
作者&投稿:那定 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


裤子,裙子、毛衣、衬衫英语:Trouser, skirt, sweater, shirt。读音:1、裤子trouser:英['traʊzə(r)] 美[ˈtraʊzɚ]。2、裙子skirt:英[skɜ:t] 美[skɜ:rt]。3、毛衣sweater:英[ˈswetə(r)] 美[ˈswɛt<...

英 [ˈtraʊzəz]美 [ˈtraʊzərz]n.裤子 复数:trousers 形近词:trouseau 双语例句 He was smartly dressed in a shirt,dark trousers and boots.他穿着衬衫和黑裤子,脚蹬皮靴,看上去很帅气。

裤子英语:pants 一、读音:英 [pænts]美 [pænts]二、意思是:n. 裤子 三、例句:My old pair of pants has worn thin at the knees.我那条旧裤子的膝盖处已穿薄了。四、词汇用法:当pants作主语时谓语动词应用复数形式,当a pair of pants作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。五...

look[简明英汉词典][luk]vt.& vi.看,瞧 vi.面向,朝向 link v.看来,显得 n.1 看,瞥 2 脸色,神色,表情 3 美貌 look [luk]vt.& vi.看,瞧 Look whether the postman has been yet.去看看邮递员来过没有。vi.面向,朝向 The house looks south.这栋房子面朝南。link v.看来,显得 He loo...

回答:weather不是第三人称单数 但是它是个不可数名词所以后面的谓语动词也应该用单数形式还有it也是第三人称单数

have money to burn什么意思及同义词
足够的钱来"烧"(长期投资和抵抗风险)同义词:简单说: Free financing for development.详细说:Unlimited financial supports on long term investment and avoiding risks.

请教请教两道初一奥英题,英语高手please help me
1.Tom wants to buy a pair of shoes which match his trouse much 2.Not both of them are from England 3.That bike nearly knocked me down just now 4.This bridge joins the town to the city 5.I would like to 6.She ask me for some water 7.He tells his classmates that ...

15,"one of+复数名词+ 定语从句"结构中,定语从句的谓语动词要用复数;而在"the only one of +复数名词+定语从句"的结构中,定语从句的谓语动词要用单数.例如: He is one of the students who get there on time.他是准时到达那里的学生之一. 16,表示时间,距离,金钱等的复数名词作主语表达一个整体概念时,...

Neither his family nor he knows anything about it. 他全家人和他都不知道那件事. 英语中,主语的单复数形式决定着谓语动词的单复数形式. 主谓一致必须遵循以下三条 原则:语法一致原则,意义一致原则,就近一致原则.根据这三条原则,现从以下几个 方面进行总结: 一, 并列结构作主语时的主谓一致 1.由and 连接的...

羽畏13375533281问: The trousers做主语谓语动词用单数还是复数? -
宿州市盐酸回答: 复数,如果是a pair of trousers就用单数

羽畏13375533281问: how much do you think the trousers —填IS还是ARE,答案是IS,如果错了给理由 -
宿州市盐酸回答:[答案] 关键在于它问的是how much,是问的价格,而非the trousers ,而且the trousers 指的是一条裤子,并不能把它看作是复数形式,不能受它干扰,所以应该选择单数IS——价格是多少钱?价格是不可数的,应该用单数!

羽畏13375533281问: 英语中裤子前面是+i还是a -
宿州市盐酸回答: 可以用量词pair two pairs of trousers 也 可以直接 the trousers onesmart 精jing锐rui教育 春申zhongxin

羽畏13375533281问: The trousers - ---(看起来)very nice.中间添look还是looks?说明 -
宿州市盐酸回答: look 因为主语是复数,主要看动词前面的主语是什么

羽畏13375533281问: the trousers 什么 eleven dollars. -
宿州市盐酸回答: are 或cost

羽畏13375533281问: trousers是什么意思 -
宿州市盐酸回答: trousers 的意思是裤子 trousers 英 [ˈtraʊzəz] 美 [ˈtraʊzərz] n.裤子 v.收受 赚得 trouser的第三人称单数和复数 The form trouser is used as a modifier. trouser 用作修饰词. 例句:He was smartly dressed in a shirt, dark trousers and boots . 他穿...

羽畏13375533281问: 改错:The trousers is on the desk. -
宿州市盐酸回答: 答案:The trousers are on the desk.翻译:裤子在桌子上.解析;trousers用了复数形式所以be动词要改为are.注意:裤子都是有两条腿的,所以一般用复数形式.不懂再问,在线为你解答 【帮到你望及时采纳,你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】

羽畏13375533281问: the trousers are too short.(改成否定句) -
宿州市盐酸回答: 你好,很高兴回答你的问题,正确答案为:The trousers aren't too short.************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

羽畏13375533281问: trousers是单数还是复数 -
宿州市盐酸回答: 1. trousers:是复数.单数是a pair of trousers(一条裤子). 2. trousers: [英][ˈtraʊzəz][美][ˈtraʊzərz] n.裤子; 复数:trousers. 3. 双语例句: ⑴Can't he even buy himself decent trousers? 他不能为自己买条体面点的裤子吗? ⑵I have to win. I'm dying for those trousers! 我一定要赢,我太想要那条长裤了!

羽畏13375533281问: 英语单选题! -
宿州市盐酸回答: 1. The trousers ______ too short for me. B. are2. Let's do some reading,B. shall we3. Would you like ______ them in the game? B. to join 4. It took us three days ______ the work.

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