
作者&投稿:诏莘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

as well as, with, together与and有什么不同
- "Together"用于表示两个或多个事物或人以某种方式连接或结合在一起。通常用于描述协同完成的行动。例如:"The team worked together to complete the project。"- "Together with"与“with”类似,用于表示某物伴随着其他事物。但是,“together with”强调两个事物被合并或协同工作的概念。例如:"The...

together,together with,along with的用法和区别
togther通常用在句尾 例:we will go there together together with 后面要加宾语 例:i wil go there together with him along with和together with差不多的,后面也要加宾语 如果用with的话,be动词单复数不受影响。be动词用单数的原因不是用了with,而是因为前面主语mary是第三人称单数 你那啥破...

together with
together with (词语的固定搭配,不用解释了吧)和…一同, 连同…He sent her some books, together with a dictionary.他送了她几本书, 外加一本词典。


together with、 together 、with、along with区别和用法。。不要长篇...
together with= with = along with 和..一起 后面要跟宾语的 together 一起,完全,总共 I went to the cinema with\/together\/ along with Smith Let's go to the cinema together.不懂追问,如能帮你i,请及时采纳,ths!

together with和along with
togther通常用在句尾 例:we will go there together together with 后面要加宾语 例:i wil go there together with him along with和together with差不多的,后面也要加宾语 如果用with的话,be动词单复数不受影响.be动词用单数的原因不是用了with,而是因为前面主语mary是第三人称单数 希望能帮助到...

together with ,
together with 和,加之 和…一起 和,连同 和;加之;连同 与…一起 与某人一起 1.He sold the house,together with the furniture .他把房子连同家具都卖了.2.Let 's stick them together with glue .咱们把它们胶在一起吧.3.All mourning garments were laid aside,together with grief ....

together with 和along with 和with的区别
together with 后一般是人,与某人一起 along with一般指随身携带某物 with较经常使用

英语中together with的用法
要填his。解释:together with his students 是指这位教授由学生陪同,句子的主语依然是the professor,句子中的together with...是做定语,用来修饰教授,是说“由几名自己学生陪同的教授”。现在明白了吧?补充回答:用his正确,用their错误。你可以就这个问题再次请教你的老师(但愿你的老师不要无人子弟...

together with就近原则
together with 不是就近原则,而是“就远原则”,也就是说,主语的数不是together with后的那些词,而是together with前面的词。The boy together with his parents is in the classroom.主语是the boy

别黛14785254695问: together with , -
冀州市弥乐回答:[答案] together with 和,加之 和…一起 和,连同 和;加之;连同 与…一起 与某人一起 1.He sold the house,together with the furniture .他把房子连同家具都卖了. 2.Let 's stick them together with glue .咱们把它们胶在一起吧. 3.All mourning garments were laid ...

别黛14785254695问: together with 的用法 -
冀州市弥乐回答: 这里是句子的成分如何组合的问题,第二句用逗号,是因为together with his classmates是做插入语,做补充说明之用,可以改为跟第一句一样的语序:Peter is leaving for another city tomorrow together with his classmates. 而第一句也可以改为:...

别黛14785254695问: together的用法 -
冀州市弥乐回答: together只有副词用法: ad.1.一起,一道,一块儿:We went together to the party. 我们一起去参加聚会. 2.合在一起,混在一起:Blend the eggs and milk together. 把蛋和奶搀到一起. 3.聚到一起,集拢:Let's keep together or we shall lose ...

别黛14785254695问: with和together能在一起使用吗 -
冀州市弥乐回答:[答案] 可以的.with是介词,together是副词 She lives harmoniously with(和) me together(一起). 她与我融洽地生活在一起.

别黛14785254695问: 英语中together with的用法 -
冀州市弥乐回答: 要填his.解释:together with his students 是指这位教授由学生陪同,句子的主语依然是the professor,句子中的together with...是做定语,用来修饰教授,是说“由几名自己学生陪同的教授”.现在明白了吧? 补充回答:用his正确,用their错误.你可以就这个问题再次请教你的老师(但愿你的老师不要无人子弟).

别黛14785254695问: 英语中together with的用法yesterday,the professor together with his students made ( ) way to bejing.这里要填their 还是his 这里要填的东西和together有没有关系... -
冀州市弥乐回答:[答案] 要填his.together with his students 是指这位教授由学生陪同,句子的主语依然是the professor,句子中的together with...是做定语,用来修饰教授,是说“由几名自己学生陪同的教授”.现在明白了吧?用his正确,用their错...

别黛14785254695问: together有关词组 -
冀州市弥乐回答: 你好! together with 英[təˈɡeðə wið] 美[təˈɡɛðɚ wɪð] [词典] 与; 和…一同,连同…; 连...带...; 偕; [例句]I am together with you. 我同你在一起.

别黛14785254695问: 英语翻译结构:强调句+together with1.只有多训练你才能提高你的听,说,读,写的能力2.只有到科技发展了,教育和卫生才可能改善. -
冀州市弥乐回答:[答案] It is practising more that will improve your listening, speaking, reading together with writing. it is highly-developed science and technology that will prompt education together with health.

别黛14785254695问: 请帮我详细的分析一下 together with ,谢谢! -
冀州市弥乐回答: together with和, 加之和…一起和,连同和;加之;连同与…一起与某人一起 1. He sold the house, together with the furniture . 他把房子连同家具都卖了.2. Let 's stick them together with glue . 咱们把它们胶在一起吧.3. All mourning ...

别黛14785254695问: together with 的用法Mary together with her mother often goes to the movie.这句话中谓语动词为什么用goes 而不用go? -
冀州市弥乐回答:[答案] 主谓一致的用法 切记这样的句型 A together with /with / as well as /including B结构中谓语动词用单数还是复数取决于A 所以本题用goes 因为主语是Mary

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