
作者&投稿:湛畏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于英文 其他的 一类的用法
think of 想起 think about 考虑 think over 反复思考 What do you think of the game show?We must think about what to do next time.Please think it over before you decide to do it.8. What happened while Linda was on the telephnoe? 当琳达在打电话时,发生了什 ...

but they had mistaken according to Trojan territory and the army were beaten at the mouth of the Caicus river and driven back to their ship by Telephus, king of Mysia and ally of Troy.The Greeks assembled again at Aulis but they were windbound and unable to sail. Wings, hun...

He’s short and thin. He has gray hair and a gray beard. He always wears a green sweater, blue pants and brown shoes. He likes to tell jokes and never stops talking. Look! He is telling a joke now. He is very old, but he is still (仍旧) very healthy and happy.第...

but they had mistaken according to Trojan territory and the army were beaten at the mouth of the Caicus river and driven back to their ship by Telephus, king of Mysia and ally of Troy.The Greeks assembled again at Aulis but they were windbound and unable to sail. Wings, hun...

宗政盼15321831995问: thetelephone课文翻译问题补充:精读pa
平武县盐酸回答: 我小时候住在一个叫做马格达路纳的黎巴嫩小村庄里,它位于西顿以东梯田环绕的多石的山区.对于村里的人们来说,时间并不是很重要-——也许除了病危的人以外.那时候,我们实在无需日历或手表这类东西来计时,计日,计月,计年.我们知道什么时候该做什么事情,就像伊拉克大雁受到来自沙漠热风的驱使,知道什么时候该向北飞一样.那时候,太阳是我们唯一需要的计时器.日出日落,四季不停轮换.我们就随之播种,收获,吃饭,玩耍,到时候和表兄弟姐妹结婚生子,到时候这些孩子就得百日咳和水痘——那些活下来的孩子长大后又和他们的表亲结婚生子,孩子到时候又得百日咳和水痘.我们出生,结婚,劳动,甚至死去,都无需知道这些事发生在哪一年,也无须知道具体是一天的哪个时段.

宗政盼15321831995问: 关于电话发明的重要性的英语作文,最好100~~150个单词,急用,谢谢~!!大神们帮帮忙 -
平武县盐酸回答: The Telephone The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions. No wonder more and more families have got to use their own telephones today. The telephone makes things easy in many ways. Especially, after the mobile telephone ...

宗政盼15321831995问: 想家里蹲真是困难重重,1.新概念2册54课 摘要写作When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.课文参考翻译是:手黏糊了(和面... -
平武县盐酸回答:[答案] 第一个句子中,soon afterwards被放到从句后面,但是还是修饰电话的,直译过来就是:当电话铃(紧接着)响的时候,她的手指上(已经)黏糊了. 至于第二个句子,你把主从关系搞反了,应该这么翻:当我后来超过这车的时候,那司机在换轮胎.

宗政盼15321831995问: 部编本练习设计在引导学生理解课文的前提下,利用但不局限在课文资...
平武县盐酸回答: the telephone is the most used piece 电话是最常用的一件 the telephone is the most used piece 电话是最常用的一件

宗政盼15321831995问: 新概念英语第二册 lesson2 的问题在线等给分 -
平武县盐酸回答: 一、rang(原形ring)在这里是动词,也就是谓语.电话响了,the telephone rang,本身是没有错的. 不是只有be动词才可以做谓语,你用was+rang,动词+动词,是组不成结构的,也不通顺. ring的名词用法我没有见过. 如果一定要在前面...

宗政盼15321831995问: The telephone rings and Sue answers 整篇短文的中文意思是什么
平武县盐酸回答: 电话响了,苏回答

宗政盼15321831995问: my friend the telephone operator课文翻译 -
平武县盐酸回答: my friend the telephone operator 我的朋友电话接线员

宗政盼15321831995问: LADY GAGA - 碧昂斯《Telephone》(电话),讲的是什么意思啊 -
平武县盐酸回答: 这个是paparazzi的续篇、paparazzi里、gaga毒害了自己的男朋友、结尾是进入监狱.而这部telephone就是gaga入狱后的事情.到中间部分、碧昂斯把gaga从监狱里保出来、而后一起去报复社会、给所有饭店里的人下毒后逃之夭夭、结尾处、到处是悬赏他们的通告.....

宗政盼15321831995问: My Friend,theTelephone Operator课文翻译 -
平武县盐酸回答: My Friend,theTelephone Operator 我的朋友,电话接线员

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