
作者&投稿:潭园 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Here you are 是“给你”,那“你在这儿”怎么表示啊?
Here you are 这个短语是两用的。若你找到了一个 要寻找的人,或发现有一个熟识的人在场,你便可以用 Here you are 这个短语。第二个用法是,把一件东西交给一个人亦是用 Here you are 这个短的。所以你说的两样都对。

3. "Here"用在其他行为动词之后或句末,作为状语,表示动作的方向、行为发生的地点或物品放置的位置。例如:- Come here, please.- Please sit down here.- Put them here.此外,"Here"也常用于“there be...”结构的句末作为状语:- There are some books here.- There aren't any cats ...

there aren't any letters here里here意思
here 这儿,这里的意思 这儿什么信都没有.

You're n___ here ,aren't you? Let me show you around the schol...
new 新来的 祝您学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)

我想知道具体的关于some 和any的用法和区别
一、一般说来,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。例如: She wants some chalk. She doesn’t want any chalk. Here are some beautiful flowers for you. Here aren’t any beautiful flowers. 二、any可与not以外其他有否定含义的词连用,表达否定概念。例如: He never had any regular schooling. In...

哦,好啦,情况并不是那么糟。2、You're new here, aren't you? 你是新来的,是吗 3、Standards aren't what they used to be. 现在的行为标准和过去不一样了。4、There aren't enough books for everyone to have one each. 书不够给每人发一本。5、Things aren't...

把下列句子改为复数形式:that isn't my cd.--- Those are my CDs.将下列句子改为否定句:here are some rulers for you. ---There aren't any rules for you.there are some girls in the library. ---There aren't any girls in the library.对画线部分进行提问 it is _cool...

there is和there are的区别是什么?
例子:There is a cat on the roof.(屋顶上有一只猫。)There are three books on the table.(桌子上有三本书。)区别2:肯定句和否定句"there is" 可以用于肯定句和否定句,变为否定句时使用 "isn't" 缩写形式。"there are" 可以用于肯定句和否定句,变为否定句时使用 "aren't" 缩写...

aren't的含义及双语例句 aren't是are not 的常用口语形式;am not的口语形式,用于疑问句或附加疑问句中。例句有:1、Oh come now, things aren't as bad as all that.哦,好啦,情况并不是那么糟。2、You're new here, aren't you?你是新来的,是吗?3、Standards aren't what they ...

There ( ) any teachers here 中间be动词填什么

帛官13285807882问: There aren,t 和There isn,t 分别是什么意思 -
名山县清喉回答: 这是英语中的一种句子结构,英语中句子只有三种结构,第一种是主系表(it is red),第二种是there be,表示哪里有什么;第三种是主谓宾(最常见,I kick the ball).在这里,你举的两个都是there be结构的开始,be的人称变化(is am are)...

帛官13285807882问: there are not any后面加什么?There are not some对吗?对的话后头跟什么? -
名山县清喉回答:[答案] there are not any后面加名词复数 There are not some不对 any一些用于否定句和疑问句 some一些用于肯定句 如还有新的问题,请不要追问的形式发送,另外发问题并向我求助,

帛官13285807882问: 怎样上there be句型 -
名山县清喉回答: There be 句型的用法:表示某个地方存在某物或某人,Be动词的单复数必须依主语的变化而变化.(单数is 复数are ) eg:There is a table in the room. 房间里有一张桌子. There are some birds on the tree.树上有很多鸟. 一、 There be 句型的...

帛官13285807882问: there are not any后面加什么?There are not some对吗?对的话后头跟什么? -
名山县清喉回答: there are not any后面加名词复数 There are not some不对 any一些用于否定句和疑问句 some一些用于肯定句 为梦想而生团队^_^祝你学习进步!如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ 手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ 如还有新的问题,请不要追问的形式发送,另外发问题并向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~ O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助!

帛官13285807882问: there is no和there are no分别是什么意思,有什么区别?后面加复数还是单数? -
名山县清喉回答: 前者为单数,后者为复数. 区别为:单复数. 例:1,There is no money.没有钱了. 不可数名词,单数. 2,Tere are no apples. 可数名字,复数.

帛官13285807882问: there is, there are所有用法 -
名山县清喉回答: there is意思为(那是),是单数,is后面只能加定冠词a或an,意思为那是一个…… there are 意思也是(那是),是复数形式,后面加(too many)(too much)(some)等词语,意思是那是一些……

帛官13285807882问: there are的否定形式 -
名山县清喉回答: there are not. There be 句型的否定: 否定形式只要在be动词后面加not即可,is not =isn't are not= aren't 但要注意的是句中如果出现some则改成any. there are some pictures on the wall. 墙上有一些照片. 否定:There aren't any pictures on ...

帛官13285807882问: 英语完整句式:there is 后面加什么?there are后面加什么?详细详细,there are+?Are there+?Is there+? -
名山县清喉回答: 某处有某物.就近原则.后面离得最近的是单数,就用is, 复数就用are.后面那个是疑问句,还是某处有某物吗.望采纳

帛官13285807882问: "There are no"后加的名词是复数还是单数? -
名山县清喉回答: 看看下面内容,对你有所帮助,你自己不妨先总结一下吧.此结构的含义相当于It's impossible /unnecessary to do something.如:There is no hurry about it. 没有必要这么急匆匆的. There is no question of his honesty. 他的诚实是勿庸置疑的...

帛官13285807882问: 所有一般疑问句及回答方式必须简洁易明,正确,适合初学者 -
名山县清喉回答:[答案] ①助动词Do+主语+V原形...? 肯定回答: Yes,主语+do. 否定回答: No,主语+do not(don't). Eg: Do you know the answer?... there is/are. 否定回答:No, there is/are+not(isn't/aren't). 注意:Yes后面的there is, there are不能缩写. Eg: Are there any ...

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