
作者&投稿:徐骅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

因为你的回答就象是中国人说'莫名之痛,切入骨髓',太文诌诌了!--"好痛呀"在美语中的标准口语是"Ouch"(即哎哟,好痛呀),赶快学会用这个Ouch!吧。当然,为了表示你的极痛程度,你还可以拉长声喊出来"Oooooouuuch!!"(疼死了)。 疼死我了 --- Ouch, it hurts!

哎哟英文:[叹] Oh, dear!; Ouch!; Ow!; Good gracious!;[例句]哎哟,壶漏啦!Hey, the kettle leaks!

",said the fool . \\x0d\\x0a"Broken all,what's it mean?",the doctor was surprised. \\x0d\\x0aThen,the fool pointed to his head and said:"Ouch!There is something wrong with my head."after that,he pointed to his back and said :"ouch,my back hurt."then,he touch his...

Tiger:Ouch, ouch,ouch.用动词的适当形式填空:The tiger_doesn't___{do not}__like___{like}the mouse. It is too small.Don't___make__{make}any noise.__Be___{be}quiet. Your grandma__is sleeping___{sleep} now._Don't___{do not}draw on...

"Ouch! I'm burned to death." After a few gasps, the devil Gou died. Corandi ran happily to open the box and rescued Bangil. "Brother, ...In the basement, they found a big box and opened it. "Wow! How beautiful! It turned out that the box was full of jewels and gold coins....

Hey, you break it up!喂,住手啦! How! A fight!哗,打架啦! Ouch! That hurts.好痛呦!会受伤哩! Billy, get off the doggie's tail.比利,得扰人处且饶人,放他一马吧。 Paint the porch, fool, or else.傻瓜,快去漱漱口,不然哪(把你的牙全拔了)。 Cut it out, my name is Fred, not Fool...

David Hughes的《Mi Amore》 歌词
歌曲名:Mi Amore 歌手:David Hughes 专辑:The Best Of David Hughes Mi Amor Matt Hunter Travelled all across the world,Seen a lot of fancy things,But I never seen a beauty quite like this,This must be a dream!So I pinch myself ouch, it hurts man,Well I guess this must be ...

明天课前要用,急求一篇四个人的搞笑英语对话 每人四句以上 内容要搞 ...
2.Once upon a time ,a stupid guy went to the doctor's."What's the matter with you",asked the doctor."I have been broken all!",said the fool ."Broken all,what's it mean?",the doctor was surprised.Then,the fool pointed to his head and said:"Ouch!There is something ...

Dionne Bromfield的《Ouch》 歌词
I felt the same until you had to go and just stab my heart like (ouch)Ha ha ha ha It use to be the other way around but Ha ha ha ha The story changed my heart is breaking Ha ha ha ha You need to recognize she was just a Ha ha ha ha I think it's time for ...

一样的词在不同的语境中所表达的意思有可能相差甚远 一般 ho(a) hey 可表示惊奇 喜悦 疑问 唤起注意 引起话题 hmmm 可表示思考 生气大概说 rawr 也有 shit,damn it,shit 痛苦时可以是 alas 此外 ouch表疼痛 oops表示出错 well 可表示思考 宽慰 我感觉有时候这些词就好比汉语里的 哎 嗯 嘿 ...

盍竖18697613175问: 求救!ipod touch破解后,想装ibrickr这个软件,结果touch出了问题! -
赫山区利肝回答: 试试则个办法:先连上iphone,在关机(同时按住home和sleep,黑屏一瞬间松开,要快!!)再次打开iphone,并在白苹果时按住home键,机器进入恢复...

盍竖18697613175问: iPod touch破解
赫山区利肝回答: 现在TOUCH 3.13版已经完美破解,首先请将你的TOUCH固件版本升到3.13,然后确定你有WIFI的上网环境,去下个破解软件SPIRIT,在电脑上连上TOUCH,打开软件,点里面唯一的一个按钮,等待数秒,破解完成后,打开TOUCH,会发现里...

盍竖18697613175问: 关于touch的破解
赫山区利肝回答: 首先 打开SAFARI 输入 然后滑动进度条 过一会就破解成功了 然后下载91手机助手 FOR IPHONE 就可以使用破解的程序了

盍竖18697613175问: touch如何破解啊???4.2.1版本!!
赫山区利肝回答: 4.2.1win版的越狱还是不完全的,要wifi安装cydia 不过快了... 4.2.1 win版最新破解新闻

盍竖18697613175问: ipod touch可以自己破解么?请教高手几个问题! -
赫山区利肝回答: 1、破解还是自己破好.当然如果你实在,,学不会,,就找人破解好了. 2、不会损坏的,破解失败了只要用ITUNES恢复一下很快就好了 3、一点都不麻烦,请看 4、不需要升到2.1版,升到2.1版只会给你带来更多的麻烦,相信我.

盍竖18697613175问: 苹果touch的能不用花钱就下载软件从哪里下 叫什么名字 不会啊 有高手帮忙下啊 -
赫山区利肝回答: touch只有越狱才能安装论坛里面别人破解的程序,如果你的touch没有越狱,只能安装itunes里面从app store里面下载的程序,越狱的可以去威...

盍竖18697613175问: TOUCH怎么破解?
赫山区利肝回答: 你是刚升到4.0,还是本来就是的.如果买来就是2系列的固件,那是可以破解的.如果是3系列的就不行了,只能等了 .应该不会太久.破解对硬件没有任何的影响,破解只是把固件撕开一个口子,可以让其他格式的文件进入.详细的办法去91或去威锋都有详细的讲解.

盍竖18697613175问: touch固件4.1已破解,可以安装ipa和pxl吗?已经破解了还可以安装itunes上的免费软件吗?
赫山区利肝回答: 破解和越狱是两个概念.建议你装好itunes后再安装同步助手,非常不建议你用91

盍竖18697613175问: 我的TOUCH2代刚买不久 关于破解问题 .权威人士进~!! -
赫山区利肝回答: www.weiphone.com上有很详尽的破解过程,你的2.2.1已经是最新版本的了,如果他是用iTunes下载的免费游戏,你的TOUCH可能不是破解的,但是要告诉LZ的是2代的破解不...

盍竖18697613175问: 有关iPod touch 破解的问题 -
赫山区利肝回答: 1.破解对机器没有伤害2.可以关机,只是开机后再重新破解3.有专用的破解软件,black ra1n.另外就是你的周围要有无线信号,才能破解 成功4.可以还原,将touch连接到itunes,点击 恢复 ,一...

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