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英文星期缩写:星期一 Mon.星期二 Tues.星期三Wed.星期四 Thur.星期五 Fri.星期六 Sat.。星期天 Sun。(缩写的时候后面的点不能去掉)月份的英语缩写 :一月 Jan. 二月 Feb. 三月 Mar. 四月 Apr. 五月 May 六月 Jun. 七月 Jul. 八月 Aug. 九月 Sept.十月 Oct.十一月 Nov.十二月(缩写的...


Old Testament 旧约圣经 ; 旧约全书 ; 旧约 ; 圣经旧约 old hand 老手 ; [劳经] 熟练工人 ; 内行 ; 老油矿工 Old East 旧东方 ; 旧东楼 Old Gan 上古赣语 例句 1、There are many old homesteads in New England.在新英格兰有很多古老的家宅。2、The teachers brougth the pupils up on sto...

M: I can't agrcc more. The "only-child- generation in China tends to know littlc about marriage.完全同意.中国的独生子女一代,不太明白婚姻的含义.D: Defrnitely.Thcy don't take relation *** ips and marriages very seriously.的确,他们对待恋爱和婚姻都不那么认真。M: In thcir m...

清明节的英语诗句 篇1 Upon the Clear-and-Bright Feast of spring, the rain drizzleth down in spray.Pedestrians on countryside ways, in gloom are pinning away.When asked "Where a tavern fair for rest, is hereabouts to be found",The shepherd boy the Apricot Bloom Vill, doth ...

my holiday英语作文
In this wintr holiday, I am going to tak a trip with my parnts by plan.W ar going to Bijing. Thn, I am going to go ic skating thr. I am going to s th snow. I will play with th snow. I am going to mak a snowman with my sistr. Thn w ar going to visit th Grat wall...

The old couple are proud of their grandson,as he won two gold medals and a bronze medal in the 28th Olympic Games.7.即使他得祖母不能来参加他得生日宴会,她也会寄给他一件可爱的礼物。对这一点TOM深信不疑。Tom firmly believes that his grandmother will sent him a lovely present ...

Two thousand years ago near that spot was an old Buddhist temple. One of the y oung monks went there, and all day long he sat crosslegged, with his hands cla sped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured“Amita-Buddha! Amita-Bu ddha! Amita-Buddha!”He murmured and chanted ...

Fishermen in the 85th day alone in a big sea. This time, he found a lucky is to be lured by the Francisco. After three days old night were caught this big fish, this is how gratifying. But the pleasure is not always a long time, the homeward journey, the old man also encountered...

the blind side 英文简介
meanwhile, the son of tao is to help with training and the hittite, and he quickly into life in the rugby team, stimulate the potential.Finally, in a contest, he was excellent performance and began to get the ball out, with a series of sweet and the trouble of......

阎狐17019692204问: toad - in - the - hole是什么意思 -
新泰市塞诺回答:[答案] toad-in-the-hole n.(英)面拖烤肉;面拖烤香肠 网络释义 英英释义 烤香肠 toad-in-the-hole 1.N a dish made of sausages baked in a batter 面拖烤香肠 Toad-in-the-Hole (sausages covered in batter and roasted. 2. Workers coming home from factories ...

阎狐17019692204问: 为什么扔手雷和爆炸测试时要喊“fire in the hole”具体是什么意思 -
新泰市塞诺回答: fire in the hole 是一句用惯口语.来自于第二次世界大战,越南战争, 美军丢手榴弹之前到一个洞里面的时候, 会先叫 fire in the hole 来提醒周边的人们,里面马上会有爆炸. 词汇解析: 1、fire 英文发音:[ˈfaɪər] 中文释义:n.火;失火;火...

阎狐17019692204问: 扔手雷时为什么要喊 fire in the hole? -
新泰市塞诺回答: 这是美军扔手雷时候对己方人员的警告.出自于二战时,并在越南战争时流传开来,字面意思是:向洞内开火. 这是由于当时作战环境,手雷经常掷向碉堡、山洞里. 另外需要注意的是,“Fire in the hole”指的是向敌方投掷手雷;“Grenade(名词,手雷)!”则在大部分情形下表示己方受到敌方的手雷攻击.

阎狐17019692204问: FIRE IN THE HOLE是什么意思? -
新泰市塞诺回答: 反恐行动在投掷手雷时会喊出一句:fire in the hole . 那么“fire in the hole ”到底是什么意思呢? 调查后的发现,网上关于“fire in the hole ”的解释真是五花八门、丰富多彩、别开生面. 版本一 1)射进洞里 2)往洞穴里开枪 3)字面翻译就是...

阎狐17019692204问: 战地之王的人扔完雷后为什么说“fight in the hole?” -
新泰市塞诺回答: fire in the hole 小心手雷啊,当然是英语了! 这句话来自于第二次世界大战, 越南战争, 美军丢手榴弹之前到一个洞里面的时候, 会先叫 fire in the hole 来提醒周边的人们, 里面马上会有爆炸.

阎狐17019692204问: hole - in - the - wall是什么意思 -
新泰市塞诺回答: hole-in-the-wall[英][həul in ðə wɔ:l] [美][hol ɪn ði wɔl]adj. 狭小的,简陋的;hole[英][həʊl][美][hoʊl]n.洞,孔; 洞穴,穴; ...

阎狐17019692204问: 扔手雷时说fire in the hole是什么意思?意译解释一下. -
新泰市塞诺回答: 小心手雷,来源于二战.

阎狐17019692204问: CS中扔手雷时要喊"FIRE IN THE HOLE"是什么意思 -
新泰市塞诺回答: 向那里开火 fire作动词 开火的意思 希望对你有帮助

阎狐17019692204问: fire in the hole 是什么意思啊? -
新泰市塞诺回答: Fire in the hole 来自于第二次世界大战, 越南战争, 美军丢手榴弹之前到一个洞里面的时候, 会先叫 fire in the hole 来提醒周边的人们, 里面马上会有爆炸.

阎狐17019692204问: 请问为什么"fire in the hole"翻译过来是小心手雷? -
新泰市塞诺回答: 在CS和一些美国战争片里经常见到这句话比如说兄弟连 这是美国军队在战争中的专用暗号,表示我在扔雷了,提醒同伴注意 Counter Strike里fire in the hole 是提醒战友隐蔽,自己要扔雷.是"小心手雷". 但是在阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger) 的The Terminator 2终结者2中 说是 小心 就是洞里有人在打仗,于是就会扔手榴弹,后来就演变为扔手榴弹就说fire in the hole

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