together,together with,along with的用法和区别

作者&投稿:长沙胖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
together with、 together 、with、along with区别和用法。。不要长篇大论~

together with= with = along with 和..一起 后面要跟宾语的
together 一起,完全,总共
I went to the cinema with/together/ along with Smith
Let's go to the cinema together.


along with
He took his dog along with him
当这个意思讲的时候,经常考察主谓一致:He,along with his stuents is good
Tobacco is taxed in most countries ,along with alcohol

together with连同;和
He sent me the book, together with a letter.

例:we will go there together

together with 后面要加宾语
例:i wil go there together with him

along with和together with差不多的,后面也要加宾语



firstly, your english teacher is a complete retard.

secondly, Mary and her frinends are singing in the room or mary is singing in the room with her friends.

我希望我们一直能在一起 英语怎么说?
我希望我们一直能在一起的英文:I hope we can be together all the time together 读法 英 [tə'geðə] 美 [tə'ɡɛðɚ]1、adv. 一起;同时;相互;连续地;总共 2、adj. 新潮的;情绪稳定的,做事有效率的 短语:1、hang together相配合,...

副词 adv.1.在一起; 共同 They often confer together.他们经常在一起协商。He did more than the rest of us did together.他做的比我们其余人合在一起做的还要多。2.同时, 一齐 Don't all speak together.不要都同时说话。3.一致地, 协调地 4.不间断地; 连续地 The man talked for ...

副词 adv.1.在一起; 共同 They often confer together.他们经常在一起协商。He did more than the rest of us did together.他做的比我们其余人合在一起做的还要多。2.同时, 一齐 Don't all speak together.不要都同时说话。3.一致地, 协调地 4.不间断地; 连续地 The man talked for ...

together with。英文发音:[təˈɡeðər wɪð]中文释义:和…一起[合起来]例句:Meanwhile, he called for girls in the room to dance together with him.并招呼房内的姑娘出来,和他一同欢乐的情景。词汇解析:1、together 英文发音:[təˈɡe...

we are together什么意思
we are together是一个英文句子,we中文是"我们"的意思,are中文是复数“是”的意思,together 读音 英音标[təˈgeðə(r)]美音标[təˈɡɛðɚ]adv.在一起;同时;一致地;不间断地;we are together合起来中文翻译就是我们在一起。例句:we a...

together[tə'ɡeðə(r)] adv. 在一起;共同 p.13die [daɪ] v. 消失;灭亡;死亡 p.13writer['raɪtə(r)] n. 作者;作家 p.14dentist['dentɪst] n. 牙科医生 p.15magazine[ˌmæɡə'ziːn], ['mæɡəziːn] n. 杂志;期刊 p.15however[haʊ'evə(r)]...

Always together ,forever apart怎么读
这句话很出名,含义也很深刻:)~~“Always together ,forever apart”意思是(长相厮守,或者“永远决别”)--两种绝对,象爱情,坚决的相信要么就天长地久,要么就永远地决别。下面是这四个单词的音标,看看吧:)~~always ['o:lweiz]副词.永远,始终;一直,总是;总;together [tə'geð...

为您解答 还是听的不准确,其实都是呃音,但由于后面是ge音,卷舌不厉害,所以你觉得类似tu,但不应该发也没有发过吐音。

water together两个单词t发音一致吗
water together两个单词t发音一致。都发 t 音

英语中together with的用法
together with.英 [təˈɡeðə(r) wɪð] 美 [təˈɡeðər wɪð]同...一起;连同。He liked to go with his grandfather to the stoneyard.他愿意同爷爷一起到石场去。She liked the Geoge Inn, where she ...

获嘉县18284484170: together是什么意?together是什么意思
原安海那: together 英[təˈgeðə(r)] 美[təˈɡɛðɚ] adv. 在一起; 同时; 一致地; 不间断地; adj. 稳定可靠的; 做事有效率的; [例句]We went on long bicycle rides together 我们一起骑自行车长途旅行.

获嘉县18284484170: together的用法 -
原安海那: together只有副词用法: ad.1.一起,一道,一块儿:We went together to the party. 我们一起去参加聚会. 2.合在一起,混在一起:Blend the eggs and milk together. 把蛋和奶搀到一起. 3.聚到一起,集拢:Let's keep together or we shall lose ...

获嘉县18284484170: 请问be together 的together是形容词还是副词呢?adj.新潮的;情绪稳定的,做事有效率的adv.一起;同时;相互;连续地;总共 -
原安海那:[答案] be后面一般就跟形容词了,副词一般是用来修饰别的词的,不过这里的be是动词,可以用副词的together修饰它

获嘉县18284484170: together的用法together只有副词的词性吗 -
原安海那:[答案] 副词 adv.1.在一起; 共同 They often confer together.他们经常在一起协商.He did more than the rest of us did together.他做的比我们其余人合在一起做的还要多.2.同时,一齐 Don't all speak together.不要都同时...

获嘉县18284484170: together,together with,along with的用法和区别还有一个是如果用with那句子中的be动词是不是就要用单数形式? 那together和其他的词组呢? 用are还是is?今... -
原安海那:[答案] togther通常用在句尾 例:we will go there together together with 后面要加宾语 例:i wil go there together with him along with和together with差不多的,后面也要加宾语 如果用with的话,be动词单复数不受影响.b...

获嘉县18284484170: “together、together、together”是哪首歌里的歌词……
原安海那: we re all in this together

获嘉县18284484170: all together 和 together有什么区别,觉得他们用法上都一样,都是一起的意思,求解啊求解啊
原安海那: altogether 完全、通统 、 总共 、总的说来 all together 全体一起 全都 together 一起all together 和 together的区别 在于 前者语气重 强调 都 并且有 同时的意思 如 don'r speak all together .大家别一块说

获嘉县18284484170: together的用法together只有副词的词性吗 -
原安海那: 不是的,还可以做形容词. 具体用法含义如下: together 音标:[英][təˈgeðə(r)][美][təˈɡɛðɚ] 解释: adv.(副词)在一起; 同时; 一致地; 不间断地; adj.(形容词)稳定可靠的; 做事有效率的;

获嘉县18284484170: 有一首英文歌 副歌部分一直是together together together -
原安海那: 歌名:we're all in this together 地址:

获嘉县18284484170: 歌曲together的歌词翻译成中文 -
原安海那: we're all in this together 我们欢聚一堂(歌舞青春) 歌手:high school musical cast 专辑:high school musical Together, together, together everyone 来吧、来吧,一起来吧大家Together, together, come on let's have some fun 来吧、来吧,...

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