
作者&投稿:并牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一段:Is it good to Study abroad ? Answers to this question differ greatly.第二段:Some people argue that studying abroad is really a nice choice. First of all, it can widen our horizons. We can learn more different things from what we are studying in China.Then, it is ...

英语翻译 :

=And the voice is telling me that t hings have changed a lot.=And the voice is telling me that things have changed from bad to good. 这声音告诉我一切已不一样了, 即指否极泰来。6.In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze, there's a ple asing sense of...

“You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.“ Fish said to water. “But I could feel your tears cause you are in me.“ Answered water. 12.快乐要有悲伤作陪,雨过应该就有天晴。如果雨后还是雨,如果忧伤之后还是忧伤.请让我们从容面对这离别之后的离别。 微笑地去寻找一个不可能出...

一、软体动物门 Mollusca (一)腹足纲 Gastropoda (1)前鳃亚纲 Prosobranchia 1.东北田螺 Viuiparus chui Yen 分布:黑龙江、吉林 2.中国圆田螺 Cipangopaludina chinensis(Gray)分布:广布 3.中华圆田螺 Cipangopaludina cathayensis (Heude)分布:广布 4.乌苏里圆田螺 Cipangopaludina ussuriensis(Grest...

gentle devoted 如果如二楼所说,那第二个词中间应该是5个空吧??那么就填dedicated

他希望设计一个更大,更一般的观众,不关心意义上的设计,而只是想购买憈hings ? 他设计的家具和domesticware压在了金属的包豪斯衍生原则的功能和严重性的形式,感性的外观。 设计人员为大众市场,图恩集中在表面处理的产品,以提高素质的诗的对象。 对他来说,这些产品不仅是简单的日常使用的物品,但他们也应该表现的媒体...

...asthma too? does that run in the family? the hings...
do you have asthma too? does that run in the family?你有哮喘吗?哮喘是家族遗传吗?run in the family 家庭遗传、家庭中的特色 2. do the hings hing? 这个hing的单词是不是错了?

人的发展 先生讲到“以鲁迅先生说:‘一要生存,二要温饱,三要发展。’他说得很清楚,生存、温饱是物质方面的,发展是精神方面的。在物质生活没有基本保证之前是谈不上精神的发展的。过去我们有一种说法就是要安贫乐道,这是一种骗人的东西,千万不要上当。要你安贫乐道的人自己在那里挥霍,我们不...

Competition and Coorporation:First of all, I think competition has a more important influence than coorperation.In the whole society, people never be satisfied with what they owned and they just want to gain more,such as resources and rooms, etc.For example, people want to gain ...

翟饶18393007843问: Things in a. room. a换the行吗
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 要看语境的.如果指代的是特定的房间,就要用the

翟饶18393007843问: 关于things in the kitchen作文 -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: there are many things in the kitchen. there is a white fridge beside the sink,which is made of stainless steel. a kitchen towel hangs on the wall beside the sink. an oven is placed on the other side of the sink. a wooden chopping board lies on the ...

翟饶18393007843问: 英语里的“事物”这个词怎么写 -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 事务在英文中有几种翻译,分别用于不同的语境.如:thing:一般性的事情 work:指具体的事情 general affairs:行政杂务;总务;事务工作

翟饶18393007843问: in the school things' family.这里的things'翻译 为什么要这样写 -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 您好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:我个人认为,the school thing 是学习用品的意思, 那么in the school thing's 就是在学习用品的....,那我感觉这半句话就是“在学习用品这个族群里”的意思.大概是这样吧 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳 谢谢

翟饶18393007843问: things,in,are,the,now,the,car 连词组句. -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: the things are in the car now .这些东西先在在车里

翟饶18393007843问: the things in the shop are - ---- - in town cheap cheaper cheapest the cheapest 解释一下 -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 选 the cheapest.最高级: 最便宜的.这个店里的东西是镇上最便宜的.

翟饶18393007843问: Thingsin the kitchen是什么意思 -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: things in the kitchen.厨房里该有的东西.

翟饶18393007843问: 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号. 1. things, in, are, the, now, the, car (.) - -------------.. -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 1. The things are in the car now. 2. What is wrong with you? 3. Let me help you. 4. What is the weather like today? 5. I want to put the ball in the box.

翟饶18393007843问: the+++things++which++++were+++on+++his++shopping+++list+++是甚么从句
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 定语后置~which were on his shopping list 修饰the things

翟饶18393007843问: Things in the kitchen 这句话的意思是?? 急啊!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -
海南藏族自治州正天回答: 厨房用具

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