
作者&投稿:溥倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. follow 可解释【跟随 跟从】 直接加人称代词或人名 如: He followed her with anger. 他一脸怒气地跟着她。
2 可解释【服从 遵守】 后接名词 如: follow the rules 遵守规则
3 可解释【明白 领会】 后接名词 如: Your words are so profound that I can't follow (you). 你的话太深奥了,我不明白。
4 可解释【接在。。之后】 后接名词 如:Diseases often follow wars. 疾病总是紧接着战争的。
5 可解释【沿着】 后接名词 如:Follow this road and you'll meet him. 沿着这条路走,你会看见他的。
6 可解释【倾听】 后接名词 如:I follow his speech all the time. 我一直倾听着他的演讲。


1."follow "can only be used as verb , then obviously there's no keys to your question
2. when comes to your turn, i will tell you 这是翻译

fol.low follow的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [] KK音标发音: [] follow的词性: v.(动词) followed , following , follows follow的词性:及物动词) 1. To come or go after; proceed behind: 跟随:来,跟着;随后进行: 用法与例句: Follow the usher to your seat. 跟随招待员到你的座位上去 2. To go after in or as if in pursuit: 追赶:追赶,或好象追踪: 用法与例句: “The wrong she had done followed her and haunted her dream”( Katherine Anne Porter ) “她所做的错事追逐着她,出没于她的梦里”( 凯瑟琳·安妮·波特 ) 3. To keep under surveillance: 监视:置于监视下: 用法与例句: followed the suspect for a week before making the arrest. 进行逮捕前监视了嫌疑犯一周 4. To move along the course of; take: 沿着…前进:沿着…过程前进;采取: 用法与例句: We followed a path to the shore. 我们沿着这条路走向海滨 5. To go in the direction of; be guided by: 顺…方向;由…指引: 用法与例句: followed the sun westward across the plains; followed the signs to the monkey house. 顺着太阳向西穿过平原;顺着标记去猴子的巢穴 6. To accept the guidance, command, or leadership of: 听从:接受指引、命令和指导: 用法与例句: follow a spiritual master; rebels who refused to follow their commander. 跟随精神上的指导;拒绝听从命令的反叛者 7. To adhere to; practice: 坚持;实践: 用法与例句: followed the ancient customs of their people. 沿袭古代人们的风俗 8. To take as a model or precedent; imitate: 仿效:以…为榜样;仿效: 用法与例句: followed her new friends in everything they did; followed my example and resigned. 她模仿新交朋友做的每一件事;他仿效我的例子辞职 9. To act in agreement or compliance with; obey: 服从:行为与…一致或依从…: 用法与例句: follow the rules; follow one's instincts. 遵守规则;顺从直觉 10. To keep to or stick to: 依据或坚持: 用法与例句: followed the recipe; follow a diet. 依据食谱;坚持节制饮食 11. To engage in (a trade or occupation); work at. 从事:从事(某种商业和职业)工作 12. To come after in order, time, or position: 接着:按顺序、时间和位置发生: 用法与例句: Night follows day. 夜晚继白天后而来 13. To bring something about at a later time than or as a consequence of: 因…而起:随后导致…或产生结果: 用法与例句: She followed her lecture with a question-and-answer period. The band followed its hit record with a national tour. 她用一个问答的方式引起她的演讲。这支乐队通过全国巡回演出来创下了自己的记录 14. To occur or be evident as a consequence of: 是…必然的结果:出现或必然结果: 用法与例句: Your conclusion does not follow your premise. 你的结论不是你的前提的必然结果 15. To watch or observe closely: 观察,密切注视: 用法与例句: followed the bird through binoculars. 通过望远镜密切观察鸟类 16. To be attentive to; pay close heed to: 注意;密切注意: 用法与例句: too sleepy to follow the sermon. 太想睡以至于无法注意说教 17. To keep oneself informed of the course, progress, or fortunes of: 了解:使某人明白过程、进展和机会: 用法与例句: follow the stock market; followed the local teams. 了解证券市场;了解本地队的动向 18. To grasp the meaning or logic of; understand: 理解:抓住意义或逻辑性;明白: 用法与例句: Do you follow my argument? 你理解我的辩论吗? follow的词性: v.intr.(不及物动词) 19. To come, move, or take place after another person or thing in order or time. 随着:来,移动,在某人或某事之后按顺序或时间发生 20. To occur or be evident as a consequence; result: 结果产生:推断,其结果当然是;结果: 用法与例句: If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow. 如果你忽视自己的饮食,必然会遇到麻烦 21. To grasp the meaning or reasoning of something; understand. 理解:掌握某事的意义和推理;理解 follow的词性: n.(名词) 22. The act or an instance of following. 