
作者&投稿:函油 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This life to each person 这生命对每个人
Is neither equal nor reasonable 都不公平也没道理
Just flapping in the mud and battle 只能扑向泥泞迎向
That storm is not for you to handle 那阵骤雨由不得你
This sudden storm caused this muddy street 突来的骤雨这条街一路泥泞
Life is just like a prompt deed 就像人生不过是一场即兴
The whole world is provoking 整个世界正在对我们挑衅
Eventhough we have to fearlessly proceed 就算如此还是得无惧前进
A cover person is smiling on the post in my hand 手中的邮报封面的人在微笑
At next juncture life screams in a dark lane 下个路口生命在暗巷尖叫
Life is just a corner of the printing ink 活着只是油墨上面的一角
Day after tomorrow who will ever read 明天之后还有谁翻阅的的到
I have a different way from yours 我跟你用不同方式
Pacing through the thorny brambles 踩过前方带刺荆棘
You go fearlessly with arrogant 你嚣张不畏惧退缩
I am silent but unshaken 我低头沉默却坚定
Strike back and pounding loud 用力的还击发出声音
Let them quiet down and unbelievably they go on 让他们安静不敢相信继续前进
They are frightened with opening eyes 他们畏惧睁大眼睛
Are they hiding for abandon 他们躲避难道放弃
Listen up to my voice 专心聆听我的声音
This life to each person 这生命对每个人
Is neither equal nor reasonable 都不公平也没道理
Only flapping in the mud and battle 只能扑向泥泞迎向
That storm is not for you to handle 那阵骤雨由不得你
If life to each person 如果生命对每个人
Is neither equal nor reasonable都不公平也没道理
So let me bring along my lonesomeness那就让我带着孤寂
To the brightness I proceed forward 继续前进直到光明
Proceed forward继续前进

wo wo
I have only a facet of never falldown我只有一种容貌就是永远不会倒
Whatever adversities surround this facet follows我就算逆境环绕我面对也要带着
I have only a way of roaring我只有一种咆哮
I want them all to realise it我要让他们都知道
No matter how though my life is我生命再怎么粗糙
I have to proudly live 我都要活的很骄傲
It may sound ridiculous being egoistic我说自尊那看起来或许可笑
But at least it supports me for not falling down但它至少支着我,试着不让我颠倒
If living is to resist the silence in clamour活着如果只是不甘寂静的喧嚣
Then roar,let everyone hear you roar那就咆哮吧让每个人都听得到

This life to each person 这生命对每个人
Is neither equal nor reasonable 都不公平也没道理
Just flapping in the mud and battle 只能扑向泥泞迎向
That storm is not for you to handle 那阵骤雨由不得你
This sudden storm caused this muddy street 突来的骤雨这条街一路泥泞
Life is just like a prompt deed 就像人生不过是一场即兴
The whole world is provoking 整个世界正在对我们挑衅
Eventhough we have to fearlessly proceed 就算如此还是得无惧前进
A cover person is smiling on the post in my hand 手中的邮报封面的人在微笑
At next juncture life screams in a dark lane 下个路口生命在暗巷尖叫
Life is just a corner of the printing ink 活着只是油墨上面的一角
Day after tomorrow who will ever read 明天之后还有谁翻阅的的到
I have a different way from yours 我跟你用不同方式
Pacing through the thorny brambles 踩过前方带刺荆棘
You go fearlessly with arrogant 你嚣张不畏惧退缩
I am silent but unshaken 我低头沉默却坚定
Strike back and pounding loud 用力的还击发出声音
Let them quiet down and unbelievably they go on 让他们安静不敢相信继续前进
They are frightened with opening eyes 他们畏惧睁大眼睛
Are they hiding for abandon 他们躲避难道放弃
Listen up to my voice 专心聆听我的声音
This life to each person 这生命对每个人
Is neither equal nor reasonable 都不公平也没道理
Only flapping in the mud and battle 只能扑向泥泞迎向
That storm is not for you to handle 那阵骤雨由不得你
If life to each person 如果生命对每个人
Is neither equal nor reasonable都不公平也没道理
So let me bring along my lonesomeness那就让我带着孤寂
To the brightness I proceed forward 继续前进直到光明
Proceed forward继续前进

