
作者&投稿:夫洁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.He's in bed.一般疑问句:Is he in bed?2. Can you remember the doctor's telephone number?肯定句:You can remember the doctor's telephne number .3. Open your mouth, Jimmy.反义疑问句:Open you mouth, Jimmy, will you ?4.Show me your tongue.否定句: Don't show me your t...

②wuld rather 常单独使用,表示“宁愿做…” eg He wuld rather watch TV at he. ③rather than = instead f 而不是 连接两个并列成分,前后对称。 eg I’d prefer t g t in suer rather than in winter. I decided t write rather than telephne. I lie ging ut with u rather than with hi. Sh...

新概念2,53,54课summary writing
the telephane and the doorknobs were covered with pastry.Just then the postman rang the doorbell.He wanted her to sign for a registered letter.55并非金矿 "The Revealer"is a new machine which is used for detecting buried gold.Using this machine,a search party recently tried to fi...

变一般疑问句作肯否回答 1 This is her pen 2 Her book is here 3...
Is her book here? No, it isn't.Is Tom an English boy? No, he isn't Is your book red? No, it isn't Is your telephone 3636136? No, it isn't

causes and results of Trojan War
Telephus, in the course of the war, was wounded by Achilles.With no where else to turn, the Greeks returned home.The Trojan War might not have happened had not Telephus gone to Greece in the hopes of having his wound cured. Telephus had been told by an oracle that only the person ...

same time.3.One of my old classmates called me yesterday. I was very excited and we talked for a long time on the phone.The teachers were most impressed by your performance in your class.He is such a kind and helpful boy that he always helps us when we meet problems....

Telephus, the son of Heracles, loved Cassandra but she scorned him and instead helped him seduce her sister Laodice.While Cassandra foresaw the destruction of Troy (she warned the Trojans about the Trojan Horse, the death of Agamemnon, and her own demise), she was unable to do ...

the Greeks layed siege to the city (Herodotus, Bk. II.118). The Greeks ultimately prevailed, but suffered heavy casualties at the hands of Telephus, king of the Teuthranians, and, at the end, were still without Helen. Telephus, in the course of the war, was wounded by Ac...

关于英文 其他的 一类的用法
1. He’s scared. 他吓坏了。scare害怕 be scared to of sth.害怕干某事 be scared of sth.害怕某事 He was scared to see a snake. 他害怕看到蛇.He was scared of darkness. 他害怕黑暗.The boy was (scare) to catch the snake.2. It’s jumping down. 它跳了下来。jump 跳,跳...

When Menelous heard what happened, he begged his brother Agamemnon to take revange. The king sends envoys to Troy to demand Helen's restitution but envoys come back with empty hands. Then Menelous collects an army. In the story, great hereos were Archilles, Odysseus (Ulysses) and...

督庭19380115589问: thetelephone课文翻译问题补充:精读pa
徽县氯化回答: 我小时候住在一个叫做马格达路纳的黎巴嫩小村庄里,它位于西顿以东梯田环绕的多石的山区.对于村里的人们来说,时间并不是很重要-——也许除了病危的人以外.那时候,我们实在无需日历或手表这类东西来计时,计日,计月,计年.我们知道什么时候该做什么事情,就像伊拉克大雁受到来自沙漠热风的驱使,知道什么时候该向北飞一样.那时候,太阳是我们唯一需要的计时器.日出日落,四季不停轮换.我们就随之播种,收获,吃饭,玩耍,到时候和表兄弟姐妹结婚生子,到时候这些孩子就得百日咳和水痘——那些活下来的孩子长大后又和他们的表亲结婚生子,孩子到时候又得百日咳和水痘.我们出生,结婚,劳动,甚至死去,都无需知道这些事发生在哪一年,也无须知道具体是一天的哪个时段.

督庭19380115589问: the telephone was ringing ,but by the time I got indoors,it stopped.
徽县氯化回答: by the time 可以等价于when,多表现为瞬间动作所以是过去时,而不是“it had stopped”这种持续性的形式.

督庭19380115589问: 新概念英语第二册 lesson2 的问题在线等给分 -
徽县氯化回答: 一、rang(原形ring)在这里是动词,也就是谓语.电话响了,the telephone rang,本身是没有错的. 不是只有be动词才可以做谓语,你用was+rang,动词+动词,是组不成结构的,也不通顺. ring的名词用法我没有见过. 如果一定要在前面...

督庭19380115589问: 想家里蹲真是困难重重,1.新概念2册54课 摘要写作When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.课文参考翻译是:手黏糊了(和面... -
徽县氯化回答:[答案] 第一个句子中,soon afterwards被放到从句后面,但是还是修饰电话的,直译过来就是:当电话铃(紧接着)响的时候,她的手指上(已经)黏糊了. 至于第二个句子,你把主从关系搞反了,应该这么翻:当我后来超过这车的时候,那司机在换轮胎.

督庭19380115589问: The telephone - ----four times in the last hour, and each time it - ---for my room -
徽县氯化回答: 答案A in the last hour, in the past/last twenty years等,都指刚刚过去而持续到说话时为止(或长或短)的一段时间, 因此动词要用现在完成时. 电话铃在 一个小时内反复响了四次, 每次都是同屋的.每次是具体所指, 句中动词要用过去时."

督庭19380115589问: 高中英语题一道——the telephone number several times,but he couldn't learn it by heart. -
徽县氯化回答: 这个句子是并列句,由连词but 连接两个独立的句子He had been told the telephone number several times和he couldn't learn it by heart 并列句是指由连词连接两个独立的句子,比如and, but, than等连接的句子.独立的句子是指,主、谓、宾(不...

督庭19380115589问: The telephone is a most useful invention in human history. -
徽县氯化回答: A most =very

督庭19380115589问: The telephone rang - ---- - I was in the garden. -
徽县氯化回答: when 当我在花园的时候 电话响了

督庭19380115589问: 2.Stay off the telephone. -
徽县氯化回答: 远离电话.这不是一个老妇人的瞎编----很多人就是由于电话线而受伤的.当彼得在他在florida的房子里打电话的时候外面正下着雨.“班!一个闪电击中了楼房,”他说,“我觉得我胳膊上的毛都竖了起来,而且电通过电话打到了我,几乎烧化了我的手”

督庭19380115589问: 求关于telephone的英文文章~ -
徽县氯化回答: The TelephoneThe telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions. No wonder more and more families have got to use their own telephones today.The telephone makes things easy in many ways. Especially, after the mobile ...

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