
作者&投稿:莫樊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

he was deeply loved and esteemed by the officers and men as well as the mon people. However,he did not claim credit for himself and bee arrogant,although he held a high post,manding a big army,and had rendered outstanding service in defending the county. He was not only poli...

求PSP版DEF JAM Fight for NY的秘籍或攻略
GONBETRUBL Lil' Bro by Ricbyobyche KIRKJONES Man Up by Sticky Fingaz RESPECT Move by Public Enemy POWER Original Gangster by Ice T SIEZE Sieze the day by Bless CARTAGENA Take a look at my life by Fat Joe MILITAIN Anything Goes by CNN PUMP Walk with...

英语短文do you know that when a storm is getting clo
" police spokesman Fred Enanga t old reporters. He said the su spects had been found with "explosive materials related to acts of terror" and their intentions "were very, very clear." 1 militants 激进分子,好斗分子( militant 的名 词复数 ) 参考例句: The milita nts have been s...

hire 英 [ˈhaɪə(r)] 美 [haɪr]1、动词 vt.雇用;聘用;租用;录用 vi.受雇;得到工作 例:We had to hire maids through an agency.我们得通过中介雇用女佣。2、名词n.租金;酬金,工钱;[非正式用语] 被雇佣的人 例:The boy is worth his hire because he is...

多建些房子,以供人口的供应。(如果是匈奴的话就把建房子的木材攒起来,一个房子30,能攒不少)。 一开始不要兵营,也不要太高的科技等稳好木,食后在升封建和建兵营。 把采食和伐木的农民增加,把少量的农民开金和采矿(注:食物和木材一定稳好!!) 然后我就加少量的兵和防预工作,等资源...


When the sad news of the heath of General Li Guang reached the militaty camp,the officers and men of the whole army wept bitterly.西汉时候,有一位勇猛善战的将军,名叫李广,一生跟匈奴打过七十多次仗,战功卓著,深受官兵和百姓的爱戴。李广虽然身居高位,统领千军万马,而且是捍卫国度的...

When fighting, he charged at the head of his men,and ,when he gave the order,every soldier advanced bravely to engage in fighting,not fearing death. When the sad news of the heath of General Li Guang reached the militaty camp,the officers and men of the whole army wept bitterly.按图...

张承13281194112问: 动词+sb.+介词+the+身体某一部位是什么意思 -
乌审旗调经回答: 表示一人触碰别人某部位. 在句型动词 + sb. + 介词 + the + 身体某一部位中要用the,而不能用人称代词或不定冠词.例如: take sb. by the arm 抓住某人的手臂 hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸 hit sb. on the head 打某人的头 pat sb. on the shoulder ...

张承13281194112问: 英语中the+形容词或形容词组,表示名词性质吗? -
乌审旗调经回答: 英语中 the+形容词表示一类人,但只是一小部分形容词,并不是所有形容词都符合,比较常见的如下: the rich 富人 the poor 穷人 the old 老人the young 年轻人 the sick 病人the healthy 健康人 the unemployed 失业者 the strong 强者 the weak 弱者 ...

张承13281194112问: 是the+比较级还是a+比较级表示最高级的意思 -
乌审旗调经回答: a+ 比较级 如: I have never seen a better film than it before.【以前,我从没看过比这更好的电影】 =It's the best film that I have seen.

张承13281194112问: the+形容词/副词最高级+in/of...(比较范围) in或of分别在什么情况下选用呢? -
乌审旗调经回答: 一般来说,of后面跟人,in跟物 举例: 1. Monica is the tallest girl in the classroom. 教室是物的范围,用in 2. Monica is the tallest gril of the three. 比较范围是人,用of

张承13281194112问: ...(我参考书看的)这个限定词指的是哪些词?这个限定词一定要加么?还有什么时候用in什么时候用on?另一个 take+a/the+交通工具 ,其中a/the 网上五花... -
乌审旗调经回答:[答案] on/in+限定词+交通工具,这个限定词指的是a an the my/his等形容词性物主代词,或者名词所有格; in常常用于car、van等之前,而bus,plane train等常常用on. take+a/the+交通工具 ,其中a/the 必须加,要不视...

张承13281194112问: spend...doing与It takes sb sometime to do sth的用法有什么不同
乌审旗调经回答: 区别很简单: spend 的主语是“人” 而 take 的主语是物“it”<p>用两种都可以:</p> <p>I spent 7 days taking the military training.</p> <p>或 It took me 7 days to take the military training.</p>

张承13281194112问: 主语+take(s)+the+交通工具+to地点英语啥意思? -
乌审旗调经回答: 答:先看个例子:He took the train to HK. 这个英语句子的中文是:他乘坐火车去香港.这个句型表示:某人乘坐某种交通工具去某地.

张承13281194112问: 英语选择题 - - - medicine I take, the worse I seem to be. A: The little B: the more -
乌审旗调经回答: the+形容词比较级+...“译为越来越...” 此句的含义为,吃的药越多,我的病越重.

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