翻译下列句子。 要准确。

作者&投稿:系池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.you don't have to go there todday.
2.i didn't get a seat because it was very crowded on the bus.
3.how did you spend your time last night.

1. I got up early in the morning,and i went to the Summer Palace by bus. It is so magnificent that I like it very much.
2. Then I went to Beihai Park by bus, and spent the whole afternoon there.
3. Although i was a little bit tired, I had a great fun.

Hey, Anna,Have you read the newspaper today?
Have you noticed the color poster?
3. 哦.是关于一项登山活动的.
Oh. it's about a mountain climbing activity.
4. 这一活动是由登山运动俱乐部组织的,在周六清晨.你感不感兴趣?
The activity is organized by the mountain climbing club. It's on Saturday morning. Are you interested?
5. 来吧, 安娜.咱们一起去.登山是一种很好的体育活动,对身体也特别有益。
Come on, Anna. let's go together! Mountain climbing is a great sport which is good for your health.
6 你对什么娱乐感兴趣?
What kind of entertainment are you interested in?
7 野餐是一种很好的户外娱乐
Picnic is a great outdoor activity.
Where do you want to go picnic?
9. 湖边空气清晰。
The air on the lake is fresh .
10. 我们去湖里划船和钓鱼吧?
Let's go boating and fishing on the lake.
I can see that she likes the activities a lot.
What type of job would you like to do now?

1. Yes, Anna. Have you read the paper today yet?
2. Have you noticed a color poster?
3. Oh. Is about a mountain climbing activities.
4. The event was organized by the mountaineering club, on Saturday morning. You are not interested in a sense?
5. Come on, Anna. We went to compensation. Mountaineering is a good sport, the body is also particularly useful.
6 What are you interested in entertainment?
7 picnic is a good outdoor entertainment.
8. Where do you want to picnic?
9. Lake air clear.
10. We went to the lake for boating and fishing, right?
11. She likes to see these activities.
12. Now ready to do work.

Hey,(By the way)(不要翻译成yes什么的,这里一个语气词)anna,Have you read today's newspaper?
Have you noticed a colorful poster?
3. 哦.是关于一项登山活动的.
Oh. it's about a mountaineering activity.
4. 这一活动是由登山运动俱乐部组织的,在周六清晨.你感不感兴趣?
The activity is organized by the mountaineering club and on Saturday morning. Do you have any interest?
5. 来吧, 安娜.咱们一起去.登山是一种很好的体育活动,对身体也特别有益。
Come on, Anna. let's go!Mountaineering is a benifit sport which good for health.
6 你对什么娱乐感兴趣?
What entertainment are you interested in?
7 野餐是一种很好的户外娱乐
Go picnicing is a great outdoor entertainment.
Where do you want to go picnicing?
9. 湖边空气清晰。
The air by the lake is fresh .
10. 我们去湖里划船和钓鱼吧?
Let's go boating and fishing on the lake, shall we?
It seems that she likes these activities very much
What job would you like to do now?

1。Oh ,Anna,have you read today's newspaper?
2,Whether you've noticed a color poster?
3.Oh,it's about a clambing activity.
4.This activity is at Saturday morning and hold by clambing club,are you interested in?
5.Come on,Anna!Let's go together,Clambing is a pretty good physical activity,and it's also good for your health.
6.What kinds of entertainments do like?
7.Picnic is a great outdoor entertainment.
8.Where do you want to have a picnic?
9.The air is fresh at the lakeside.
10.How about we go boating and do fishing ?
11.I feel she is really like these activities.
12.What preparation work should we do .


1. Hey Anna. Have you read today's newspaper?
2. Have you noticed a colorful poster?
3. Oh. it's about a mountaineering activity.
4. The activity is organized by the mountaineering club, on Saturday morning. Do you have any interest?
5. Come on, Anna. let's go there together. Mountaineering is a good sport, especially good for health.
6 What entertainment are you interested in?
7 Go picnicing is a good outdoor entertainment.
8. Where do you want to go picnicing?
9. The air is fresh by the lake.
10. Let's go boating and fishing on the lake, shall we?
11. It seems that she likes these activities very much.
12. What job would you like to do now?

崇阳县15543829355: 翻译下列句子..要求语法正确..因为我很痛苦,..因为一直不知道.因为我什么都不明白,一直都很害怕.但现在终于自由了.能很诚实的看着你,请不要伤心.因为... -
钊纪双黄:[答案] Because I was so painful and..Because didn't know.Because I don't understand any,all the time very afraid.But now finally free.Can very honest look at you,please don't be sad.Because I didn't blame yo...

崇阳县15543829355: 把下列句子翻译成英语,.要正确率高.急.要人工翻译,不要电脑翻译.他可能在家我可能去埃及橙汁可能是甜的那个句子可能是难的 -
钊纪双黄:[答案] 他可能在家:He might be at home 我可能去埃及:I may go to Egypt 橙汁可能是甜的:Orange juice may be sweet 那个句子可能是难的:The sentence may be difficult 望采纳

崇阳县15543829355: 英语翻译请大家帮我把中文句子翻译成英文句子,要准确的1.但是有时候人们把我们关在外面.2.然后他们就能听见我们喊.3.在一大碗水里有些苹果. -
钊纪双黄:[答案] 1.但是有时候人们把我们关在外面 But sometimes people shut us out 2.然后他们就能听见我们喊. Then they can hear us shout 3.在一大碗水里有些苹果 In a large bowl some water apple

崇阳县15543829355: 英语翻译帮忙翻译一下下面的句子,汉译英,但要正确率高啊!1他住在一个四面环山的小村庄,简直太美了!(好像和最高级有关) 你说的对,它是我们这... -
钊纪双黄:[答案] 1他住在一个四面环山的小村庄,简直太美了! He lives in a village with mountains around it.How beautiful it is! 你说的对,它是我们这最美的村庄了. Yes,you are right.It's the most beautiful village here. 2我再也没有见过任何一个人比他更高,我认为他...

崇阳县15543829355: 你能用现代汉语准确翻译下列句子吗? 隔篁竹,闻水声,如鸣佩环,心乐之. -
钊纪双黄:[答案] 远远地隔着成林的竹子,听到水的声音,好像人身上佩带的玉佩、玉环所发出的声音,心里感到很愉快.

崇阳县15543829355: 翻译下列句子.? (1)湖中焉得更有此人!? (2)余强饮三大白而别.? -
钊纪双黄:[答案] 解析:注意句中的重点词语“焉”“强”“白”的准确含义.?参考答案:(1)在湖中怎么还会遇到(您)这样(有闲情雅致)的人呢!?(2)我痛饮了三大杯,然后(和他们)道别.

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