跟随:跟随的动作或例子 23. Games A billiards shot in which the cue ball is struck above center so that it follows the path of the object ball after impact. 【游戏】 随球:打台球时,使母球在击中目标球后继续滚动的一击 24. To move or proceed in unison or in accord with an example: 遵从,依照:协调地或遵照原例移动或操作: 用法与例句: followed along with the song. 伴随着歌曲 25. Sports To carry a stroke to natural completion after hitting or releasing a ball or other object. 【体育运动】 随球:打球或其它物体后,进行自然完成的一击 26. To carry an act, a project, or an intention to completion; pursue fully: 坚持到底:贯彻一个行动、项目或完成某项意图;全力追求: 用法与例句: followed through on her promise to reorganize the department. 把诺言贯彻到底,重新组建部门 27. To carry to completion; follow through on: 把…贯彻(干)到底:完成;继续执行: 用法与例句: followed up their recommendations with concrete proposals. 运用具体的建议把计划执行到底 28. To increase the effectiveness or enhance the success of by further action: 使更进一步,使更成功:通过进一步行动增加效果或提高成功性: 用法与例句: followed up her interview with a telephone call. 用电话进一步完成面试 follow的习惯用语 29. As will be stated next. Used to introduce a specified enumeration, explanation, or command. (所述):接着将作出说明。用来介绍特定的细目、解释和命令 30. To move straight ahead or in a direct path. 径直(而行):直着向前移或沿笔直的路径走 31. Informal To be guided by instinct: 【非正式用语】 由直觉指引: 用法与例句: had no formal training but became a success by following his nose. 没有经过正式的培训却凭直觉取得了成功 32. Games To play a card of the same suit as the one led. 【游戏】 跟牌:由一个人带头,跟一张同样的牌 33. To do as another has done; follow an example. 模仿:做别人已经做过的事;以…为例子 /习惯用语 follow的词源: 34. Middle English folowen 中古英语 folowen 35. from Old English folgian 源自 古英语 folgian 【近义词】 follow, succeed, ensue, result, supervene 36. These verbs mean to come after something or someone. 这些动词表示跟在某物或某人之后。 37. Follow, which has the widest application, can refer to coming after in time or order, as a consequence or result, or by the operation of logic: Follow 具有最广泛的用途,用来指按时间和顺序产生,或按逻辑操作的影响或结果: 用法与例句: Night follows day. 白天过后是晚上。 用法与例句: If you disregard the doctor's orders, a relapse will follow. 如果你不听从医嘱,病痛就会复发。 用法与例句: Though he disapproves of violence, it doesn't follow that he won't defend himself. To succeed is to come next after another in time or order, especially in planned order determined by considerations such as rank, inheritance, or election: 尽管他反对使用暴力,但这并不意味着他不保护自己。 Succeed 是一个接一个按时间或顺序产生, 尤其是按照如军衔、遗传或选举等考虑计划好的顺序: 用法与例句: “The son of a mandarin has no prescriptive right to succeed his father” (H.G. Wells). “高级官员的儿子没有法定的权力继承他的父亲: (H.G.威尔斯)。 用法与例句: The heir apparent succeeded to the throne. 法定继承人继承了王位。 38. Ensue applies to what follows something, usually as a consequence or by way of logical development: Ensue 指接着发生某事通常指作为结果是,或按逻辑发展方式发生: 用法与例句: If a forest fire cannot be extinguished, devastation is sure to ensue. 如果森林火灾不能被扑灭,灾害一定会随之发生。 39. Result implies that what follows is caused by what has preceded: Result 暗指已经发生过的事引起的结果: 用法与例句: Failure to file an income tax return can result in a fine. 不能提交收入税回报会导致罚款。 40. Supervene, in contrast, refers to the coming after of a thing that has little relation to what has preceded and that is often unexpected: Supervene 则相反地指一件事的发生与前面发生的事几乎没有关系,通常是不期望的: 用法与例句: “A bad harvest supervened. Distress reached its climax” (Charlotte Bront?). “极糟的收成接踵而来。悲痛达到了极点” (夏洛蒂·勃朗特) /参考词汇 follow的用法: 41. As follows (not as follow ) is the established form of the idiom, no matter whether the noun that precedes it is singular or plural: As follows (不是 as follow )是惯用语的构成形式, 而不管前面的名词是单数还是复数形式:

follow是什么意思 翻译
拓展:ollow可用于存在句型。其位置在there之后,主语之前,主谓倒装。2、follow可用于It follows that-clause结构,意思是“说明”“证明”。3、as follows是个惯用语,不管主语是单数还是复数,也不管使用何种时态,都用as follows。

if the god ollow ,i am glad to be your angel forever 是什么意思...

