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( )man is coming.He is my father. A.a B.The 一定要说明原因。_百度...
很简单的。答案:【The】man is coming.He is my father.翻译;那个男人来了,他就是我的父亲。解析;the在这里特指我的父亲my father。注意;他肯定是指着某个人说的,所以要用特指。不懂再问,在线为你解答 【帮到你望及时采纳,你的10分满意,我们团队的无限动力】...

He is ___man and he lives___.解释句意并说明理由
C冠词用法。eight是元音开头用“an”He is __ an 80-year-old___man and he lives__himself.大意:他是一个80岁的老人,并且一个人生活。亲,请及时采纳!欢迎追问哈

he is是什么意思
双语例句:1、He is a very good man.他是个非常高尚的人。2、He is the human face of party politics.他是政党政治的标志性人物。3、He is so not the right person for you.他这个人绝对不适合你。4、He is working on a new novel.他正在写一部新小说。5、He is well on his way ...

“Old man as he is,……”还是“An old man as he is,……”_百度知...
这个是个倒装句,不应该用冠词an。此类型的句子应记住一个例子为好~~譬如:Child as he is,……

He is a___man. 选什么??A.straight B.straightly D. directly...

A man is known by the company he keeps.是什么意思?
A man is known by the company he keeps.一个人从他所交的朋友,就可以看出他的为人。A man may usually be known by the Books he reads as well as by the company he keeps; for there is a companionship of Books as well as of men; and one should always live in the Best ...

He is a man. 问句应该是什么?

为什么定语从句 The man who is reading a book 是错的
这个定语从句 The man who is reading a book 之所以是错的,是因为句子的结构不完整,这里主语是he man,定语为who is reading a book,缺少谓语,可以改成这样:The man who is reading a book is my English teacher.正在读书的那个男人是我的英语老师。能看明白么?欢迎交流。请采纳,谢谢支持...

A man is known by the company he keeps为什么是he keeps而不是his ke...
你可以这样理解,A man is known by the company (which\/that ) he keeps.所以不用his keep.一个人因他开的公司而被别人知道.这是定语从句,而且省略了定语代词。

he is a kind man.的句子结构?
He is a kind man,这句话是属于系表结构,其中he是主语,is是谓语,man是标语,kind是定语。

钱谦17629995665问: 请帮我分析一下这两个句子the man is in red who is my unclethe man is my uncle who is in red的区别 -
左云县济克回答:[答案] 是不是错了 the man who is in red is my uncle the man is my uncle who is in red 第一句是那个穿红色衣服的男人是我的叔叔. 第二句是那个男人是我的叔叔,他穿红色衣服. 前面一句强调穿红色衣服.后面一句强调是叔叔.

钱谦17629995665问: 选择题1.Who is the man - -----the green coat? C.with -
左云县济克回答: “俊狼猎英”团队为您解答. 你的答案是正确的. in+颜色,表示“穿什么颜色的衣服”,颜色前不用任何冠词;in+具体衣服,要用冠词the或a.祝你进步!

钱谦17629995665问: The man - -- - is wearing a red skirt【用who还是whose】 -
左云县济克回答:[答案] 用 who who 在定语从句中作主语 意思是:穿着红裙子的那个人

钱谦17629995665问: The man - -- - is wearing a red skirt【用who还是whose】 -
左云县济克回答: 用 who who 在定语从句中作主语 意思是:穿着红裙子的那个人

钱谦17629995665问: 连词成句 - red;is;uncle;in;man;sweater;my;the(.) -
左云县济克回答: The man in red sweater is my uncle.

钱谦17629995665问: the man,my brother,is in red.请问这句话有没有错? -
左云县济克回答:[答案] 没错 the man,my brother两个词并列表示同一意思作同一句子成分,叫同位语,在本句中作主语 译:这男人,我哥哥,穿红衣服.(这男人即我哥哥,我哥哥即这男人)

钱谦17629995665问: The man in red is a teacher in our school (对划线部分提问) -- - - the man - - -
左云县济克回答: The man in red (is a teacher in our school ) (what does )the man in red (do)

钱谦17629995665问: Who's the man in red?这句话什么意思?怎样回答?(A He's tall.B Sorry I don't know.C Yes,she is.) -
左云县济克回答: 那个穿红色衣服的人是谁? in加颜色表示穿某颜色的衣服 答复选 B对不起 我不认识

钱谦17629995665问: 英语翻译:那个穿红色T恤衫的男子是我的英语老师the man( )( )( )( )is my english teacher -
左云县济克回答: The man( in a red T-shirt ) is my English teacher.加油!不明白再问!如果对你有帮助,请采纳,谢谢!

钱谦17629995665问: Her uncle is the man in a red cap这是什么句型,涉及什么语法项目? -
左云县济克回答: Her uncle is the man in a red cap 句中主要用到了 in a red cap 这个定语来修饰the man句子主干就是 主系表 结构.

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