
作者&投稿:鲁姬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

连词成句 These ,are, a, good, hats, at, very, price
These hats are at a very good price.

but unfortunate pirates. He himself became a chieftain of the slaves. But He was good at facial police, the robber quickly trust relaxed his guard. He took the opportunity to escape, and took a *** all black slaves Sadachi. 10 days at sea to flee, he was rescued by a sh...

mr. smith's clothes store
Mr.Smith's Clothes Store is on sale on.We sell pants,hats,socks at a very good price.We have red and blue pants.The price of red pants is twenty dollars and the price of blue pants is thirty dollars.We also sell hats and every hat is sold at fifteen dollars.A pair of...

it up to you什么意思
由你决定 ,取决于你。例句:Let s talk when you sober up.让我们在你清醒的时候来谈.Its up to you to fill it.如何填满它是你自己的事 其他 1.It is up to you.随你便.2.It is up to you to decide.这事由你定夺.3.It is up to you to break the news to him.该由你把这个...

hats 不同 为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

They do(改为are) in Class 2.My hats(加上are) grey.Come or(改成to) see my car.It's a fine tie.(没有错,如果一定要改,就把fine改成good)Who 's car is it.(改成问号)

Before gold, even kings take off their hats.有钱能使鬼推磨。 Beggars cannot be choosers.饥不择食。 Beggars must be no choosers.饥不择食。 Behind bad luck comes good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福。 Be honest rather clever.诚实比聪明更要紧。 Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle.随遇...

2.Nineteen (十九) boys are in the room.句型转换 1.The boy likes English.(一般疑问句)Does the boy like English?2.This T-shirt is too small for me.(反义句)This T-shirt is too large \/ big for me.3.These, are, a ,good, hats, at ,very,price(连词成句)These hats are...

日常英语口语对话有很多,例如 Rachel,youareoutofmyleague你跟我不是同一类人2、Youaresocute.你真好\/真可爱你还在为学习英语口语发愁吗?朋友给我推荐了一家在线英语培训机构学习英语口语挺不错的,分享他们的免费试听课给大家:【点击免费领取试听课】为什么要选择阿卡索学习口语呢?1.首先,我们的师资...

英文演讲 让世界更美好
It is that time of year when famous people put on baggy black capes and peculiar hats in order to hold forth on university lawns to thousands...They need to know the truth: that you can either do a big job and try to change the world, or you can be a good father and husband. ...

天波19329232710问: thats good是什么意思 -
呼兰区西维回答: 那不错

天波19329232710问: that's++a+good+exercise的句式错在哪儿 -
呼兰区西维回答: 应改为That's good exercise.那是很好的锻炼.exercise作为“锻炼\”讲时,是不可数名词,前面不能用a修饰.

天波19329232710问: thats good.. just follow your dreams.什么意思? -
呼兰区西维回答: 那很好```如你所愿

天波19329232710问: oh,thatsgood.的中文翻译 -
呼兰区西维回答: Oh , that's good 很好 那就好 那好啊 例句: Oh, that's a good news 哦,那是一个好消息! 希望帮到你哦

天波19329232710问: really?thatsgood是什么意思 -
呼兰区西维回答: really [ 5riEli ] adv.真正地, 实在地, (表语气)真的吗?

天波19329232710问: oh♂thats good~ -
呼兰区西维回答: 应该是 Oh, that's good,that's 是that is 的紧缩形式,意思是 “呵,那太好了”.

天波19329232710问: “好主意”的英文怎么写? -
呼兰区西维回答: good idea 好主意,好想法;妙计idea 英 [aɪ'dɪə] 美 [aɪ'diə] n. 想法;主意;概念 good 英 [gʊd] 美 [ɡʊd] adj. 好的;优良的;愉快的;虔诚的 n. 好处;善行;慷慨的行为 adv. 好 n. (Good)人名;(英)古德;(瑞典)戈德 扩展资料 同近义...

天波19329232710问: 动词ing+is+as+good还是well -
呼兰区西维回答: 不能一概而论. 动名词就既可以表示行为能力,当也可以表示行为状态/过程.当它倾向于名词特征时,应该和形容词 good 搭配;如果倾向于动词特征时,应该用与副词 well 搭配. 例如: ~His writing is as good as his handwriting. 他的写作和书法一样好.~Staying late into the night does not as well as both going to bed and getting up early. 熬夜不如早睡再起.

天波19329232710问: not+that+good中that是什么意思 -
呼兰区西维回答: 等于not so good 整个句子的意思是:没那么好 that可以理解为:那么

天波19329232710问: 是不是一般 the加best,a加good? -
呼兰区西维回答: 1. good 后面跟可数名词单数的时候,前面要加 a ,如:A good book on coffee. 2. best 作为good最高级的时候,一般前面加 the ,如:The best books on coffee. 3. best 作为well最高级的时候,其前面的the 一般省略 ,如:I like coffee (the)best . ...

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