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蒸牧18761033353问: 英语中所有的双关语. -
莱城区博迪回答: 2、语义双关 语义双关是利用某个词语的多义性在特定环境下形成的双关,在字面上只有一个词语,而实际上同时关顾着两种不同的意义,言在此而意在彼,从而造成一种含蓄,深沉委婉,耐人寻味的意境,增强了语言的表达效果.[3](66)这种...

蒸牧18761033353问: 速求一篇英文短文最好幽默的200词左右!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
莱城区博迪回答: And it was always seldom scrooge that he knew how to keep Christmas well. If any man alive possess knowledge. May that be truly said of us and all of us. And so is Tiny Tim observed God blesses us everyone. And so ends Dickens' masterpiece ...

蒸牧18761033353问: 急需一篇1分钟英语演讲短文 (搞笑一点的) -
莱城区博迪回答: 我建议你去看看新概念2的课本,那里的课文很简单,大概也就一分钟 但是句式,语法都很经典,而且比较实用 也比较搞笑,我推荐第48课,do you want to tell me something? 讲的是拔错牙的故事 在百度上一搜新概念2第48课就有课文 我就不...

蒸牧18761033353问: Until I took Dr.Offutt's class in DeMatha High school,I was an underachieving student,but I left that class determined never to underachieve again.He not only ... -
莱城区博迪回答:[答案] ADBBC 36.A 细节题.根据第一段2,3,4行I left that class determined never to underachieve again.He not only taught me to think,he convinced me,as much by example as words that it was my duty to achieve and to serve others.说明他对于自己取得成就很...

蒸牧18761033353问: 英文主要内容,15字左右谢谢 -
莱城区博迪回答: 你想要英文控制在15字似乎有点难 An university professor(推测)started a moth hunting process season with two shining lights and a white sheet, which had worked out well.

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