wo wo
I have only a facet of never falldown我只有一种容貌就是永远不会倒
Whatever adversities surround this facet follows我就算逆境环绕我面对也要带着
I have only a way of roaring我只有一种咆哮
I want them all to realise it我要让他们都知道
No matter how though my life is我生命再怎么粗糙
I have to proudly live 我都要活的很骄傲
It may sound ridiculous being egoistic我说自尊那看起来或许可笑
But at least it supports me for not falling down但它至少支着我,试着不让我颠倒
If living is to resist the silence in clamour活着如果只是不甘寂静的喧嚣
Then roar,let everyone hear you roar那就咆哮吧让每个人都听得到

The life to everyone is unfair and no reason.
Weather it throw itself to mudy or welcome the storm doesn't depent on you.
The sudden rain made the street so mudy,like the life which only a mement.
The whole world is provoking.
You should go ahead even like this.
People at the front cover is smiling,
life is screaming at the next corssroads.
Life is only one coner of the printing ink.
After tomorrow who will turn to it
You and me use the different methed to step a thorng under-growth.
You arrogant and don't go back
Ilow my head and selience but strong.
Fright back with all strength and made noise
Made them don't believe we are going ahead.
They are so frighted and opened their eyes
They avoid and give up
Listen to my sonud carefully.
The life to everyone is unfair and no reason.
If it throw itself to mudy or welcome the storm doesn't depent on you.
If life tread nobody with fair and reason
Let me go to bright lonely continue,go continue.
I always have one express which I never give up
Although badly enviroment I will bring.
I have one roar only
I will make them all know
Although my life is rough
I will live poundly
Maybe it would let you say I am absurd
But it surport me at least,try not to let me down
If life only means clamor that doesn't like alone
Let the clamor be heared by everybody.

This life is not fair to everyone and no sense can dive for mud into the wonderful shower you can not control yeah ~ the sudden showers this street all muddy is like life is but a impulse the whole world is in our aggressive even so still have to fear on the hands of the post cover was smiling next crossroads in life dark lane scream live only on the corner of the printing ink after tomorrow who read the to me with you in a different way ahead by tread thorns you arrogant not afraid I bowed my head back silently but firm emphatic counter-attack sound let them quiet can't believe move on they fear the zheng big eyes they avoid don't give up to listen to the voice of my this life is not fair to everyone and no sense can dive for mud into the wonderful torrential rain not if you life to everyone not fair also no sense that let me with a lonely move on until the light went on wo wo I only have a face I just never fall I am surrounded by adversity I face also want to take me only a roaring I want to let them know my life again how rough I will live very proud I said self-esteem that looks maybe funny but it is at least I leaned, try not to let me upside down alive if only unwilling silent sound that is roaring! Let everybody hear

Life about everybody the getting more unfair the getting more unreasonable to can only attack there aren't mud too It passes to be one whole world provoke to us even if must fear , advance post front cover of hand next life of crossing of smile exists as long as people survive dark lane scream so extempore To get me step on with you with different way the front thistles and thorns you arrogant to fear , shrink back I bow and sink with thorn a living who else a only printing ink above one browse after the one tomorrow one But firm riposte that exert oneself sound , let them to be quiet to can't believe , continue , advance they fear , open eyes wide they avoid , give up , listen to voice these of me attentively Life unfair and unreasonable to can only attack mud meet the shower beyond the control of you if life unfair and too unreasonable to let me bring then to everybody everybody have correctly Continue lonelily advance until brightness continue let's advance even if kinds of I at the appearance only one , I of wo wo , pour it I never even if adverse circumstance around me in the face of wanting it brings that I am only one too Kind roar by I want it let there aren't they, if it is only the unwilling quiet thenning roar to try not to allow me to put upside down alive noisily and letting everybody hear


Vinson 文森 都不错的

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文可译为:Win或Venn;婷根据其含义完全可以译为graceful。这是谁的名字吧!我的名字里也有个“文”字。文婷连起来可以译为:Wintim或Winterm,个人觉得直译Wen Ting更合适,因为英汉互译中有规定,中文姓名用拼音译

1、Google翻译 Google翻译在界面上还是遵循了非常极简的谷歌风格,整体看起来和普通的翻译软件似乎也没有什么差别。但是Google翻译还是有一点特色功能的,比如“实景翻译”。当阅读大段文章的时候如果逐字逐句的翻译会非常的麻烦而且费时间,Google翻译的这个实景翻译就是在用后置镜头取得一段文字的时候可以事实...

