
作者&投稿:藤婉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

coconut[英][ˈkəʊkənʌt] [美][ˈkokəˌnʌt, -nət]生词本 简明释义 n.[植]椰子;[植]椰肉 复数:coconuts 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 1.N-COUNT椰子A coconut is a very large nut wi...

关于食物和饮料的英语单词:bread面包、coconut椰子、grape葡萄、milk牛奶、tea茶。一、bread 英[bred] 美[brɛd]n. 面包; 食物; 营养,营养物; 生计;vt. 在…上撒面包屑;[例句]There is more fibre in wholemeal bread than in white bread.全麦面包纤维含量比白面包高。[其他]第...

FLOWERS and coconut leaves are daily necessities in balinese life花和椰叶,为巴厘人生活中不可或缺的素材。mocha是什么意思:n. 上等咖啡,摩卡咖啡a. 用咖啡调味的For me it's a peppermint mocha latte. 对我来说那就是一杯薄荷飘香摩卡拿铁。He brings me in now and sits me down in ...

椰子[yē zi][coconut palm;coco] 椰子树的果实,是由外层为纤维的壳组成的,提供椰子皮纤维和内含可食厚肉质的大坚果,果新鲜时,有清澈的液体,叫做椰汁 所以翻译He wants a coconut

海南英国旅游景点介绍英语 海南旅游景点英文介绍
while Xixiu Beach is where the National sailing and windsurfing teams train and hold competitions.The downtown area of the city has an excellent environment with streets lined with coconut palms. Here there are modern and convenient public transport facilities and all that is best in ...

John Kennedy did use the Resolute, and his desk included a very special coconut paperweight. While he was serving in WW2 as commander of the PT109, his boat was hit by a Japanese destroyer and his crew was stranded in the Solomon Islands. Lieutenant John F. Kennedy carved this...


3. He sent a basket of exotic fruit and a card.他

1、西瓜watermelon; melon; tsama 2、桃子peach 3、橘子tangerine; mandarin 4、苹果apple 5、梨pear 6、芒果mango 7、菠萝pineapple 8、香蕉banana; pisang 9、樱桃cherry; prunus pseudocerasus 10、草莓strawberry 11、葡萄grape 12、柠檬lemon 13、猕猴桃kiwi fruit; kiwi berry; Actinidia sinensis 14...


诸葛红18240151395问: 动词+sb.+介词+the+身体某一部位是什么意思 -
西林区依诺回答: 表示一人触碰别人某部位. 在句型动词 + sb. + 介词 + the + 身体某一部位中要用the,而不能用人称代词或不定冠词.例如: take sb. by the arm 抓住某人的手臂 hit sb. in the face 打某人的脸 hit sb. on the head 打某人的头 pat sb. on the shoulder ...

诸葛红18240151395问: 是the+比较级还是a+比较级表示最高级的意思 -
西林区依诺回答: a+ 比较级 如: I have never seen a better film than it before.【以前,我从没看过比这更好的电影】 =It's the best film that I have seen.

诸葛红18240151395问: 求英文家乡介绍我是山东烟台的,请大家帮忙写个英文的家乡介绍谢谢 -
西林区依诺回答:[答案] My hometown YanTai is a beautiful place.It lies in the east of Shandong Province.It surrounded by green mountains.There is no heavy traffic in YanTai,and the air here is very fresh.So we can often breathe fresh air in YanTai. In the past my hometown was...

诸葛红18240151395问: 描写天气的 It+动词 The…………is+形容词 名词作主语 There be a……………… -
西林区依诺回答: It rains The weather is fine There are a lot of cloud in the sky with no sun

诸葛红18240151395问: There+is+a+monkey+in+the+tree与A+monkey+is+in+the+t
西林区依诺回答: “哪里有...”是用TB句型(Therebe的简称)的.语法上第2句有问题,应当用Themonkeyisinthetree.

诸葛红18240151395问: The word “coconut” is an example of(). - 上学吧
西林区依诺回答: 答案是: The coconut is big.☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

诸葛红18240151395问: is,big,the,coconut(?)造句 -
西林区依诺回答: .Is the coconut big?第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!

诸葛红18240151395问: too/so/how+形容词+a+名词的用法 -
西林区依诺回答: He is so good a boy that we like him.too+形容词+a+名词+ to do He is too young a baby to dress himself.=He is to young to dress形容词+a+名词= what + a +形容词+名词 How fine a day it is!=What a fine day it is!

诸葛红18240151395问: so+adj./adv+that such +a(n)+(adj)+n.+that so+adj+a(n)+n. such+(adj)+n.+that so+many/much/lit -
西林区依诺回答: 表示“如此....以至...”1. so + adj./adv. + that 例句:He was so excited that he jumped. 他高兴得跳了起来!2. such+a(n)+(adj.)+n. + that 例句:He is such a nice person that we all like him. 他人很好,大家都喜欢他.3. such+(adj.)+n.(...

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