. 我们可暂时担当这项工作. Close analysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别. The reformation of criminals has produced an obvious result. 对罪...

称韩19147823882问: 英语句子结构分析和翻译,帮帮忙,谢谢! -
五河县化积回答: undertaken in a wide range of science and art,修饰 the high quality of research.undertake与achievement搭配不了.由于杰出的学术成就,由于在广泛的科学艺术领域从事的高质量的调查,它享誉全球.

称韩19147823882问: assume,adopt,undertake有什么区别 -
五河县化积回答: 假设 双语对照 词典结果: assume[英][əˈsju:m][美][əˈsu:m] v.承担; 呈现; 假定,认为; 装出; 第三人称单数:assumes过去分词:assumed现在进行时:assuming过去式:assumed 以上结果来自金山词霸采用 双语对照 词典结果: ...

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