
作者&投稿:封股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

例句: Mind that step; it's loose!当心那块踏板,它松开了。Mind your head!小心别碰头!服从,听从:例句: The child doesn't mind his sister.这孩子不听他姐姐的话。专心于:例句: to mind one's study 专心于学习 [多用于否定句或疑问句] 介意;反对:例句: Do you mind my closing...

二是用作动词,意思是“留心;注意;专心于;介意;照顾”。mind后接从句时,可用 一般现在时去表达将来的事情,与mind的搭配的介词不同意思也不同。常见句型 I don't mind what you do.你做什么我都不在乎。I don't mind who he is.不管他是谁我都不在乎。I don't mind whether they agree...

mind后接什么 doing还是to do
那是因为你打定了主意要做叫人看不起的事。二,mind doing 1,Since he's so hard-working, he would not mind doing extra work for the Students'Union.既然他这么勤奋,他应该不会介意去为学生会做些额外的工作。2,I wouldn't mind doing sth.我不介意做某事;3,I don't mind doing my...

idea, opinion, mind, thought的区别是什么?
)- My opinion is that we should protect the environment.(我的观点是,我们应该保护环境。)- Please don't mind my suggestion.(请你不要介意我的建议。)- He is having thoughts about his future.(他正在思考自己的未来。)- He has many strange thoughts.(他有很多奇怪的想法。)

以下是对mind作为可数名词和不可数名词的解释:1. 可数名词:当mind作为可数名词时,它表示“思想、头脑、心智”等概念,可以用于表示一个人的思维或意识的单个实例。在这种情况下,mind可以用来计算或数数。例如:- I can't get him out of my mind.(我无法忘记他。)- It's ...

)brain表示“大脑、头脑”时,既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。如:①He's nice, but hasn't got much brain.他人不错,但没大有头脑。②The man has a fine brain.这人脑子很好用。③The brain is the centre of higher nervous activity. 大脑是高级思维活动的中心。【拓展〕brain...

mind doing还是mind to do
例句:Do you mind to close the window?(你介意关上窗户吗?)He doesn't mind doing the dishes.(他不介意洗碗。)2、时态的不同 "mind to do"通常使用一般现在时或一般将来时,表示现在或将来对某个动作的意愿或不愿意。而"mind doing"通常使用进行时,表示对正在进行的动作的感受或态度。...

- I don't mind helping you, but can you make it quick? 我不介意帮你,但你能快点吗? 4. 词性不同:care可以用作动词或名词;mind可以用作动词或名词,还可以用作介词。 例句: - She takes care of her children every day. 她每天照顾孩子。 - He has a really good mind for math. 他很擅...

mind do sth.和mind sb.doing sth.的区别
"mind do sth." 中的动词不定式形式需要加上 "to"。"mind sb.doing sth." 中的动词用动名词形式。例句:"Do you mind me asking a personal question?"(你介意我问个私人问题吗?)"He doesn't mind her singing loudly."(他不在乎她大声唱歌。)3. 用法区别:"mind do ...

mind后面接doing还是to do?
mind后面接doing。mind这个词用作动词词性,并且表示“介意”的意思时,后面一定是加动词的ing形式,即mind doing sth,或者mind sb. doing sth。mind的基本意思是“留心”“注意”“当心”,强调全心全意去注意。可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。例句 1、Doesn't mind doing the chores.他总是...

溥妻15852962947问: jedi mind trick什么意思 -
大同区合贝回答: jedi mind trick 全部释义和例句>>耍了 双语例句1 This some kind of Jedi min

溥妻15852962947问: ...hand. The people are too busy watching the cloth and listening to the magician's words to notice that his other hand is hiding the ball.   Another favorite trick... -
大同区合贝回答:[答案] 答案:1B2C3B4D5D 提示: 1. 魔术师假装做的一些不可能的事 2. 最重要的是不能让人们看出来 3. 从第一节 “He must also lead the people to draw false conclusions” 可以得出答案. 4. 参看第一段,说到了心理学的重要性 5. 这篇文章...

溥妻15852962947问: 几道选择题.尽可能解释详细些. -
大同区合贝回答: 第一题,选B.正如刚有个网友说的,是漏掉了t..mind,delay后面要加动名词,简单总结一下后面必须跟不定式的动词有:afford aim appear agree arrange ask be...

溥妻15852962947问: “trick and treat”是什么意思? -
大同区合贝回答: 1、“trick and treat”的意思是:技巧和治疗. 2、词语解析: (1)【trick 】 读音:英 [trɪk] 美 [trɪk] 释义:n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈;vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮;vi. 哄骗;戏弄;adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的;n. (Trick...

溥妻15852962947问: trick是什么意思? -
大同区合贝回答: n.[C] 1. 诡计;骗局;谋略;花招 He got into the castle by a trick. 他耍了个花招混进了城堡. 2. 恶作剧 3. 轻率愚蠢的行为 That was a rotten trick! 那样做太轻率了! 4. 习惯,癖好[(+of)] He has a trick of repeating himself. 他有重复自己话的习...

溥妻15852962947问: what is the trick?什么意思 -
大同区合贝回答: trick在这个语境里解释为'诀窍'比较恰当,想做某件事做好,诀窍在于____,the trick is to___

溥妻15852962947问: “ The thrick is to be consistently you,at your best.试分析这个句子?
大同区合贝回答: 这个thrick是始终如一地保持自我,你最佳的自我

溥妻15852962947问: do the trick -
大同区合贝回答: do the trick或 turn the trick To bring about the desired result.达到期望的目的 do [turn] the trick [俚]将困难工作做好; 达到预期目的.e.g.,His improvisation did the trick and saved the day.

溥妻15852962947问: 请问mind的用法是怎么用的 -
大同区合贝回答: ●mind的用法 n.头脑, 智力, 精神,情绪 vi.介意, 照顾, 留心, ▲Would/Do you mind+(sb's) doing...? Would you mind my/me smoking here? 回答: 不介意:No,not at all./No. Of course not 介意:I'd rather you didn't ...I'm sorry.../Sorry.../You'd ...

溥妻15852962947问: mean的意思 -
大同区合贝回答: 形容词 a. 1.吝啬的,小气的[(+about/over/with)] Her husband is very mean about money. 她的丈夫在金钱上很吝啬. 2.卑鄙的,心地不好的[(+to)] That was a mean trick! 那是一个卑劣的诡计! 3.【美】【口】脾气暴躁的,难驾驭...

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