
作者&投稿:吴堂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语高手来 初一 物主代词 名词性物主代词造句
I like your shoes. 我喜欢你的鞋。His eating habits are healthy. 他的饮食习惯很健康。Her hair is black. 她的头发是黑色的。仿照上面的例子自己用its our your their 造句。This blue bag is mine. 这个蓝色的包是我的。The books are yours. 这些书是你的\/你们的。...

There is some milk in the bottle.There is not any milk in the bottle.There are some apples on the table.There are any apples on the table.Are there any flowers in your classroom?Are there any books in your bag?说明:THERE BE 结构的用法:就近原则,即BE后的动词是不可数名词...

impart造句 1、The opening song imparts a sense of classical charm to the whole film.开场曲给整部电影增添了一种古典韵味。2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、He quietly came over and imparted a gossip to me.他悄悄走...

①Time heals almost everything. Give the Time, some time. 时间几乎可以治愈一切,给“时间”一点时间。②Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。③Use the right tools for what you doing, and take your time.用正确的工具做你要做的事,慢慢来。④As time goes by, you get more and more hei...

2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、This racket enables the player to impart more spin to the ball.这种球拍能使运动员打出转得更急的旋转球。4、Teachers should impart wisdom to students.教师应该把智慧传授给学生。5、The ...

impart造句 1、The opening song imparts a sense of classical charm to the whole film.开场曲给整部电影增添了一种古典韵味。2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、He quietly came over and imparted a gossip to me.他悄悄走...

impart造句如下:1、The opening song imparts a sense of classical charm to the whole film.开场曲给整部电影增添了一种古典韵味。2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、He quietly came over and imparted a gossip to me.他...

impart造句如下:1、The opening song imparts a sense of classical charm to the whole film.开场曲给整部电影增添了一种古典韵味。2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、He quietly came over and imparted a gossip to me.他...

impart造句如下:1、The opening song imparts a sense of classical charm to the whole film.开场曲给整部电影增添了一种古典韵味。2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、He quietly came over and imparted a gossip to me.他...

impart造句如下:1、The opening song imparts a sense of classical charm to the whole film.开场曲给整部电影增添了一种古典韵味。2、He imparted his idea of managing the company to his heirs.他把公司管理理念传授给了继承人。3、He quietly came over and imparted a gossip to me.他...

旁空13646055580问: theirs怎样造句 简单 -
兴海县兰菌回答: 认得一生很简单

旁空13646055580问: 英语造句用 my、mine、your、yours、his、her、hers、our、ours、their、theirs每个单词早1个简单的英语句子! -
兴海县兰菌回答:[答案] I like my pen.The pen is mine.May I borrow your pencil?The pencil is yours.His mother is at home.The eraser is his.Her car looks cool.The cool car is hers.We love our country.Ours is much better than ...

旁空13646055580问: 英语:单词造句
兴海县兰菌回答: 1.This is my book. 2.That is your book. 3.It is his book. 4.He is her father. 5.She is our teacher. 6.Their father is a worker. 7.This book is mine. 8.Those clothes are yours. 9.The dog is hers. 10.These books are ours. 11.those books are yours. 12.Those books are theirs.

旁空13646055580问: 英语单词造句 -
兴海县兰菌回答: we are friends you are wrong they are going to the bathroom Don't play with us Does he do this for you The teacher don't want to teach them Our nation is a great nation Your house is very comfortable Their mother is a supor woman Ours is still undone Yours is wonderful Theirs is well done

旁空13646055580问: 英语:用给出的词造句
兴海县兰菌回答: 1. My mother is tired 2. Your sister is beautiful 3. His father is not home 4. Her brother is tall 5. our teacher is funny 6. Their parents are teachers 7. that book is mine 8. This jacket is yours 9. The pen is hers. 10. The room at the end is ours. 11. Those tables are yours 12. theirr??/

旁空13646055580问: 勇士造句 勇士怎么造句小学生 -
兴海县兰菌回答: 例:勇士决不停止前进的脚步.能坚持己志、百折不挠的人,都是勇士.激流探险的勇士们出发了.

旁空13646055580问: 一年级天地人你我他 组成一个造句 -
兴海县兰菌回答: (1)天大地大,你我都是他的好朋友. (2)今日,阳光明媚,天空万里无云,草地上绿草如茵,在这里,你--我的朋友和爱人及他们的孩子一起在散步.

旁空13646055580问: 英语造句(小学) -
兴海县兰菌回答: be动词:My name is Bill. Her book is on the desk.can: Can I help you? I can finish my homework in half an hour.实义动词:I want to go to see a film. My father goes to work everyday. 看一下这个答案吧!这是完美的修改稿!

旁空13646055580问: 小学生用飞机怎么造句 -
兴海县兰菌回答: 春节时,我们全家坐飞机到海南岛旅行. 飞机在草原上撒播优良牧草的种子. 弟弟终于办盼到爸爸给他买心爱的模型飞机,心花怒放,高兴的跳起来.

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