
作者&投稿:章豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

___ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weeken;选项:c、 With 题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5 内容:In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the ___ in personality.选项:d、 conflict...

Good food and exercise help me to study better.What do you usually do at weekends?My classmates and I are going to the cinema.He goes shopping twice one week.

___ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weeken;[选c,With 由于有]选项:a、As for b、 Besides c、 With d、 Because of 8.内容:---What were you doing when Tony phoned you?---I had just finished my work and ___ to take a shower.[选b,前面已经...

I have a great collection of sports goods, it is I spent a long time collection. I have a collection of five football, one of which was also above the signature of Beckham, and I am very like it. I still have 10 volleyball, the pattern is very beautiful, I play ...

1.The doctor are trying to remove the causes of the disease 医生正在尝试消除病患的根源 2.what is your plan next weekend?(你下星期打算有甚么计划?)3.will you be responsible the classroom is cleaned after class(你愿意负责课室在下课后的清洁)?4.He asked her to lend her the ...

中学生该不该在周末与朋友外出,初三英语作文 急急急,80词左右
teenagers can choose their own coat ,they can make of school coat by themselves.they can go out with their frends at weeken.they can drive a car when them was eighteen.also when they are free,they can watch TV and go to movie .they can have a part-time job or workout on weekend ...

I have a collection of three tennis rackets and 3 tennis, I also play tennis every day, this is a very dynamic movement. I welcome you to visit the collection.June is an English girl,She is now in China.she likes beijing opera and chinese action movies . on weekengs.she o...

注意.“the+姓氏复数”作主语,谓语动词用复数。例如:The Greens are watching TV at the moment.格林一家人现在正在看电视。The Whites do their cooking at home only at the weeken D. 怀特夫妇仅在周末才在家做饭。⑧the后加某些形容词,表示一类人或事物。

of & the 的一些用法,初中的就行
The Whites do their cooking at home only at the weeken D. 怀特夫妇仅在周末才在家做饭。⑧the后加某些形容词,表示一类人或事物。例如:�the old 老人 the young 年轻人the rich 富人�the poor 穷人 the clever 聪明人 the blind 盲人�⑨用在乐器前面。例如...

1.He feels sick, therefore he must go to see the doctor.2.Your mother has to get up early cooking every morning in order to make you get to school on time.3.He said that athelet in a blue T-shirt goes on a walk every Sunday morning on the street near the bank.4....

辟杭13137485001问: weekend 前面用什么介词?分别在什么情况下用,表示什么意思? -
礼县利诺回答: at weekends(美)在周末,周末时光(等于on weekends) at /on the weekends: 在周末(周末不止一天) at the weekend在周末(周末仅一天) on the weekend 这个周末 on weekends 每逢周末 ... Out on the weekend: 周末狂热 at/on the weekend: 在周末;在周末 这些用法都正确,只是: 1、含义上稍有不同(周末天数多少不一) 2、英美习惯用法表达上的差异.一般交际中都可使用,能达意就行.

辟杭13137485001问: the wanted的歌曲"the weekend"的歌词的中文翻译?? -
礼县利诺回答: The Weekend (周末) - The Wanted (渴望乐团) I just want you for the weekend 我只想要和你一起过周末 I need you like the beat inside my head 我需要你就像需要我脑海的节拍 I just want you for the weekend 我只想要和你一起过周末 I know I'...

辟杭13137485001问: at weekend,on weekend,at the weekend ,on the weekend和on weekends的区别? -
礼县利诺回答: weekend指通常情况下泛指的 2.on weekend指具体一个周末 例如一个人在几个月前说他那一周末干什么 3.the是特指具体的一个,at the weekend和on the weekend是一样的意思,通常用at the weekend 4.on weekends指的是一件事要在几个或很多个周末做.

辟杭13137485001问: at the weekend,on weekends,on the weekend有什么区别 -
礼县利诺回答: the是特指具体的一个,at the weekend和on the weekend是一样的意思,通常用at the weekend 4.on weekends指的是一件事要在几个或很多个周末做.

辟杭13137485001问: on the weekend和on weekends的区别 -
礼县利诺回答: on the weekend : 表示在[某拍定的周末]on weekends : 表示[每个或多个周末) 另:on the weekend = at the weekend 近十多二十年年来, 英文受美文的冲击甚大, 英文一向是用 on the weekend, 美文就用at the weekend. 究其实是同一意义如牛津字典的例句便有说明 The office is closed on the weekend------英文 The office is closed at the weekend-------美文

辟杭13137485001问: on the weekend 和on the weekends还有on weekends的区别 -
礼县利诺回答: on weekends 是指所有周末. 如 What do you do on weekends. 就是说你在周末都干些什么.on the weekend 是特指一个范围内. 如 What do you do on the weekend.就是说你在这个周末干什么.【Me YC真诚为你解答此题,若有疑问请及时追问,满意望及时选为满意回答】

辟杭13137485001问: 在周末是用at the weekend还是on the weekend? -
礼县利诺回答: 有两种用法 at weekend 和on the weekend 都可以表示在周末的

辟杭13137485001问: at the weekend 和 on the weekend的区别 -
礼县利诺回答: at the weekend 强调的是一个具体的时间,在具体的时间点前用at,是它的一般用法.如: I don't work at the weekend. 我周末不工作. 但如果强调的是一个特定的周末,就不能用at而要改为on. 如:Jack was killed on the weekend of May Ist,1987. 吉克被杀死在1987年5月1日的周末.

辟杭13137485001问: weekday 与weekend加什么介词?加the与不加用法有区别吗?加s与不加用法有差别吗,介词要变么 -
礼县利诺回答: 您好,很高兴为您解答.weekday前只能加on,on (the) weekday(表示在工作日,周一至周五).加不加the呢?如果是特指某一个工作日就加the.weekend 介词是on,这两种在同义句转换中可互换:on weekends=on the weekend. 祝您学业顺利 望采纳.

辟杭13137485001问: this weekend作文加翻译 -
礼县利诺回答: I really had a busy weekend.On saturday morning I did my homework and cleaned the room.In the afternoon,I visted my friends and did sports with them.At night,I went to the movies with my parents.On Sunday morning,I went shopping and bought ...

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