
作者&投稿:俟启 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

是的,Heir是程晓玥的品牌。从2019年开始,程晓玥就进军时尚领域,并创立了新锐美妆品牌Heir。Heir中文名叫赫艾迩,2020年上线,这个品牌代表着传承的意思。作为彩妆品牌的老板,程晓玥也是该品牌的创始人和设计师。her加一个字母变新词 加一个i,变为heir,意思是继承人;后嗣;(工作或传统的)继承者,承袭者...

二、造句 1、heir groping attempts to create a more meaningful existence.他们为创造一种更加有意义的生存方式所进行的探索。2、There are too many variables involved to make any meaningful predictions.涉及的可变因素太多,不可能作有意义的预言。3、Prose structured into short sentences with mean...

9、heir popularity waned during that period.在那期间他们的受欢迎程度下降了。10、Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county.她快乐的个性使她成为这个郡最受欢迎的女孩。11、She caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.她急忙采用了报刊上流行的一种新词语。

(2) [heir]∶继承的人 ◎ 继父 jìfù [stepfather] 生母再婚后的丈夫 造句 1, 改革的方案还没有定局,明天可以继续讨论。2, 有些老革命同志老当益壮,继续为社会主义事业发挥余热。3, 校长勉励获奖的同学继续努力,争取取得更好的成绩。4, 这学期,学校将继续开展“爱我中华”的教育活动。5, 如...

I sold everything I owned except for my car and my books.His heir sold the painting to the London art dealer Agnews.The directors sold the business for £14.8 million.I sold all the books after my graduation.


He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.他是长子, 因此是头衔的继承人。The title just won't come to mind.那个标题就是想不起来。★ rest He will never rest until he knows the truth.他不获真相是不会安心的.Rest the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上吧。Ensure ...

I'm with my your her his our your their mine your hers his its ours yours theirs make sentences.纯属开玩笑(走你的

用a large sum of造句
Mr. Gilbert's heir inherited the house and a large sum of money.吉伯特先生的继承人继承了房子和一大笔钱。James came into a large sum of money after his grandfather died.詹姆斯在她祖父去世后得到了一大笔钱。He left a large sum of money for the foundation of a music school.他留...

我不相信你刚刚所说的。别再说谎了,告诉我真正的原因。true 1)依据事实和现实 What he said is the true story that happened last night.他说的是昨晚真的发生的事 2) 真正的,正牌的 He is the true heir to the throne.他才是真正王位的继承人 You are a true friend 你是真心的朋友 ...

祝郭13031623553问: 用第三人称形容词性物主代词their造句 -
侯马市参麦回答: My Clothes is in their room.我的衣服在他们的房间里.

祝郭13031623553问: 用our,还有their各造一个简单的句子.给好评 -
侯马市参麦回答:[答案] Our teacher is a man. Their sun is 3 years old.

祝郭13031623553问: 用our,还有their各造一个简单的句子.给好评 -
侯马市参麦回答: Our teacher is a man.Their sun is 3 years old.

祝郭13031623553问: them their造句 不要太难简单就好 -
侯马市参麦回答: I wish we could go with them. 我希望我们能和他们一起走. They went there to visit their teacher. . 他们去那里拜访他们的老师…

祝郭13031623553问: 用形容词性物主代词造句怎么造 -
侯马市参麦回答: 一楼先搞清楚什么叫形容词性物主代词!! 形容词性物主代词有:my(我的),your(你的、你们的),our(我们的),his(他的),her(她的),its(它的),their(他们的). 形容词性物主代词具有形容词的特性,常放在名词前面作定语,表明该名词所表示的人或物是\"谁的\". 造句就简单了吧: Is that your bike? My mother is at home. His father is a teacher. ... ...

祝郭13031623553问: 英语造句用 my、mine、your、yours、his、her、hers、our、ours、their、theirs每个单词早1个简单的英语句子! -
侯马市参麦回答:[答案] I like my pen.The pen is mine.May I borrow your pencil?The pencil is yours.His mother is at home.The eraser is his.Her car looks cool.The cool car is hers.We love our country.Ours is much better than ...

祝郭13031623553问: 英语:用给出的词造句
侯马市参麦回答: 1. My mother is tired 2. Your sister is beautiful 3. His father is not home 4. Her brother is tall 5. our teacher is funny 6. Their parents are teachers 7. that book is mine 8. This jacket is yours 9. The pen is hers. 10. The room at the end is ours. 11. Those tables are yours 12. theirr??/

祝郭13031623553问: 英语:单词造句
侯马市参麦回答: 1.This is my book. 2.That is your book. 3.It is his book. 4.He is her father. 5.She is our teacher. 6.Their father is a worker. 7.This book is mine. 8.Those clothes are yours. 9.The dog is hers. 10.These books are ours. 11.those books are yours. 12.Those books are theirs.

祝郭13031623553问: 英语造句(简单的) -
侯马市参麦回答: 1.They carry the boxes into the room.他们将箱子搬进室内. 2.The sick child shouted with pain.那病童痛得叫了起来. 3.I didn't find my english book .我没有找到我的英语课本. 4.He fell down and broke his arm .他跌断了手臂. 5.Their team has ...

祝郭13031623553问: 用英语单词they造5句句子 -
侯马市参麦回答:[答案] they have no kids they are hungry they can't swim they are friends they will come tomorrow

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