
作者&投稿:函杰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、感情\/感受:affection或哗eeling 2、心情\/情绪:mood或emotion (情义)的英语怎么写?Brotherhood 情义 [qing yi] Pinyin ties of friendship; ties of radeship friendship 友谊,情义[friendship]。如:契厚(交情深厚);契密(密切;亲密);契分(交谊,情分);契重(友情深厚);契谊(交情,友谊);契义...

很早:A long time(ago)无聊:fastidium fiddlededee humdrum tomfoolery tommyrot vacuity 才:just 看管:in charge take charge 没人:nobody 原来:formerly originally 这两个是以前的意思 turn out to be这个是表示发现真实情况 不知道你要的是哪个 感觉:feel 讨厌:be disgusted...

eeling [`i:lIN]n.捕鳗, 捕鳝鱼 eellike adj.似鳗的, 行动如鳗的 eely [`i:lI]adj.似鳗的, 滑行的, 蠕动的 get used to it, like aneelto skinning 吃惯苦头,便不觉苦(幸灾乐祸的挖苦话)get used to it, as aneelto skinning 吃惯苦头,便不觉苦(幸灾乐祸的挖苦话)skin an eel ...

写一篇英语作文:I like cat
I like cat best Cats are very cute animals. They are very special as well. It has pointy ears, round eyes,little c laws,and short but soft fur. Sometimes, it is very naughty. Sometimes, it can understand my f eeling. When i am sad, it can make me lau gh. When I ...

其中一句歌词是,I feeling you baby
Israel ft. Slim - 《Unperfect Love》不完美的爱 试听: http:\/\/www.tudou.com\/programs\/view\/naid0qMqoxM\/ Baby, you know I'm feeling you And you say you feel me too But I don't know what we should do Cause I'm so crazy over you We try to find ourselves through all T...


The right picture is the famous Terracott a Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang in a kneeling archer. It was found at Lintong County in Shaanxi Province to the east o f Qin Shi Huang's tomb Let me introduce this kneeling archer. kn eeling archer on the pit No.2 hole; ...

哥成语 :行不得也哥哥、伸大拇哥、公子哥儿、村哥里妇 行不得也哥哥 [xíng bù dé yě gē gē]基本释义 鹧鸪叫声的拟意,表示行路艰难。

英语自考或者英语函授的学生能参加英语专业四级和八级的考试吗?_百 ...
成教函授可以参加的,自考的都不能参加。你看一下今年的简章就清楚了。现将2009年英语专业四、八级统测报名等有关事项通知如下:一、报名资格:参加统测的学生必须是通过全国高考的英语专业的本校学生,报名资格具体规定如下:参加高年级阶段统测(TEM8)的报名对象 1、经教育部备案或批准的高等院校中:2005...

"0×0aaa324e"指令引用的"0×0ab44558"的内存.该内存不能为"read".是什么意思?  我来答 ...http:\/\/hi.baidu.com\/linghliang\/blog\/item\/f6ac42edb06b6e4678f05514.html使用Windows操作系统的人...应该只有一个正常的键值"{AEB6717E-7E19-11d0-97EE-00C04FD91972}, 将其他的删除(默认键值当然不要...

乘泳17654281035问: I`m not feeling well 为什么要在feel后面加ing -
扶绥县科莫回答: 因为前面有be动词am,所以是进行时,要加ing

乘泳17654281035问: 同位语从句的用法 -
扶绥县科莫回答: 首先,我要声明同位语从句是高中一大重要知识点.它是名词性从句的一大分支(名词性从句还包括宾语从句,主语从句,表语从句).一:同位语从句的概念:同位语从句是用以解释说明某一名词内容或实质的句子.它所修饰的名词称为同...

乘泳17654281035问: Feeling是什么意思
扶绥县科莫回答: 名词 n. 1. 感觉,触觉[U] The cold made him lose feeling in his fingers. 他的手指被冻麻了. 2. (...的)感觉,(...的)意识[C][S1][(+of)] The news brought a feeling of relief. 这消息给人们带来了宽慰感. 3. 看法;感想;预感[C][U][+(that)] I have ...

乘泳17654281035问: feeling后面加S的时候,翻译成什么? 什么时候加S? -
扶绥县科莫回答: 做感情的时候加S,翻译应该是对的

乘泳17654281035问: feeling中文什么意思
扶绥县科莫回答: 感觉

乘泳17654281035问: 快帮我造句子 1,on the edge of 2,was about to do sht 3,grant sb sth 4,feeling.情态+从句 5,wish 6,only thing to do 7,threatened sb with sth 8,to...damage to.. -
扶绥县科莫回答:[答案] 1 They lived in a house on the edge of a forest. 他们住在森林边缘一所房子里 2 I was about to go out when it started to rain. 我刚要出门就开始下雨了 3 He granted me my request. 他答应了我的要求 4 I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我觉得有...

乘泳17654281035问: 形容气氛的词语 -
扶绥县科莫回答: ambiance KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. (地、人、物特有的)气氛;周围环境;格调aura KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 气味 2. 气氛 3. 灵气 4. 【医】(中风等症的)预兆 5. 光环atmosphere KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 大气[the S] 2. (某特定场所的)空气[S] The atmosphere of ...

乘泳17654281035问: feel do sth 和 feel to do sth 的区别? 英语选择题! -
扶绥县科莫回答: 没有feel do sth这种语法结构,feel 的用法及区别如下: 1、feel to do sth 意思是:想要做某事 2、feel+宾语+doing sth 意思是:感到……正在 例句:he felt his health improving. 翻译:他感到自己的健康状况正在好转. 3、feel+宾语+do sth 意思是...

乘泳17654281035问: feeling not happy还是not feeling happy? -
扶绥县科莫回答: feel是个系动词,后面跟形容词,所以是feel(或feeling) happy;系动词的否定和普通动词一样要借助于助动词和not,即助动词+not+系动词.所以是not feeling happy.另:feel除了人做主语外,其它情况不可用于进行时.

乘泳17654281035问: 有feel like to do sth这个句型吗 -
扶绥县科莫回答: feel like doing=want to do 没有feel like to do这种用法 feel like 下面是我网上找的关于feel like的用法. 一、feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像……”. It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了. 二、feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”. 1. I'm ...

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