
作者&投稿:尉闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Uh, nits, in fact, I can manage, not afraid of you drag me, just, intelligent, great you should stay on board, we are also a saying in China 'using the best steel blade on', and you do not have to think about So tragic, I am ... ...Is a brave and great I am...

I think I blinked.Grug: No one said survival was fun.Guy: I'll call it the end!Guy: Belt also keeps my pants up.Eep: Hey, do you have a minute? How did the tiger fly?Guy: I only share when I'm outside the log. I'm funny that way.Thunk: You need a name, I think I'...

his prologue was,"my surname is Hu,although I have written some books,but they are nothing,and have published some books,they are nothing also,in so far as the the foreign books I have translated,they are nothing too."It seemed he was joking breezily,in fact,he had introduced...

because I know your time for rest is not adequate, you needn't spend too time on it. You just need to let me able to contact you. As for myself, I study until very late at night every day . Due to limited level of English, I also reply you shortly . Hey. But you...

Fan Wei : Coarse Gao Xiu Min : Hey, his why coarse woollen cloth? Zhao Ben Shan: You stamp , you are also coarse! Zhao Ben Shan: Does the hemp have no a hemp? Is the hemp had no? Fan Wei : Coarse Zhao Ben Shan: Start walking , start walking! Not under the control of, leg...

\\"The small red hat answered :\\"Under three big oaks in the forest.\\"The big gray wolf thought after hearing it:The meat of this young girl is certainly very fresh and delicious. I don\\'t allow to pass her, also do not allow to pass that old woman.I would rather ...

The sister (a few) also advised from the Shaonai Xianjie (the Shaonai) cry: away ah ~ ~ ~ (waving silk)Pai Zhuozai a classic: hey! ! ! The door is unfortunate ah! Hey! !People are quiet down.Xie Yuan (three less): intend to in the end, how do �0&#x...

hey body you get wrong door.我也是一个广♂东♂人 the leather club goes two blocks down.所以我们可能是老♂乡 Fa♂Q

核舟记 翻译
古文翻译 明朝有个手艺奇妙精巧的人叫王叔远,(他)能够在直径一寸的木头上,雕刻出宫殿、器具、人物,以至飞鸟、走兽、树木、石头,没有一件不是依据木头原来的样子模拟那东西的形状的,各有各的神情姿态。(他)曾经送给我一个美桃核雕成的小船,(刻的)是苏轼游赤壁。 船从头到尾长大约八分...

翻译下列句子。 要准确。
1。对了,安娜。你看了今天的报纸了没有?Hey, Anna,Have you read the newspaper today?2.你是否注意到了一则彩色的海报?Have you noticed the color poster?3. 哦.是关于一项登山活动的.Oh. it's about a mountain climbing activity.4. 这一活动是由登山运动俱乐部组织的,在周六清晨.你感...

出炉15635129913问: 有warn sb to do sth 这个词组吗? -
枣庄市替尼回答: 有的warn sb. (not) to do sth. 提醒(警告)某人(不)做某事有时也可以用下面的结构表达:warn sb. of sth.He has been warned of danger of driving after drinking wine.他已被提醒过酒后开车危险.warn sb. about / against sb. / sth. 或 warn...

出炉15635129913问: 九年级英语基本语法知识 -
枣庄市替尼回答: 呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈By是个很常用的介词(有时也用作副词),在初中英语中的用法有以下几种: 1.意为“在……旁”、“靠近”.如: Some are singing and dancing under a big...

出炉15635129913问: "英语里与"warn "有关的词组有哪些 -
枣庄市替尼回答: warn sb(not) to do sth(告诫某人(不)要做某事) warn sb about sth (告诫某人某事) 1. warn off(v.+adv.) 阻止…去(某处) try to prevent sb from going somewhere or doing sth, especially by threatening them 例句 :Anne witnessed her boss ...

出炉15635129913问: also和too的区别? -
枣庄市替尼回答: (一)一般说来,also用于比较正式(formal)的场合,语气比too庄重; too是惯熟(familiar)的用语,使用范围较广. (二)also在句中的位置要紧靠动词; too在句中的位置比较灵活,有时插入句中,前后用逗号分开,有时放在句末. (三...

出炉15635129913问: warn的用法 -
枣庄市替尼回答: warn KK: [] DJ: [] vt.1. 警告;告诫;提醒[(+of/against)][O2][O5] He warned me against going outside alone at night.他提醒我晚上不要单独出去.The police warned us not to go out at night.警察告诫我们夜间不要出门.They warned him of the ...

出炉15635129913问: warn的语法怎么用 -
枣庄市替尼回答: 1. warn sb about sth 2. warn (sb) of sth 3. warn sb (not) to do sth

出炉15635129913问: persuade\advise\warn的用法分别是什么? -
枣庄市替尼回答: persuade sb to do sth 说服/persuade sb of sth使某人相信 advise sb to do sth /advise doing sth建议 advise that sb (should)do warn sb of/against (doing) sth /warn sb. off [away]通知某人离开; 告诫某人避开 warned sb that+从句 英语教师团队真诚奉献

出炉15635129913问: 求初中就近原则的关联词,全一点的,如either or -
枣庄市替尼回答: there be句型,not only…but also不但… …而且,either…or不是……就是……,要 么……要么……,neither…nor既不……也 不…….初中所学的就基本这些是就近原 则. 跟第一主语的我知道的是with,如:He wi th I goes to People's park every day. 望 采纳哦..

出炉15635129913问: warn的所有用法 -
枣庄市替尼回答: 动词: 警告, 提醒; 告诫; 预先通知, 预告 Once again I warned her.我又警告她一次. The weather station warned that a storm was coming.气象台说将有暴风雨来临. They warned him to stay away.他们警告他不要靠近. Did he warn you that he might be late?他有没有预先告诉你他可能会迟到? warn sb not to do sth, 警告某人不要做某事

出炉15635129913问: 初二下册英语单词表第一模块第二单元 -
枣庄市替尼回答: 名词就不讲了啊! 1. be able to sb 2. beat sb 3. refuse后加to do 4. warn sb of sth/doingwarn sb about sthwarn sb not to do sth 5. all together是副词词组,放动词后面 6. at the end of 是介词词组,后加名词 7. I'd rather do than do.宁可(第一个do...

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