
作者&投稿:阙轻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

beautiful What a beautiful picture!多漂亮的一幅画啊!beauty Lisa is a beauty.丽莎是个美女。She She is a student.她是一个学生。get Go and get there.到那去。something there is something wrong.这有点问题。them Please give these books to them.请把这些书给他们。from I’m from ...

英语中的简单句成分有:主谓宾。造句也需要有主谓(宾语有些情况不需要),they则可以充当主语,谓语一般由动词充当,宾语一般由名词充当。造句:1、they are students (加职业、身份等名词) 翻译:他们都是学生。2、they are beautiful (加形容词) 翻译:他们都漂亮。3、they are playing(加动...

...they和them . 主格和宾格造句 ..造句内容简单都行
she:She is my friend.她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary.她的名字是Mary we:We are students.我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway.在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference.我们在会上看到他们 ...

请帮我用me.him.his.she.it.its.ther.them.thir.thirs造句?_百度知 ...
me: Please help me with my homework.him: Can you teach him maths?his: Is this his book?she: She is from America.it: It doesn't matter.its. I have a dog, its name is Tom.they: They are at home now.them: Can you find them?their: Are their bags heavy...

用人称代词(宾格)us you them造句。20分,10分钟内!!!急急急!!!_百度...
1. The teacher gave him a textbook.2. You have to go to the office right now!3. My mother make us a cheese cake.4. You are a good person.5. That difficult project makes them crazy.6. Let us go to the church!7. How can you write your essay?8. My sister's friend...

We are talking about him.What are you doing?She is doing her homework.The teacher is asking us some questions.A boy is asking them some questions.学习加油噢!

请帮我用me.him.his.she.it.its.ther.them.thir.thirs造句?_百度知 ...
me: Please help me with my homework.him: Can you teach him maths?his: Is this his book?she: She is from America.it: It doesn't matter.its. I have a dog, its name is Tom.they: They are at home now.them: Can you find them?their: Are their bags heavy...

take some photos not to go out at night as possible as we can to go shopping this afternoon 哪里不懂欢迎追问,请放心采纳,谢谢

his,her,its,our,their)My mother is a teacher 2、名词性物主代词(mine,yours,his,hers,ours,theirs)His mother is a teacher 3、主格人称代词(I,you,he,she,it,we,you,they)I am a student 4、宾格人称代词(me,you,him,her,it,us,you,them)It is a dog ...

There many students in the class and all of them are studying.

呼宽17232948026问: 用them造句 -
资溪县麻仁回答: 我们会找到他们) 注明了翻译,这些句子都是简单明了的.i like them(我爱他们) 2,we can find them(也许,maybe.why i do it is for them (我这样做是为了他们) 31

呼宽17232948026问: 谁能帮我用them be句型来写几句话?初一的. -
资溪县麻仁回答: there is a beautiful girl in the room.

呼宽17232948026问: 用them、every、lot、sale、welcome、example、each、anybody这几个词各造一个句子.不用太复杂,只需初一水平.(越精练越好) -
资溪县麻仁回答:[答案] them I understand them.我理解他们. every Every one is ready.每个人都准备好了. lot He has a lot of money.它有许多钱. sale It is for sale.这个东西待售. welcome Welcome to China.欢迎到中国来. example Please give me an example. 请举个例子. each ...

呼宽17232948026问: 英语造句 she和her we和us they和them .主格和宾格造句 ..造句内容简单都行 -
资溪县麻仁回答:[答案] she:She is my friend. 她是我的朋友 her:her name is Mary. 她的名字是Mary we:We are students. 我们是学生 us:She saw us on the subway. 在地铁站她见到我们了 they:They are students 他们是学生 them:We saw them at the conference. 我们在会上看到...

呼宽17232948026问: them their造句 不要太难简单就好 -
资溪县麻仁回答: I wish we could go with them. 我希望我们能和他们一起走. They went there to visit their teacher. . 他们去那里拜访他们的老师…

呼宽17232948026问: 初一英语基本句型造句 -
资溪县麻仁回答: 1.I spend 2 hours on my homework everyday. I spend 2 hours (in)doing my homework everyday.(in可以省略) He usually spends a lot of time (in) playing computer games. 2.Why not get up early?(=Why don't you get up early?)(注意:Why not 后接...

呼宽17232948026问: 关于各种of which 和of them的句子! -
资溪县麻仁回答: 你在瞎折腾!研究半天,总结出什么乱七八糟的东西?which, 与 that-, who-/whom, 都属于“关系代词”,关系代词是与复合句有关的,是用来引导定语从句的.them,与 he/she, it, you I me, us等属于同一的概念范畴,是普通的人称代词,代替...

呼宽17232948026问: 初一英语问题·
资溪县麻仁回答: 翻译是:我跟我姐姐都喜欢裙子.这里的裙子没有说明具体是哪一类的裙子,所以看成是裙子的总称,所以用复数.我觉得跟主语没关系,因为如果这句话改成两个人都喜欢同一条裙子也可以:both my sister and I like that dress.就说俩人都喜...

呼宽17232948026问: 英语方面:什么时候要用到Them?什么时候要用到They? -
资溪县麻仁回答: 简单的来说,放在句子前面用they. 句子后面用them. 专业的来说: 一般句子是主谓宾句型 they是主格, them 是宾格 希望帮到你

呼宽17232948026问: 初一英语造句 -
资溪县麻仁回答: 最高级:(be动词的)1.He is the tallest student in my class. 2.Mary is my best friend.3.Changjiang is the longest river in China.4.He is the most clever student in our class. 5.It is the most interesting story in this magazine. 6.YaoMing is the tallest ...

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