
作者&投稿:钊娅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage between Peleus and Thetis, a sea-goddess. Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a golden apple onto the table. The apple belonged to, Eris said, whomever was the fairest.

Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite each reached for the apple. Zeus proclaimed that Paris, prince of Troy and thought to be the most beautiful man alive, would act as the judge.

Hermes went to Paris, and Paris agreed to act as the judge. Hera promised him power, Athena promised him wealth, and Aphrodite promised the most beautiful woman in the world.

Paris chose Aphrodite, and she promised him that Helen, wife of Menelaus, would be his wife. Paris then prepared to set off for Sparta to capture Helen. Twin prophets Cassandra and Helenus tried to persuade him against such action, as did his mother, Hecuba. But Paris would not listen and he set off for Sparta.

In Sparta, Menelaus, husband of Helen, treated Paris as a royal guest. However, when Menelaus left Sparta to go to a funeral, Paris abducted Helen (who perhaps went willingly) and also carried off much of Menelaus' wealth.

In Troy, Helen and Paris were married. This occured around 1200 B.C. (Wood, 16).

Trojan War

Mostly legendary conflict between the Greeks and the people of Troy in western Asia Minor.

It was dated by later Greeks to the 12th or 13th century BC. It is celebrated in Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, in Greek tragedy, and in Roman literature. In Homer's account the Trojan prince Paris ran off with the beautiful Helen, wife of Menelaus of Sparta, whose brother Agamemnon then led a Greek expedition to retrieve her. The war lasted 10 years; its participants included Hector, Achilles, Priam, Odysseus, and Ajax. Its end resulted from a ruse: The Greeks built a large wooden horse in which a raiding party hid. When the Greeks pretended to leave, the Trojans brought the horse into the walled city and the Greeks swarmed out, opening the gates to their comrades and sacking Troy, killing the men and enslaving the women. The extent of the legend's actual historical content is not known; excavations have revealed human habitation from 3000 BC to AD 1200, and there is evidence of violent destruction about 1250 BC.

特洛伊战争 Trojan War


It is the year 1250 B.C. during the late Bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to clash after Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that his wife was taken by the Trojans, he asks his brother Agamemnom to help him get her back. Agamemnon sees this as an opportunity for power. So they set off with 1,000 ships holding 50,000 Greeks to Troy. With the help of Achilles, the Greeks are able to fight the never before defeated Trojans. But they come to a stop by Hector, Prince of Troy. The whole movie shows their battle struggles, and the foreshadowing of fate in this remake by Wolfgang Petersen of Homer's "The Iliad."

Paris was deemed the most handsome man in the world. On his birth, however, his half-sister, Cassandra, had a vision that the child will bring Troy to ruins. As a result, Priam the king of Troy abandoned the child beneathe a hill, hoping that the elements shall take his life. However, he was found by local farmers and raised.

On a fateful day, one of his lambs wandered too far into a cave. Looking for it, Paris came upon the three goddess, Athena, Hera and Aphrodite. He was to judge their beauty and give a golden apple to the fairest of them all. Each goddess promised a reward for the apple. Athena offered honour and glory through all eternity, Hera the wealth of the ages and Aphrodite the most beautiful of mortal women. Paris chose Aphrodite, and thus, sow the seeds of Troy's destruction.

Paris was returned to the halls of King Priam when the King finally recognised his son as the athletic youth who surpass all other men of Troy. Later, on an envoy to Sparta, Paris received Aphrodite's reward as he stole Helen from Menelaus, the King of Sparta.

Enraged, Menelaus called upon Agamemnon, his brother and King of Mycenae. Calling upon the past pact to defend Helen and the honour of Greece, the most powerful of Greeks gathered by the ports of Mycenae. Among them, was the young Achilles, who is believed to be utterly invincible and his Myrmidons, the most powerful of all Greek armies. The destruction of Troy was to begin, however, Agamemnon mercilessly sacrificed his daughter to the goddess Artemis. On that day, the Greeks beared down on Troy as they crossed the Aegean sea.

The walls of Troy was believed to be unbreechable. To the Greeks, it was no different. The war endured for nine long years. Towards the end of the battle, Agamemnon offended Achilles as he snatched his slave girl. A bitter freud erupted amidst the Greeks as Achilles withdrew from battle. Without the mighty Myrmidons, the Greeks were driven right back to their ships. Their loss was only prevented by one Patroclus, who dressed in Achille's armour, led the Myrmidons to the failing Greek defences. In his thrill of battle, Patroclus wondered too far. He was slaughtered by Hector, the oldest and strongest of Trojan Princes.

Saddened by the loss of his friend and hellbent on revenge, Achilles returned to battle. Agamemnon seized upon this and sent his apologies and returned the slave girl to Achilles. With a new suit of armour made by Hephaestus the blacksmith god, Achilles rode into battle the next day. The Trojan soldiers were driven back into the city. By the end Hector was slain. Achilles returned victorious.

The war continued on. In the hope of peace, Priam offered a princess to Achilles. However, at the end of the negotiations, Paris voilated the peace offer and shot Achilles in the ankle, the only place Achilles was vulnerable. The short and glorious life of the Greek Hero ended at last. Without its most powerful hero, the war was fought without any break through.

Finally, the wise Odysseus came upon a plan to breech the walls. On the final night, the Greeks abandoned their camps and set sail, leaving on the beach a giant wooden horse. Mistaken for a gift to Poseidon, Troy pulled the horse into the city. Hours later, when the Trojans were asleep drunk from celebrations, the Greek heros lept from the belly of the horse and opened the gates of Troy. As the Greek Army flooded into the city, Troy was still deep in its drunken dreams.

After a brief battle, little more than a slaughter, Troy was burnt to the ground. The Greeks, after nine long years, set sail and returned to their homes.


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Auld Lang Syne 七次:洛伊在桥上回忆时,第一次约会时,约会结束后,洛伊离开去战场时,洛伊战争归来在火车站相遇时,洛伊和玛拉一起回乡下时,洛伊和玛拉共舞时 貌似是这样的。。。同是郭靖舒的课。。。


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那冒丹颐: It is the year 1250 B.C. during the late Bronze age. Two emerging nations begin to clash after Paris, the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. After Menelaus finds out that ...

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那冒丹颐: The Trojan War has its roots in the marriage between Peleus and Thetis, a sea-goddess. Peleus and Thetis had not invited Eris, the goddess of discord, to their marriage and the outraged goddess stormed into the wedding banquet and threw a ...

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