
作者&投稿:权娄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

二、时态区别 1. no longer \/ not... any longer表示不再继续或再现过去某一时刻发生或存在而一直延续的动作 \/ 状态时,常用于过去时、现在时或将来时的句子中。如:He was no longer a thief. 他不再是小偷了。When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground. 如果没...

no more;no longer有什么区别
1. no more 侧重的是次数或者多少。 以后不再有第二次。与瞬时动词连用,表程度不再增加次数不再重复,eg: He smiled no more, after his wife You have tried several times and failed, you have no more longer侧重的是时间。与延续性动词或表示状态的词连用,表示时间...

No longer意思是“不再”,其确切含意为某状态在某个时刻之后不再继续下去了。所以,当你从学校毕业了,就可以说:I'm no longer a student.我不再是个学生了。有两个短语和no longer同义,即not…any longer和not…any more,但他们侧重的方面不同。前者侧重时间,比如:He no longer lives here...

no longer和no more的区别
no longer与no more的意义区别 longer中的longer是副词long的比较级,long有after a certain point of time(在某一时刻以后)之意,着重表示时间的不再延续,意为"如今不再".no longer等于not...any more中的more是many \/ much的比较级,more有again之意,着重表示数量或程度的减...

at a country in france,there was a little elepha
garden, tore off a branch of tree, returned to the room and shook the branch over the head of the young man who stabbed it with his fork. In a moment he was covered with the ants that had fallen from the branch. The ants filled his hair and ran down his neck. He did...

no longer和no more的区别
no longer和no more 都有“不再”的意思,有时可互换,但它们有用法有点不同。1、no longer =not ...any longer 着重表示时间或距离上的“不再”。2、no more=not ... any more 着重表示数量或程度上的“不再”。如:1). He is no longer afraid of dogs .=He isn't afraid of ...

no more;no longer有什么区别
no more和no longer的区别:读音不同、意思不同、用法不同 一、读音不同 more读音:英 [nəʊ mɔː(r)]     美 [noʊ mɔːr] longer读音:英 [nəʊ 'lɒŋɡə(r)]     美 [noʊ 'l&#...

no longer和no more的区别
He no longer works\/lives here.=He doesn't live\\work here(表示过去在这里工作\\住,现在不在这里工作\\住).2。no more还可表数量上" 和... 一样不..."常和than 连用,no longer 不行。A whale is no more a fish than an elephant.(a whale ,a elephaht都不是鱼)It's no more ...

3 I think it is a sleeping lion;4 we are in class1 and I can't see kangaroos.四。1 The monkeys are eating bananas.2 Is the mother elephant walking with her baby?3 What are birds doing in thye sky?4 Where are the fish swimming?五。1.climber 2.doesn't 3 him 4 ...

二、时态区别 1. no longer \/ not... any longer表示不再继续或再现过去某一时刻发生或存在而一直延续的动作 \/ 状态时,常用于过去时、现在时或将来时的句子中。如:He was no longer a thief. 他不再是小偷了。When there is no gravity, our feet no longer stay on the ground. 如果没...

朱新19313255832问: There is () elephant there. Near ()elephant there is () tall tere. -
句容市信康回答: 选择C 因为elephant是以元音字母开头,表示一个时要用an.由于前面提到了这个大象,我们要表示这个的意思的时候可以用the 另外tall不是元音字母开头,之前也没提及,所以可以直接用a

朱新19313255832问: the +单数名词与 直接用名词复数表示泛指的用法大象也吃点水果. The elephant also eats a little fruit. 老虎抓许多种动物为食. Tigers catch many kinds of ... -
句容市信康回答:[答案] 都表示类别. A horse is a useful tool. Horses are useful tools. The horse is a useful tool.

朱新19313255832问: ( )elephant is bigger than ( )horse. -
句容市信康回答: C 翻译:大象比马大 解析:表示一个物种 种类时,可以在该名词前加 a/ an /the 或者使用复数 the elephant /an elephant 指大象这个种类,不过后者泛指大象中的一个.此题目than连接并列结构,前后要一致,因此前后要不都是the ,要是都是不定冠词 a/an 所以选择C 如有疑问,请追问.无疑后请采纳.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟.-----------与君共勉-----------

朱新19313255832问: the elepheants is big.这句话哪个单词错了? -
句容市信康回答: The elephants are big. Is 变成 are 否则就是把elephants的s删掉, The elephant is big.

朱新19313255832问: 阅读理解 The elephant is the largest living land animal and one of the cleverest and yet people can easily catch elephants. Elephants cannot see anything ... -
句容市信康回答:[答案] 答案: 解析: A.B;C;D;A of all ; voice if(whether) ;zoo film(video)

朱新19313255832问: 选择题.The elephant is - --heavier than the mo -
句容市信康回答: 选B 三个选项中只有much能修饰比较级.

朱新19313255832问: ._____elephant is bigger than - ____ - horse. -
句容市信康回答:[选项] A. /,/ B. an,a C. An,a D. /,the 为什么选C 难道elephant is bigger than horse.

朱新19313255832问: The elephant is - ----(heavy) than the tiger. Who gets up - ---(early ) than you in your family. -
句容市信康回答: The elephant is heavier (heavy) than the tiger. Who gets up earlier (early ) than you in your family.

朱新19313255832问: The elephant is - __ - big - __ - go through the door .A.not only ;but also B.both;and;that D.too;toCould you tell me - __ - it will rain tomorrow?A.that B.what ... -
句容市信康回答:[答案] D C B D countless elder succeeded

朱新19313255832问: the elephant 与 elephants有什么区别? -
句容市信康回答:[答案] the elephant 可以泛指大象也可以特指大象 elephants 只能泛指大象

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