
作者&投稿:虞黛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

初中英语所有后面跟dong、do、to do的单词
I saw him dance. =He was seen to dance. The boss made them work the whole night. =They were made to work the whole night. 4) would rather,had better: 5) Why… \/ why not…: 6) help 可带to,也可不带to, help sb (to) do sth: 7) but和except:but...


〔例证〕He spoke at the meeting.他在会议上发言了。2)say v. 说,讲 〔辨析〕最普通用词,指用语言表达思想,侧重于所说的具体内容,通常用作及物动词。〔例证〕Did you finish what you wanted to say?你想说的话都说完了吗?2)talk v. 说,说话,交谈 〔辨析〕普通用词,用作不及物...

1.What did he say that he had done(Would do)? 2.When did he tell...
“他对他所做的(事情)说了什么?”英文应该是What did he say about what he had done?第二句的意思是“他什么时候告诉你的他买了这辆车?”。同样根据疑问词就近原则,这里when是针对tell提问的。“他告诉你他是什么时间买的这车?”英文应该是When did he buy this car according to what ...

1,What did he say ___with those old rubber boots 为什么用he would...
1.把did he say 看作是插入语,剩下的句子结构有疑问词what,就不会再用that 了 2.因为这是并列句复合句,and连接前后两个分句,后分句本身又是一个强调句句型:It is\/was...that...

3、意义和含义不完全相同 "Say": 指言语行为、表述观点或陈述事实的动作或状态。例句:Actions speak louder than words, they say.(据说行动胜过言语。)"To say": 通常指暗示或强调的含义,表示一种主观的想法或态度。例句:To say he's the best in the business is an understatement.(说他...

say sb doing sth
你可以在say后面可以家that从句,来完成你要表达的意思。至于say sb doing sth或者say sb. do sth,如果你用在口译中,一般没有什么问题,因为口译本身对语法的要求就不高。如果你想用在考试中的话,大多数情况就是语法错误。但是在特定的语境中也是可以勉强算对的。具体要看你的题目。尤其是“say ...

you'll do what I say 是什么句型
在what i say 这个宾语从句中,say是及物动词,后面须跟宾语,而what在这里正好充当say的宾语。在这里what具有双重身份,即作为say的宾语,又作为宾语从句的一个引导词。或者也可以这样理解:do跟say都没有宾语,即主句缺少宾语,从句也缺少宾语,属于双重缺省,故用what 具体可参见高中英语语法 ...

如果没有上下文 按具体情况理解,应该用did比较正确。

talk to oneself, say to oneself两者区别
talk to oneself、say to oneself的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 to oneself:自我劝说。2.say to oneself:对自己说。二、用法不同 to oneself:基本意思是“说话,谈话,谈论”,指通过说话交换意见、思想、消息等。引申可作“表达思想,提供信息”“说出...

嵇拜13775109640问: gap用法 -
福建省九味回答: 一般不这样用gap,而是说 there is a gap between A and B. 是要加冠词的~ 泛指的时候就用不定冠词a,特指的时候用定冠词the(比如:the gap between A and B is...)

嵇拜13775109640问: 关于代沟的英语对话要口语考试的....3分钟就好,2人的 -
福建省九味回答:[答案] A: In your mind , what do you think of the reason why generation gap appears ? B: First ,the young and their parents often fail to talk with each other . Even sometimes they hear each other , but they do not put them in heart . At the most of time,they do not ...

嵇拜13775109640问: 关于代沟的英语对话 -
福建省九味回答: A: In your mind , what do you think of the reason why generation gap appears ?B: First ,the young and their parents often fail to talk with each other . Even sometimes they hear each other , but they do not put them in heart . At the most of time,they do ...

嵇拜13775109640问: 如何避免代沟问题 的英语作文 -
福建省九味回答: to aviod the gap ,i think understanding plays a great role.we'd better not only care about our own interests ,instead we should put ourselves on other's shoes. it is the different values that influence the generations,so both sides should change ideas ...

嵇拜13775109640问: 关于my gap year的英语作文,大概两分钟左右,急急急!!! -
福建省九味回答: Recently, I am reading a best seller named Gap Year, a Girl on the Road. The writer shares us a lot of unbelievable experiences in her “gap” which is so fantastic that I am certainly touched by it. The touch from it let me start thinking about my own ...

嵇拜13775109640问: gap(缺口, 裂缝, 差距, 空白)造句标一下中文
福建省九味回答: 1.豁口,裂口,缺口[(+in)]例如:She had gaps in her teeth. 她牙齿有缺缝. 2...间断;间隔;(知识等的)空白[(+in)] 例如:There are still gaps in my knowledge of English. 我的英语知识仍有空白. 3..分歧,隔阂;差距[(+between)]例如:The gap between the rich and the poor has widened. 贫富之间的差距扩大了. 其中裂缝=缺口(百度词典有)

嵇拜13775109640问: gap是什么意思 -
福建省九味回答: GAP,英文单词,作名词,表示开口、豁口等;作动词,表示造成缝隙. 短语搭配 1、financing gap 资金缺口 ; [财政] 财政缺口 ; 融资缺口 ; 资金缺口英语. 2、root gap [机] 根部间隙. 3、anion gap 阴离子间隙 ; 阴离子隙 ; 负离子缺额 ...

嵇拜13775109640问: gap有形容词吗? -
福建省九味回答: gap有名词和动词,没有形容词的

嵇拜13775109640问: 有关代沟的英语口语6人对话 -
福建省九味回答:[答案] 我这里只有两个人的; A:In your mind ,what do you think of the reason why generation gap appears B:First ,the young and their parents often fail to talk with each other .Even sometimes they hear each other ,but they do not put them in heart .At the most ...

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