如果是ALLOW 是允许的意思

ollow your heart,but take your brain with you什么意思
Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.跟随你的心,但带着点心眼。

不加定冠词the,而当确切地表示某国或某时的法律时,前面要加定冠词。law引申还可表示规则,条例的意思。law还可作法学的意思,是不可数名词,一般情况下不加冠词。the law用于美国口语中,可表示执法者,警察,只用单数。the law还可作律师界的意思,ollow the law的意思是当律师。

can you feel it - Jean Roch 试听:http:\/\/\/v_show\/id_XMTU5NTA3MTI0.html 下载:http:\/\/\/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=can%20you%20feel%20it%A1%AAJean%20Roch

<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" \/> 这段代码告诉搜索引擎,整个页面都不要追踪,代码放到代码之间。<a href="http:\/\/\/" rel="nofollow">这里是锚文字<\/a> 这段代码意思是在超链接中加入rel="nofollow",告诉搜索引擎这个连接不要追踪。要想去掉nofollow标签,只要把...


黑帮老大交易的对白 中英文的都要
B:show me the moneyollow给我看钱 A:you first你先 it isB:follow you你先 A:fuck,ok,there it is, 我X,好吧,在这里 B;do you mind i take your heroin and you take nothing你介意我拿你的货不给钱吗?A;what?you son of a bitch,你说什么,你个XX的 BOM! BOM!B:Oh,...

晋源区17159111296: (1)follow的名词用法;(2)当到你的个,我会告诉你. -
陶爱再普:[答案] 1."follow "can only be used as verb ,then obviously there's no keys to your question 2.when comes to your turn,i will tell you 这是翻译

晋源区17159111296: (1)follow的名词用法;(2)当到你的个,我会告诉你. -
陶爱再普: 1."follow "can only be used as verb , then obviously there's no keys to your question2. when comes to your turn, i will tell you 这是翻译

晋源区17159111296: follow的名词形式是fellow吗? -
陶爱再普:[答案] fellow的意思: n. 家伙;朋友;同事;会员 adj. 同伴的,同事的;同道的 vt. 使…与另一个对等;使…与另一个匹敌 而follow: vt. 跟随;遵循;追求;密切注意 vi. 跟随;接着 n. 跟随;追随 二者毫无关系,可以用动名词following来表示follow的名词形式

晋源区17159111296: follow名词用法,专业进
陶爱再普: following是形容词~

晋源区17159111296: follow 的用法 -
陶爱再普: B 换一种表达方式,就是Silver is tile best conductor of electricity,followed by copper. 但是根据这个题,选B

晋源区17159111296: follow的用法是不是followsbtodosth -
陶爱再普: 在英语中 follow的意思是跟随的意思 vt.& vi.跟随,接着 vt.继承;(按时间、顺序等)接着;从事;采用 vi.理解;发生兴趣;由此产生;跟着人(或物)去(或来) n.追随,跟随;[台球]推球,跟球打法(使竿击的球在击中目的球后继续滚动的打法) 第三人称单数: follows 现在分词: following 过去式: followed 过去分词: followed follow sbto dosth的意思是跟随某人做某事.

晋源区17159111296: follow 用法 -
陶爱再普: 1.follow sb. to do sth. 2.bring about v. 使发生, 致使

晋源区17159111296: 关于follow的用法 -
陶爱再普: follow sb. to do sth. 一般没用【follow to do sth. 】

晋源区17159111296: follow中文是什么意思 -
陶爱再普: follow 英 [ˈfɒləʊ] 美 [ˈfɑ:loʊ] 释义: 1、vt.& vi.跟随,接着 2、vt.继承;(按时间、顺序等)接着;从事;采用 3、vi.理解;发生兴趣;由此产生;跟着人(或物)去(或来) 4、n.追随,跟随 词汇搭配: 1、follow a guide 跟随向导 2、follow...

晋源区17159111296: fellow 和 follow的意思 -
陶爱再普: fellow 英[ˈfeləʊ] 美[ˈfeloʊ] n. 同伴; 男子; (大学的) 研究员; (某些学院或大学的) 董事; adj. 同伴的; 同事的; 同类的; 同情况的; vt. 使…与另一个对等; 使…与另一个匹敌; follow 英[ˈfɒləʊ] 美[ˈfɑ:loʊ] vt. 跟随,接着; vt. 继承; (按时间、顺序等) 接着; 从事; 采用; vi. 理解; 发生兴趣; 由此产生; 跟着人(或物)去(或来);

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