
作者&投稿:泰盾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

follow的用法是不是follow sb to do sth
4.追赶;追逐;追求 The dogs followed the fox.5.注视;密切注意 The cat followed every movement of the mouse.6.倾听7.听懂;领会 Do you follow me?8.听从;采用;信奉 Follow my advice.9.因...而产生 Disease often follows malnutrition.10.从事(职业等)不及物动词 vi.1.跟随 He leads; ...

fellow是名词n.男子; 小伙子, 家伙,同伴, 同志 eg:Her fellows share her interest in computers.她的同伴跟她一样对计算机感兴趣。follow是动词vt. & vi.跟随; 接着;遵照, 接受, 听从 eg:You go first, and I'll follow.你先去, 我随后就来。eg:Please follow me.请跟我来。

用法与例句: If you disregard the doctor's orders, a relapse will follow. 如果你不听从医嘱,病痛就会复发。 用法与例句: Though he disapproves of violence, it doesn't follow that he won't defend himself. To succeed is to come next after another in time or order, especially in planned ...

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:follow him,please 请跟他走 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。

He followed her out of the fair
是的 原因状语 he followed her 主谓宾都有了 而没有 follow ...out of 这样的短语 所以 out of fair 作状语 out of 意为 由于 fair 作名词 意为美好的事物 或美人 我不知道具体的语境 所以这句大概可以这样翻译 他因为她的美而跟着她。刚好手头有一本,那这个意思就显而易见了,上面为误解...

“跟我来”英文是:follow me 读音:英 ['fɒləʊ] 美 ['fɑlo]释义:1、vt. 跟随我;追求我;2、vi. 跟随我;接着;3、n. 跟随我;追随我;短语:1、Follow-me Print随行打印 2、Everybody Follow With Me大家走跟我 3、Follow Follow Me跟学我 4、follow-me ...

...the tower when a blind man came toward me. He kept

Parents have a legal obligation to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.父母有法律上的义务确保其子女受到适合其年龄的有效教育。responsibility n.职责,强调对后果要负责任的意思。His father is ill, and he has the responsibility of caring for...

___in a new land,he was described by his follow workers
这里是选B,Although lonely其实是Although he was lonely的省略 整个句子完整的是这样的Although he was lonely in a new land,he was described by his follow workers as a cheerful man,a man of friend nature,honest and modest.=He was described by his follow workers as a cheerful man,...

Listen and follow是什么意思?
Listen and follow 中文释义:听及跟读;听并跟随 英文发音:[ˈlɪsn ənd ˈfɒləʊ]例句:Watch your behavior, be calm, be polite, listen and follow the teacher, concentrate on the test, don't forget why you are here. Okay?注意你的行为...

扈志18846208310问: 帮我解决个英语选择题啦!谢 I send you 100 dollars today,the rest_____in a year. -
荔湾区新雪回答:[选项] A. follows B. followed C. to follow D. being follow

扈志18846208310问: 英语 年份前加the -
荔湾区新雪回答: 一般说in year 2009,不用大写,也不用加the.只有强调这一年份的时候,可以加the,例如 The year 2010 witnessed Expo in Shanghai.

扈志18846208310问: "the"在英语中的用法 -
荔湾区新雪回答: the是一个很难学的定冠词,但也能掌握: 1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子. 2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 Open the door, please. 请把门打开. 3. 用以复述上...

扈志18846208310问: 英语时间是the year加数字还是years加数字 -
荔湾区新雪回答: 1. 表示几年,数字+years,例如:5 years2. 表示哪一年,直接说数字,例如: in 2014 在2014年

扈志18846208310问: the next year 前面是加in吗 -
荔湾区新雪回答: 前面可以加in也可以不加in,举例1. 加in的情况 That's like building a brand-new airport in each U.S. state in the next year and a half. 这就像每个美国各州在未来一年半内建设一个全新的机场那样.But in the next year, he won her over. 但在第二年,他赢得了她的芳心.2. 不加in的情况 The brilliant show of color ends until the next year. 这场灿烂的色彩秀至此彻底结束,直到明年卷土重来.

扈志18846208310问: the+序数词+time 和the +序数词+year 前面分别用什么介词 -
荔湾区新雪回答: time前用介词at,year前用介词on.

扈志18846208310问: I send you 100dollars today ,the rest - in a year.A.follows B.followed follow D.being followed -
荔湾区新雪回答: 这句话的意思是:我今天先给你送去100美金,剩下的钱一年内还清. follow:跟随 这道题的重点是弄清主动被动,谁“跟随”谁.例如,{You follow me. 你跟着我}这句话中,我走在前头,你在后头跟着. 所以,A follow B.表明 B 站在前头,或...

扈志18846208310问: 请问 in the following years = in the years - --- - ---- - (同义句) 请各位帮帮忙吧 在线等. -
荔湾区新雪回答: in the following years = in the years _to___ _come____ ( 祝:学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!

扈志18846208310问: 请大家给做一下这首选择题!请给做一下这道选择题:Isendyou
荔湾区新雪回答: I send you 100 dollars today,the rest __C__ in a year. A.follows B.followed follow D.being followed 非谓语动词,所以用to follow,表示将来要完成的动作. the rest to follow in a year=the rest will be followed in a year

扈志18846208310问: I sent you 100 dollars today, the rest - -- - in a year. A. to follow B. follow -
荔湾区新雪回答: 这是一个省略句,说完整了就是:the rest is to follow the 100 dollars in a year.这里的to follow 是the rest 主动发生的动作,...

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