
作者&投稿:沃显 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

7、 Novices often deliver the punchline and then nervously race on if the laughter doesn't immediately follow.新手通常制造笑点,如果没有立即听到笑声,便会小心翼翼的继续话题。8、 She meant that a confident speaker delivers the punchline and pauses for the laughter because he or she ...

A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back, amid loud and colorful curse. On the man's second attempt, he was punched square in the jaw, and knocked around a bit, and then thrown at the end of the line again.As he got up, he said...

"揍" 的英文应该怎样写`?
当然是 whack 啦。也可用 wallop。可惜金山词霸没有好的解释。这是口语里最常用的。例句:I wanna whack him up.I wanna give him a good wallop. \/ We will wallop him till he begs us to stop.摘自网上英语字典:WHACK Verb 1. whack - hit hard; "The teacher whacked the boy"wallop,...

...just think of a joke as being the punch line?
一位专家认为,punch line这个说法是来自拳击运动,punch就是用拳头打对方。A punch line不是真正用拳头打你的下巴,而是用这句话使你发笑。例如: I wish somebody would tell Joe that he shouldn’t try to tell those long jokes. They're so long that half the time he forgets the punch ...

he made a hole in the door with a hammer的同义句
He used the hammer to make a hole in the door.他用锤子在门上打了个洞。

double-punch [英]['dʌblp'ʌntʃ][美]['dʌblp'ʌntʃ]例句:1.Of course coach excellent command of the klopp are the decisive, he dancedwith a strong double-punch, a fearless direction to the players.当然教练克洛普的出色指挥也是决定性的,他舞动...

“punch line”是什么意思?punch line:(故事、戏剧、笑话等中的)妙语;例句:1. The punch line was that he lost his pants in the typhoon.好笑的是他在台风中掉了裤子.2. He told the joke so poorly that he had to explain the punch line twice.他那个笑话讲得很差,所以他必须重复...

“punch line”这个单词是什么意思?
My attitude toward death was captured by the punch line in an old joke about Sister Jones, the most devout woman in her church.我对死亡的态度,正好与关于琼斯修女的一个老笑话中的一个妙语不谋而合。Don’t be afraid to pat a buddy or a colleague on the back when he or she ...

劳拉走向那个人。“这是非常冷,”她说 “比以往任何时候都更冷的。”男人说。"现在告诉我你到底想要什么。”他凝视劳拉了几秒钟,然后咧嘴笑道,“也许你喜欢进来取取暖。“不,不,我不想进来。”她深深吸了一口气。“我只是想知道你是否对卖掉你的狗.感兴趣- “那个没用的马特?”那个人给我指了...

punch line是什么意思
punch line n. 妙语 短语 punch-line 冲压线 ; 妙语 Needle Punch Production Line 针轨棉生产线 serve as punch line 令人捧腹大笑的 SPARTAS PUNCH LINE 上上下下左左右右螺旋 serve for punch line 令人捧腹大笑的 punch line first 关键警语至上 ...

愈独19433455642问: 打卡记录的英文怎么说 -
平罗县普拉回答: 打卡记录:Punch card record 单词分析: 1、punch,英 [pʌntʃ] 美 [pʌntʃ] vt.打孔;用拳猛击;(用压穿器)穿孔,冲孔;用肘推 n.冲压机,冲床;打洞器;钻孔机;剪票铗 vi.用拳猛击 2、card,英 [kɑ:d] 美 [kɑ:rd] n.卡片;信用卡;纸牌;明...

愈独19433455642问: newspaper可数吗 如果可数,是在什么情况下可数,什么情况下不可数 -
平罗县普拉回答: newspaper有报纸和新闻的意思. 如果是报纸的话,是可数的. 如果是新闻的话,就是不可数的了.

愈独19433455642问: 集合名词应该不是特指吧,为什么接all时要加the? -
平罗县普拉回答: 这应该是某大厂或公司的内部通知、公告,all employees 是该厂、公司的员工,是特指的,所以要加 “the”,有本厂(公司)的意思.

愈独19433455642问: “punch line”是什么意思? -
平罗县普拉回答: punch line:(故事、戏剧、笑话等中的)妙语;例句: 1. The punch line was that he lost his pants in the typhoon. 好笑的是他在台风中掉了裤子. 2. He told the joke so poorly that he had to explain the punch line twice. 他那个笑话讲得很差,所以...

愈独19433455642问: n -- sp - per是什么单词 -
平罗县普拉回答: newspaper 英[ˈnju:zpeɪpə(r)] 美[ˈnu:zpeɪpə(r)] n. 报纸,报; 旧报纸; 新闻纸; [网络] 报纸; 报社; [例句]The newspaper which libelled him had already offered compensation.诽谤他的报纸已经向他提出支付赔偿金.[其他] 复数:newspapers

愈独19433455642问: 给报社打电话 用英语怎么说 -
平罗县普拉回答: Hello! I want to``````` Thank you ! Goodbye!

愈独19433455642问: 关于the positive of newspaper的作文 -
平罗县普拉回答: Smile, is beautiful. That afternoon, sunny, according to body, warm. I descended the stairs, unit ready to walk out the doorthe positive of newspape

愈独19433455642问: red a newspaper和red the newspaper有什么区别 -
平罗县普拉回答: 不定冠词a 表示泛指,定冠词the 表示特指.read a newspaper 读报 read the newspaper 读那份报纸 希望对你有帮助!

愈独19433455642问: Punch是什么意思?
平罗县普拉回答: Punch: [ pʌntʃ ] n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打 v. 以拳重击,开洞,剪票 n. 酒、水、糖等制成的鸡尾酒 词形变化: 形容词:punchless 动词过去式:punched 过去分词:punched 现在分词:punching 第三人称单数:punches 例句与用法: 1. They ...

愈独19433455642问: punch是什么意思 -
平罗县普拉回答: punch 英[pʌntʃ] 美[pʌntʃ] vt. 打孔; 用拳猛击; (用压穿器) 穿孔,冲孔; 用肘推; n. 冲压机,冲床; 打洞器; 钻孔机; 剪票铗; vi. 用拳猛击; [例句]After punching him on the chin she wound up hitting him over the head 她先挥拳打他的下巴,然后又打他的脑袋. [其他] 第三人称单数:punches 复数:punches 现在分词:punching过去式:punched 过去分词:punched

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