
作者&投稿:靳万 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

真正有效的清楚办法:工具:注册表修改 及 System Repair Engineer 用System Repair Engineer会发现服务中有以下一项 [E7B0B2B2 \/ E7B0B2B2][Stopped\/Auto Start]<C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\1A2E7345.EXE -k><Microsoft Corporation> 其中E7B0B2B2和1A2E7345.EXE 为随机值,每台机子都不...

Trojan War Mostly legendary conflict between the Greeks and the people of Troy in western Asia Minor.It was dated by later Greeks to the 12th or 13th century BC. It is celebrated in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, in Greek tragedy, and in Roman literature. In Homer's account the ...

causes and results of Trojan War
According to Homer's Illiad, the cause of the Trojan War went back to the Judgment of Paris. Paris, the Prince of Troy, was aksed to judge among three goddesses who was the most beautiful. For choosing Aphrodite, he was given as a prize the most beautiful human woman in the world. ...


卡巴已检测到特洛伊木马病毒,已行删除,但毫无效果,该如何清除?请高手帮 ...

and she promised him that Helen, wife of Menelaus, would be his wife. Paris then prepared to set off for Sparta to capture Helen. Twin prophets Cassandra and Helenus tried to persuade him against such action, as did his mother, Hecuba. But Paris would not listen and he set ...

於是联手发动了Trojan战争。 7‧战车 the Chariot Ares 十二主神之一,战神,罗马名Mars(火星)。 ...工匠之神Hephaitos奉Zeus之命用黏土和水做出来的第一个女人。 有著和女神同样美丽的容貌,但没什麼

接着,对注册表进行检查和清理。病毒可能在以下路径创建了注册表项:[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services]请注意查找名为"nnlhe"的注册表键,并将其删除以消除病毒的影响。此外,病毒可能通过Image File Execution Options修改了系统文件的执行选项。在[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\...

电影 特洛伊
BestfighteroftheGreek esiegingTroyintheTrojanWar.WhentheheroOdy eusjourneyedtotheUnderworldtoseektheadviceofthedeadprophetTeiresias,heencounteredtheshadeofAchilles.ThisherohadslaintheTrojanheroHectori inglecombatandhadhimselfbee roughtdownonlybytheco ivanceofApollo.ThegodguidedthearrowofHector' ro...

When Prince Paris of Troy grew up, he followed his dad's orders to greet his aunt in Athens, he fell in love with Helen at first sight, and stole Helen away, which (in turn) caused the Trojan War (10 years). All the gods supported one of the sides, Eros A Fuluo ...

蔽婉18253089759问: 特洛伊木马的由来? -
莱阳市香菊回答: 特洛伊木马(Trojan horse) 古希腊传说,特洛伊王子帕里斯访问希腊,诱走了王后海伦,希腊人因此远征特洛伊.围攻9年后,到第10年,希腊将领奥德修斯献了一计,就是把一批勇士埋伏在一匹巨大的木马腹内,放在城外后,佯作退兵.特...

蔽婉18253089759问: 八年级英语上册.The Trojan horse翻译. -
莱阳市香菊回答: The Trojan horse特洛伊木马 The captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy. "The Greekshave gone and we've won," he said. "They've tried to capture our city for ten years. Now they've given up and sailed away!" 首领站在特伊洛城的...

蔽婉18253089759问: 用英语复述《特洛伊木马》这个故事
莱阳市香菊回答: 古希腊传说,特洛伊王子帕里斯访问希腊,诱走了王后海伦,希腊人因此远征特洛伊.围攻9年后,到第10年,希腊将领奥德修斯献了一计,就是把一批勇士埋伏在一匹巨大的木马腹内,放在城外后,佯作退兵.特洛伊人以为敌兵已退,就把木...

蔽婉18253089759问: 什么是特洛伊木马
莱阳市香菊回答: 什么是特洛伊木马? “特洛伊木马”(trojan horse)简称“木马”,据说这个名称来源于希腊神话《木马屠城记》.古希腊有大军围攻特洛伊城,久久无法攻下.于是有人献计制造一只高二丈的大木马,假装作战马神,让士兵藏匿于巨大的木马中...

蔽婉18253089759问: 英语中有哪些谚语是来自古希腊神话故事 -
莱阳市香菊回答: 1.An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根 An Apple of Discord直译为"纠纷的苹果",出自荷马史诗Iliad中的希腊神话故事传说希腊阿耳戈英雄(Argonaut)珀琉斯(Peleus)和爱琴海海神涅柔斯的女儿西蒂斯(Thetis)在珀利翁山...

蔽婉18253089759问: Trojan Horse是什么电脑病毒?
莱阳市香菊回答: The Trojan Horse木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细 这里的Trojan horse是指对不同的木马程序的一般通用名称.trojan horse psw各种各样的不同的木马程序能够影响所有的Windows操作系统,Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, ...

蔽婉18253089759问: Trojan Horse是什么病毒?怎么删除?
莱阳市香菊回答: 是木马哦 今年木马特别多的,一种杀毒软件可能杀不了有些病毒的 (落地风筝原创,复制可耻) 首先开机按F8进入安全模式,用360安全卫士和360专杀大( http://www.360.cn下载),windows 清理助手和恶意软件清理助手(这两个到多特下,绝对没有病毒),汉化的AVG Anti-Spyware7.5.1.43联合查杀,如果不行,在360软件界面中下载专杀工具哦,一般会解决的 ,以上都是完全免费的

蔽婉18253089759问: The Trojan Horse 什么意思?
莱阳市香菊回答: 特洛伊木马

蔽婉18253089759问: Trojian Horse是一种什么病毒 -
莱阳市香菊回答: 手工彻底清除 PWSteal.Trojan, Trojan horse 木马的方法许多电脑用户会经常遇到自己的防毒软件报告发现 PWSteal.Trojan 或者 Trojan horse 这种病毒但却无法清除和隔离它的情况, 或者是在清除后不久它又出现了,让人非常苦恼.这时该怎...

蔽婉18253089759问: Trojan Horse 是什么病毒?
莱阳市香菊回答: 木马病毒

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