
作者&投稿:奚谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

understand 英[ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美[ˌʌndərˈstænd]vt. 懂,理解;vt. 了解; 领会; 默认; 听说;[网络] 明确; 解; 体会;[例句]I think you heard and also understand me.我想你听到了我的话,也明白我的意思。...

v.懂;理解;领会;了解;认识到;明了;谅解;体谅;得知;默认 第三人称单数:understands 现在分词:understanding 过去分词:understood 过去式:understood 造句:1.People are often afraid of things they don't understand.人往往对自己不懂的东西感到恐惧。2.Feel free to ask questions if you don...

understand读法英 [ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美 [ˌʌndərˈstænd]v. 理解,懂得;了解,明白(某事物);谅解,体谅;得知,听说;默认,默许;领会,推断出;解释 词汇搭配:Now I understand 我终于读懂了 hard to understand 不易懂的 ; ...

"Understand"表示对某个概念、信息或观点有清晰的认识和理解。它可以用来描述一个人能够领悟、领会或把握某种事物的意义、内涵或重要性。语法详解:"Understand"是一个及物动词,后面通常接一个宾语。它可以用于不同的时态和语态,如现在时、过去时、将来时等。例如:- I understand the instructions.(我...

understand。英 [ˌʌndəˈstænd] 美 [ˌʌndərˈstænd] 。懂;理解;领会。understand的基本意思是“懂,理解”,可指理解某人或某事,也可指认为或以为某人或某事是什么。可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接...


understand 及物动词 vt. & 不及物动词 vi.1.懂; 理解; 领会 I didn't understand.我不懂。Don't always rely on others to understand and sympathize.不要老是指望别人的理解和同情。My wife doesn't understand me.我的妻子不了解我。Do you understand French?你懂法语吗?I can't ...

understand的过去式:understood 词汇解析:understand 英文发音:[ˌʌndəˈstænd]中文释义:v.懂;理解;领会;了解;认识到 词形:第三人称单数: understands 现在分词: understanding 过去式: understood 过去分词: understood 例句:I'd understood the words, but I didn...

understand意思是明白,理解;了解; 得知;默认; 领会;懂(某种语言)。understand是一个英语单词,作动词,意为明白,理解;了解;得知;默认;领会;懂(某种语言)。造句:Doctors still don't understand much about the disease.医生对这种疾病还了解不多。I quite understand that you need some ...

understand 什么意思
Am I to understand you are staying the night?我猜你晚上留下,对吗?To accept (something) as an agreed fact:认为理所当然,不言而喻:作为同意的事实接受(某事):It is understood that the fee will be 50 dollars.赏金50元理所当然的 To supply or add (words or a meaning, for ...

梅奋15938975186问: understanding 后面跟什么介词 -
南乐县亚立回答: understand vt. & vi. 懂; 理解 vt. & vi. 听说,获悉 用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、动名词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that从句及疑问词从句作宾语. 用作不及物动词时,可以跟以下几个介词. understand as 把……理解为…… eg. understand sb's suggestion as a complaint 把某人的建议理解为发牢骚 understand from 从……获悉

梅奋15938975186问: understanding是什么意思
南乐县亚立回答: understanding 英 [ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ] 美 [ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ] vt.谅解; 理解,懂得; 熟知,通晓; 获知,理解; vi.理解,懂得; 表示同情或谅解; 据说; n.谅解; 认识,了解; 知识; [网络]理解; 懂得; 了解; [例句]They have to ...

梅奋15938975186问: 当understanding做名词时,冠词用a还是an -
南乐县亚立回答: 当understanding作为“谅解;协议;共议”讲时,是可数名词,前面要用不定冠词an,因为它的开头是元音,如: The representatives came to an understanding after the argument.

梅奋15938975186问: understanding前用a还是an -
南乐县亚立回答: 绝对是an,因为un那个u发的是原因,英语中首字母发元音的都用an,不是看首字母!!!切记,呵呵.谢谢采纳.

梅奋15938975186问: comprehetic 和understanding的区别 -
南乐县亚立回答: 1)understanding characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy;"an understanding friend"2)comprehensible capable of being comprehended or understood;"an idea comprehensible to the average mind"

梅奋15938975186问: 英语作文understanding -
南乐县亚立回答: Understanding is a bridge between teachers and students.Once I copied my deskmate's paper during an exam and handed it in.The next day,my teacher told the whole class about it.I lost face,I hated the teacher. Days later,the teacher had a heart...

梅奋15938975186问: 初三考试作文《Understanding》 -
南乐县亚立回答: People may misunderstand each other everyday, and that includes me too.I had a foreign friend before and he misunderstood me. He was upset but then I explained what i really meant and we bec最多100字

梅奋15938975186问: comprehension和 understanding的区别 -
南乐县亚立回答: 作为理解,了解,二者是可以通用的. comprehension 侧重 理解…的意思、性质或重要性的行为或事实 understanding 侧重 能理解的人的品质和条件 除此之外comprehension N. 1.理解力:通过这种方式而获得的知识 例:reading ...

梅奋15938975186问: understanding on和understanding of 有什么区别 -
南乐县亚立回答: understanding of sth (1)理解;了解;领悟 的意思:The committee has little or no understanding of the problem.委员会对这个问题知之甚少或者干脆就是一无所知.(2)看法;意见;解释 的意思:My understanding of the situation is .我对局势的看法是.understanding on 应该是 在.条件下的意思,不过这么用的不多.一个词组是:on the understanding that .意思是“条件是.”

梅奋15938975186问: 用understanding造句 -
南乐县亚立回答: There was an understanding between us. 我们两个人有默契.

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