
作者&投稿:释胥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

this pair of gloves()his mother’srd括号填什么be动词?
this pair of gloves( is) his mother’s 主语是pair,是单数,所以谓语是单数。

例如:pair off,a pair of等。以下是英语的相关介绍:英语历史的下一个时期是早期现代英语(1500-1700年)。早期的现代英语的特点是“大元音移位”(1350-1700年),屈折简化和语言标准化。元音大转变影响了中古英语中重音的影响。这是一个链式移位,这意味着每次移位都会触发元音系统中的后续移位。中秋...

pair 后面跟单数还是复数?
Pair Card Game The system is modeled by the Hartree-Fock description of a pair electron interaction.如果是名词性词组,则单、复数要根据句子的重点来定:The player places a base pair card from his hand into the sequence.In case when a winning combination or a pair cards are drawn,...

分析:the pair(中心名词)of shoes(介词短语做定语)。特指的那双鞋。翻译:那双鞋。类似的有:a box of(一盒);a group of(一群);a kind of (一种)等等。The pair of shoes isn't in fashion this year.这双鞋子今年不流行。The pair of shoes under the bed is his.床下面的...

a pair of做主语谓语动词用(单数)。a pair of后一般接复数名词,作主语时,谓语动词多用单数形式,现代英语中也有用复数者,以强调主语的复数含义。pair指两个人或物时,谓语动词用复数形式。在many, several等词或1以上基数词之后,用pairs或pair均可,都表示复数意义,后者主要用于口语中,单复数同形。...

14. A pair of oriolesalighted on the frisking branch of a weeping willow. 一对黄鹂飞落在拂动着的柳树枝条上。15. A pair of robbers weretrying to kidnap his wife. 两个强盗正试图绑架他的妻子。16. This is a coach and pair. 这是双驾马车。I found a couple ofsocks in the bedroom, but...

His hair is smooth and black.The face is extremely perfect,handsome and charming.I like his pair of shining eyes.The mouth can sing the best music in the world.The nose,yeah,it is a the best place I like.It is a is a sign of riches and honour.No need to tell,his ...

His face white, most attract sb.'s attention will be his pair of watery eyes, staring round, sometimes really reminds people of the journey to the West in Sun Wukong's eyes of fire. They say:" the eyes are the windows of the soul." His big head filled with rich knowledge...

eg:I have 1ost my pen.I’m going to buy one.This pen doesn’t work. I must buy another one.I prefer this one to that one.2)one作为不定人称代词, 可泛指“任何一个人”,有one's 和oneself形式。多用于正式文体,口语中也可用he\/his代替第二个one\/one's.One has to take ...

连词成句bought,a,of,shose,mother,for,ken,pair,his( . )
Ken bought a pair of shoes for his mother.

诸葛侨19668848004问: this pair of trousers作主语是单数还是复数 This pair of trousers - ---(be) short. 怎么填 -
福贡县乌鸡回答: this pair of or a piece of / a bottle of...是量词.如是单数,谓语就用单数, This pair of shoes is too big. 如是复数,谓语也用复数.如: Two bottles of water are enough.

诸葛侨19668848004问: This pair of trousers - --- - my sister A, is belong to B.are belong to C,belong to D.belongs to -
福贡县乌鸡回答: 1.belong 是作为动词 所以排除AB 2. 由于主语强调的是this pair 是单数,而不是trousers(复数),所以动词第三人称单数要加S 故选D

诸葛侨19668848004问: 有一道英语题This pair of trousers is cheap
福贡县乌鸡回答: 前半句的谓语系词是 is,说明主语是单数.从这种角度出发考虑,take 后面应该是单数性质的名词. 前半句 有指定代词 this.并且没有 this type of , this style of 之类的描述...

诸葛侨19668848004问: this pair of trousers作主语是单数还是复数 This pair of trousers____(be) short.怎么填 -
福贡县乌鸡回答:[答案] this pair of or a piece of / a bottle of...是量词.如是单数,谓语就用单数, This pair of shoes is too big. 如是复数,谓语也用复数.如: Two bottles of water are enough.

诸葛侨19668848004问: this pair of trousers are nice改错,谢谢 -
福贡县乌鸡回答: 纠正:This pair of trousers is nice.注解:这里的pair (一条,一副,一双,一对 ...) 常常令人误解,误以为是表达复数,进而用复数谓语动词形式.甄别的关键是要看这个词所指的究竟是一个物品还是多个物品.就本例而言,一条裤子有两条裤腿,既然两条裤腿,谓语动词便误用have,殊不知一条裤子就是一条裤子,而不要纠结于两条裤腿的迷惑表象.类似的例子有很多,表示成双成对的东西,比如手套、眼镜等,都被看成是一个物品.

诸葛侨19668848004问: How much - --- - this pair of trousers ?Ten dollars----- - enough Be动词填空.理由? -
福贡县乌鸡回答: 1、is 理由:a pair of是量词修饰trousers,其谓语动词根据pair的单复数决定,其类似的词还有a set of、 2、is 理由:ten dollars 是整体,当表示金钱、距离、长度等名词作主语时,谓语动词统一用作单数

诸葛侨19668848004问: This pair of trousers has been worn out.I want to buy a new -
福贡县乌鸡回答: This pair of trousers has been worn out.I want to buy a new ___D _____ 选择D的话 form 也有一件 一副 一套的意思 所以说 要选择D 排除后得出的结果

诸葛侨19668848004问: this pair of trousers作宾语时,用it还是them? 为什么? -
福贡县乌鸡回答: pair才是你需要参考的对象! 显然这一题填it 很地道的!

诸葛侨19668848004问: this pair of trousers ( ) dirty,you can't put( )on,it B..are,them,them -
福贡县乌鸡回答: 答案是C .前半句this pair of trousers这双鞋是单数,答案为 is 后半句put them on 穿上他们是复数.

诸葛侨19668848004问: this/that pair of…做主语的用法 -
福贡县乌鸡回答: 看后面的真正主语的单复数

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