
作者&投稿:犁奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Zi Zhang and Zai Wo are both listed in the"Confucius's wisdom in a baker's dozen" ,but they are not noly the few heterogeneous men in the Confucius'prentices, but also the hard-won and interseting persons in the III Millennium .Zai Wo is good at speeking, Zi Zhang prefe...

should wo celebrate traditional chinese festivals
Finally, there are negative aspects on unhealthy people in the western festivals which should not be celebrated by us. All Saints Day is a very thrilling festival, in which people put the horrible or sinister mask upon their faces. Though these kinds of actions help people to boost...

Wolf's solidarity and cooperation Up to now, the world will be divided into 17 kinds of wolf subspecies and the existing two kinds of recently extinct subspecies, is a highly gregarious species. First a pack of wolves around the number of 5-12 between the shape slightly larger t...

last summer i spent some time off with my mother
Last summer I spent some time off with my mother in Beidaihe. We stayed there from July 15th to August 5th. It is really a wonderful place. It is one of the most famous summer resorts(避暑胜地)in China. The buildings there are tidy, with some trees and flowers around them....

migaku toki mo mata ahogao shite ie wo deru sonna hibi kurashitebrushing your teeth, make a stupid face and get out of the house, spend those kinds of days看一看镜子里面有点蠢蠢的容颜,然后就走出门去好好生活每一天夜を待つのはもうやめよう 休んでもいいさ力溜めようyoru wo matsu no ...

求助Everlasting Sno的歌词
zuttooboeteru souyukigafuru konomachide tsunaidanukumoriwo madatodokukana...tewosashidaseba furitsumoru eienga 睁开眼睛 请让我的手感到温暖 相信 写在玻璃窗上的文字 在不断飘落的 雪中 寻找……只是寻找一人 和幸福 一起走著 街上的 恋人们 就像我们两人一起度过的时间一样 我到底为你做过...

There are four kinds of weather in general.They are cloudy, sunny,rainy and snowy.There is no sunshine on cloudy days,and that makes people gloomy.On sunny days,the sun is always shining,I can feel warm inside.On rainy days,The road is slippery after the rain.And we need ...


wo wo I have only a facet of never falldown我只有一种容貌就是永远不会倒 Whatever adversities surround this facet follows我就算逆境环绕我面对也要带着 I have only a way of roaring我只有一种咆哮 I want them all to realise it我要让他们都知道 No matter how though my life is我...

there are different kinds of resolutions. Some are about physical health. For example,some people promise themselves thay are going to start an exercise program or eat less fast food. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. some people might say they are going to take up a hobby ...

涂玛15132062333问: ppt组合快捷键 - ppt组合快捷键ctrl加什么
伽师县阿奇回答: ppt组合快捷键ctrl加什么PPT中Ctrl+c和Ctrl+D区别: Ctrl+c-----复制. Ctrl+D-----复制选中的对象. 其它快捷键: Ctrl + M - 插入一张新的幻灯片 Ctrl + D - 复制选中的对象 ...

涂玛15132062333问: 1初一英语《一般现在时和现在进行时的区别》PPT课件 -
伽师县阿奇回答: 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别 一、概念不同:一般现在时表示主语经常性和习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力及自然现象.而现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,也表示目前或现阶段一直进行的动作.如:She...

涂玛15132062333问: 倍的认识例3:一个数的几倍是多少PPTPPT课件 -
伽师县阿奇回答: 求一个数的几倍是多少应用题:比如一个数是30,它的5倍是多少?30x5=150 答:它的5倍是150 求一个数的几倍是多少,就用这个数乘以倍数.

涂玛15132062333问: 小学英语基础知识培训教案
伽师县阿奇回答: 小学英语老师,它们会不会全部用英语来设计课堂上的教案呢?下面是我给大家整理... This lesson includes two parts:Let's talk and let's practice. In section 1,it mainly ...

涂玛15132062333问: 已知函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数当x大于0时,f(x)=x(1+x)+1,画出f(x)的函数图像 -
伽师县阿奇回答: 因为函数f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数 当X小于0时f(x)=-f(-x)=-[(-x)(1-x)]+1=x-x^2+1剩下的两段按二次函数带点画 图像关于原点...

涂玛15132062333问: 幻灯片的制作 -
伽师县阿奇回答: 利用PowerPoint 2000轻松制作课件 多媒体课件已经越来越广泛地应用在现代化教育中,许多教师可能觉得课件制作的难度比较高.其实PowerPoint 2000是一个很方便的课件制作软件,方便大家制作出集文字、图表、图像、声音及视频剪辑为...

涂玛15132062333问: 小学英语培训专题总结6
伽师县阿奇回答: 小学英语必备知识点1 (一)英语句子按交际功能的.分类 1.陈述句(declarative ... There are various kinds of jobs in the world. 2.疑问句 (interrogative sentence) 疑...

涂玛15132062333问: 电脑PPT怎么截长图(电脑ppt怎样截图)
伽师县阿奇回答: 电脑ppt怎样截图使用电脑自带的屏幕截图后画面比较清晰.电脑上的ppt怎么截图1/6打开PPT,然后新建一个新的幻灯片,如果是自己想在自己的PPT中输入截图的话,...

涂玛15132062333问: 您能翻译ppt吗 中文转英文 -
伽师县阿奇回答: ppt生词本 abbr. part per trillion 1兆分之…;part per ;thousand 1;part per trillion 1兆分之…; part per 网 络 演示文档; 工作规划; 茶多酚; 兆分之 现代英汉综合大词典 基本释义 1. =parts per thousand 千分之几; 2. parts per trillion 亿万分之几(...

涂玛15132062333问: 人教版小学二年级数学下册“求一个数是另一个数的几倍”课件 -
伽师县阿奇回答:[答案] “另一个数”除以“一个数”就是答案

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