一.增译法 指根据英汉 两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无 主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主 句、被动语态或"There be…"结构...


论文中文翻译成英文的软件:Deepl、搜狗、CNKI翻译助手。1、DeepL 一个国外的在线翻译工具,有文本和文档翻译的功能可以使用支持31种语言互相翻译,不管是中文翻译成其他语言,还是其他语言翻译成中文。使用方便,不需要注册登录,打开输入文本,选择需要翻译的语言就能快速翻译了,翻译后的文字可以复制,还有...

在微信中,想把中文翻译成英文,可以通过“有道词典"的小程序,即可完成。第一步,在微信的主页面的右上角,点击加号“+”的标志,选择“添加朋友”,进入下级页面。第二步,在打开页面的搜索框中,录入“有道”的文字,下面会显示“搜一搜 有道”,点击进入下级页面。第三步,在打开的页面中,会显示...

姓氏 文姓翻译成英文是什么?
温\/文\/闻--Wen\/Chin\/Vane\/Man 我在网上看到这个..是什么意思 这是根据中文的不同发音翻译成英文的,第一个是普通话的汉语拼音:Wen(文),后面几个是不同的方言的发音。

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英语
周严洛芬: 1. 我们盼望着被邀请参加在公园举行的庆祝会look forward to We are looking forward to being invite to the celebration which takes place in the park. 2. 据报道另一座横跨长江的新桥正在建设之中it According to the report, it says that another new ...

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英文 -
周严洛芬: 1.讲台上有一本名叫青少年的杂志 There is a magazine entitled "Youngsters" on the platform.2.谁愿意帮我补补英语?(willing) Who is willing to help me to make up for my English?3.没有人愿意相信他的话!因为他不是个诚实的人(ready)...

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英语
周严洛芬: 1, He seems not care being fooled by Jack again. 2, An unexpected guest arrived just as they were starting their meal. 3, Mr Zhang don't mind writing the report 10 times, it took him a week to finish it. 4, Honestly speaking, I feel honoured to study in ...

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英文的方法? -
周严洛芬: 机器翻译一般都是直接翻译~把每个单词的意思翻译出来~所以翻译出来的东西经常不符合英文的顺序~会出现错误~老外会看不懂~ 至于地址翻译英文和中文正好相反~中文通常把最大的翻译前面~比如你说的那个句子~而英文是把小的放在前面~要把这个地址里最大的江门市放在最后~如果没有单词能代表这种产品~就可以用多个单词表示~你这个就是用紫砂的英文单词加上蒸汽锅的英文单词就可以了~

麦积区19665125574: 把中文翻译成英文
周严洛芬: 如何翻译“近朱者赤,近墨者黑” 汉英词典中的翻译为: one who stays near vermilion gets stained red, and one who stays near ink gets stained black. 或 one takes on the color of one's company. 也有人译成:When you touch black, you become...

麦积区19665125574: 把中文翻译成英文 -
周严洛芬: 我的暑假很愉快,因为过的很充实.看,我还定下了一套学习计划呢! my summer holiday is pleasure,because i use it enrichly. look ,i have set a plan of study.

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英语 -
周严洛芬: How are doing thesedays?it's been couple days,i have thought for it,and i hope we'd better remain this relationship of brother and sister,you are an outstanding brother,i believe...

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英文 -
周严洛芬: My good friend's name is Yang yue,her English name is lili,shi is forteen years old,she likes drink milk tear,And play baseboll,she likes skirt-t

麦积区19665125574: 中文翻译成英文.
周严洛芬: 任选其一: "Happy birthday"said to myself ,what a pity without you!Happy birthday to myself, i feel sorry about your absence.

麦积区19665125574: 中文译成英语
周严洛芬: 您好,这几句话翻译成英语就是: you are very welcomed to attend to my birthday party. please go straight forward when you leave your home,and turn left at the second cross. 翻译表述不唯一,这是个比较简单而且符合英文语言习惯的表述. 原创翻译,满意就采纳吧.

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